First Auto Grow in a Bloombox

What I am trying to do is plant 5 seeds at a time. I have a bloom box and a BCNL roommate as well. I am hoping to put the 3 NL in the bloom box and the 2 BB in the roommate. I am hoping that there will be enough room in each chamber so that the yield is not hampered.

I've found with these boxes that less is more! Less plants gives the ones that you DO have, more space to grow, fight less plants for nutrients, and is just easier to manage. All these factors will give you a much larger yield than stuff both boxes with plants
Hey Greenthumb,
Yeah I am really hoping that my eyes weren't too big for my stomach here by planting a total of 5 seeds.
Ok guys, I have some serious plant issues going on and I am not 100% on the problem. Please help out.
could you take some more pictures?

sorry i haven't seen an update in awhile, what kind of nutes you using with the bloombox?

looks like you are seeing a nitrogen deficiency, but if you are late enough into flowering with your auto's, it could just be the plant using up its stored nitrogen in its leaves, which will turn them yellow and they will die and fall off. this is perfectly normal.

How many days from germination, and how many days since you've started seeing pistils?
Here's some more of what's going on. Day 43 since germ.
I'm using RO water and Cal.Mag although I forgot the Cal/mag a few times. Also using iguana juice lightly. They were yellowing like they needed more so I added a bit more and now I have this. I just hope to harvest.
I don't have any experience with Advanced Nutriet brand of nutrients, but I find one part formulas are hard to correct deficiencies as you aren't able to add more of a certain element to get things back to the proper ratios.

I would suggest General Hydroponics 3 part flora series. Very effective an very widely used!
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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