First grow, 6-8 weeks in, having some problems - please help


New Member
Hi and thank you for dropping in. This is my first grow and is more so of a practice grow to get an idea how to grow cannabis. The plant was growing strong and healthy without any dying leaves up to the 5th week till I had to leave for a week long vacation, when I returned about 6 leaves had died and the plant had started to preflower on every branch with full 24 hour light, (i thought cannabis does not preflower till 12/12?) the roots had gotten root bound in the quarter gallon pot so I transplanted into a 2 gallon pot the 6th week. Every day since I returned the bottom leaves on every branch have been slowly yellowing and dying, I'm having trouble pinpointing the source of the problem, the soil I added to the 2 gal pot was .022% N Miracle grow brand from Home Depot (not the best I know) but I did not have a problem with the soil early on in the grow room. Temp is 78F ph is 7. The plant is in a closet without any fans door closed 12 hours a day. I decided to scrog once I came back, lights are still on for full 24 hours 3800 lumen per cfl 2500k Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Was someone watering them for you while u were gone? Almost looks like they're overwatered.

As for the flowers, a pistil here and there at the nodes is fairly normal on a mature plant however it appears you have a full blown autoflower there.
wow 2 gallons of water? Thats way to much. The size of the pot looks like it would only need 1 water bottle of 500ml of water and shell be fine. As long as she is in that size pot thats all she needs. Also your having a huge phosphorus deficiency all that purpling and blue spots on the leaves is a forsure sign. Way to much bloom nutes. Hopefully the over watering rinsed the extra phosphorus out. Your good on Nitrogen though.
To avoid your plants from becoming root bound plan accordingly. The general rule is 1 gallon to every foot/month of growth. If I figure that I need about 3 months for my grow I want at least a 3 gallon pot.

As for the miracle grow, your going to have a headache because of those time released nutrients. You'll notice on most MG packaging they advertise "feeds plants up the 3 months." This is because they pack their soils with time released nutrients that make your job of determining whats needed or not needed all that much harder--you may not have added anything for 2 weeks but your soil is releasing stuff periodically. If MG is the only thing available I would look for their organic line or at least something w/out that time released crap in it for the future.

Another thing to consider is that having a PH of 7 is right on the border of being acceptable. I shoot for 6.8 in soil because most meters have a small margin of error and this helps keep me in the nutrient happy place.

Most plants can recover from over watering within a few days once the situation is corrected.
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