First Grow 9L x 9W x 6.5H Room

Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

I agree with Canna, I think you will have alot better results with less foliage, I like my clones to be be longer than most, but I keep the foliage down to 2 to 4 leaves with the tips cut off. Good job though!
Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

never smoked it but i have heard of it pleny of times. it usually gets top dollar.supposed to be killer. never grown it either but i def would give it a run. should be good to grow outside as well even if you live up north.

What's going on bro!:tokin:been lurking on your thread for a little bit, eager to see another hindu kush grow! i've got two ladies going right now myself and what I can tell you is they don't need much. as far as the smoke I love it! it is my aboslute favorite strain, next to diesel, i ended up saving a few seeds over the years and here i am finally growing it.

which brings me to my next point, i've been growing these girls under the most limiting conditions, i have 1 150hps and 1 105w cfl supplement i'm using dna bloom A and B and that's it bro, i water about once a week and don't mess with anything else, (this is all due to temporary financial restrictions,) my past grows were a bit more anbitious

But without boring you to death, i guess the point i'm trying to make is lay off the ladies just a tad, let them do their thing, it's a very resilient strain that doesn't require a lot of extra anything, i'm using bs organic choice soil as well. so just try not to over do it and watch your garden explode, best of luck amigo. i'll be watching to see how everything turns out:goodluck:
Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

hey guys! thanks for the posts. Sorry about the lack of activity but I have been so super busy with work and family.

Here is a little update, i started flowering 2 AK47s, 2 Hindu kush, I mystery Nirvana seed and 1 kannabia la blanca (autoflower) on March 20 so they have been flowering under the 1000w for 24 days now.

The nugs are looking awesome! This is my first time so i don't really know if its going great or subpar but I think I am doing OK.

The smell starting last week is getting REALLY BAD! i went and bought a charcoal filter for my exhaust system and the outgoing air OUT of the house doesn't smell like marijuana at all! I put a couple bounty sheets with febreeze in the duct work and it just smells like the laundry is going.

The smell IN the house is still a problem, i am working on sealing the room even better and hopefully that will help, the weather is getting nicer so I open some windows a crack.

I will be posting pictures shortly, the calyxes (white hairs?) on the autoflower are starting to turn to brown, the others are all still white. I heard the autoflower yeilds a lot quicker. I bought a 30x magnifier but I will also need your guys help on when to chop these babies and when to stop giving them nutes.

So if i started flowering around march 20th, most should be ready around may 20th correct? This whole process has been quite rewarding, I am learning lots.. hopefully I make it to the end without getting busted LOL..
Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

OK I solved the odour problem with a nice INLINE fan and carbon filter + some ducting.

Here are the pictures I promised. I am on day 39 since i switched to 12/12. So they are in their 5th week of flowering.

I have been watering nutrient water once a week and plain r/o water once a week. I alternate between nutrient watering and fresh water.

Now that week 6 is coming up should I be changing my nutrient schedule at all ?

Also, the autoflower strain looks farther along then the other strains, buds on that one look sweet! bought a nice loupe today and am gonna go look at the pistils closely.

Would really love some advice on how to finish up my first grow! THANKS GUYS!!



Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room




The grow light makes everything red.

I need your guys help, this is my first crop and i am on day 43 of flowering. These strains say they should take 56-63 days until ready.

I look at trichomes under microscope and there are ALOT and they are clear.

When should I stop giving them nutrient solution w water and switch to just plain water??

At a certain day or when the trichomes start to turn cloudy ? then how long should I use plain water for and how often.... Need some help w the end game here.

What works for you guys and how am I doing ?
Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

Your ladies are looking superb!! +reps bro, and as far as harvest, you're still about 3 weeks away. I've made many a mistake in the past of harvesting faaaaar too early, trust me when I say you have at LEAST 3 more weeks, then flush for a week, 24hrs of darkness follows and the next day harvest. Still use your scope and check your tricks, when they are about 50-75% amber is a good time to pull'em.

Try and keep your humidity under 50% to avoid any mold growth as well, and also about the trichs, the more clear trichs the more of a cerebral trippy kinda of high is what you'll experience, the more amber, the more narcotic couch lock, i can't feel my legs kind of high is what you'll get. hope that answered your questions!
Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

"at LEAST 3 more weeks, then flush for a week, 24hrs of darkness follows and the next day harvest"

Thanks man, that's what I really needed to hear specifically. I agree, I am anywhere from 2-4 weeks away with my plants. I'll take your advice and flush for the last week before I chop.

The only other question is: My plants need a good watering every 3-4 days and I have been using Nutes EVERY OTHER watering, should I be doing this or give them nutes (bloom) every watering Except for the flush week obviously? Should I be tapering down the amount of nutrients I give for the last 2-3 weeks before flush?

I ask this because my plants don't really have any signs of nute burn... so maybe I could be giving them more nutes for a greater yield OR is it best just to give nutes every other watering?

Thanks for all the help because I don't think i would be doing nearly as well without all the support online

Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

Well from personal experience, i've watered with nutes every other feeding and that was fine, this current grow i'm on, I give them nutes with every watering and they seem to be asking for more. no signs of nute burn at all, as a matter of fact i'm giving them a tsp more than the label says.

I guess what i'm trying to say is that even within the same strain, you will have different phenotypes which may have a different set of requirements. I would go with every feeding and watch her closely, if she's looking like she hand handle it, then give it to her "duro, duro" lol sorry, the hispanic in me forces me to type in spanglish at times. but in any event, i'd up her dosage and see if she can handle it. trial and error is the best way friend!
Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

Yes I agree, Since I was new I was told to take it easy on the nutes and let nature take its course. Now that I have make mistakes and know what to look for I will up the dosage and look for signs. I suppose the more nutes the strain handle without side effects, the bigger the yeild will be.

Another question I had was: I know you flush with plain water but I have read a couple articles on people using Molasses? Do you use this technique and is it beneficial or Hooey ?

You only mentioned keep in dark for 24 hours then harvest. Do you like to cut the whole plant down and hang the entire plant for a couple days then cut up? Or start cutting and trimming right away ? Just wondering how long the actual drying/curing process takes.
Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

Yes, I've heard molasses is the "new craze" the reason it's used is it adds a form of sugar/carb that the plant can absorb and should enable it to increase it's rate of growth, I don't do it bc I just don't care to honestly I may try it down the road, but I figure i'm already using nutes that give me what I want, i'm not messing with my regimen.

I cut branch by branch and hang each individually in the cardboard box my hps light came in using paper clips and bent wire hangers, works fine, one thing I can advise against is do not i reapeat DO NOT use any quick dry methods just so you can smoke, it will deteriorate the shit out of the bud. just wait, keep them hung upside down for about a week or so in complete darkness, then put ( i trim before I do this and save the leaves for tea) in a mason jar to cure if you like, i've smoke bud cured and not cured and quite frankly the only difference if find is the taste, cured bud tastes oh so much smoother, but the choice is yours grasshoppa:Rasta:
Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

Hell ya Pericodaking!
Just a heads up this Hindu kush, AK47 and couple mystery strains really reak now coming up to 6-7 weeks. I gotta keep the exhaust fan running 24/7 with carbon filter so my wife doesn't kill me!

I peeped your thread and congrats on the new purchases, will only help you hone your craft further, good job.
Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

Most of the plants in the flower room have been there for around 50 days, around 7 weeks.
This is my first time flowering so the sporadic sizes of plants, different strains, different phenotypes is because I was simply trying to figure out if I had girls or not. I flowered a clone from each of my mothers and also flowered 2 mothers which are around 4 weeks.



The plants in the bigger pots are clearly growing much bigger! The huge mother at the back (1st picture) has been flowering for only 4 weeks but is massive! Those black 4.5 gallon buckets are what I think i am going to stick with in the next proper grow. I think maybe do 6 under the 1000 watt with the space I have? I've had the ballast running on the SUPERLUMEN mode for the last 3-4 days and exhaust fan running none stop, the bud plumping is impressive every time i visit (approx. once a day in morning).

I moved 3 male plants up to the attic and forgot about them for a bit... When i went to discard them, it was a SHIT SHOW! as soon as i moved the plants the slightest bit there was pollen (I'm assuming) EVERYWHERE. I learned my lesson, just get rid of them, I don't know what i was thinking?? genetic experiments? I was just too busy with real life.

Here are some cool pics i took with the loupe and camera. The trichomes in these pics are quite clear and were taken 3 days ago. I went down today and 2 of the plants trichomes are cloudy as hell, looks like someone dumped a bunch of sugar on it.



I cut a tiny bud off the bottom of a plant that was the farthest along. I trimmed it up and left it in a cardboard box for 2 days. I didn't smoke all day today for the sole purpose of testing it out. I smoked a tiny bowl and i am pretty fucking baked man. The bud was still quite dank and the bowl was a tad harsh, I just couldn't wait. The bud was from a Nirvana seed bank, Mystery indoor strain? The quality of the high is A+, i am very surprised and was not expecting this.


I'm pretty happy but have to admit getting paranoid. I'm gonna get my clones ready for outdoor and do maybe one more indoor grow and shut it down. I don't know if its worth the risk.

I hope to see some amber trichomes soon... I guess keep flushing with plain water on the 7 weeks ones until their done?? just going by the seat of my pants and what I read on here. I am a hobbyist by nature, I've had fish tanks, house plants, collections ect... but this is by far the most rewarding and scary lol

Peace :slide:
Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

way to go my man, that's what I like to hear, reaping the benefits of what you sowed!! as far as your paranoia, remember just don't say nothing to nobody, I mean nothing, the only people that should know about your grow are you, and whatever God you serve. that's it, unless you live in a area that aren't uptight pricks about people obtaining medicine, because that IS what it is, medicine.
Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

So one of the plants looks really swollen, the pistils are about 80% brown and the trichomes are about 20% amber as of today. I was thinking about chopping this plant down on Sunday (2 days from now). If I do this, this plant would've flowered for 8 weeks and 1 day. The other plants don't look as ready as this one.

My plan was to cut the plant, cut off all the big fan leaves and hang it for 5-7 days and then do some more trimming. Are the buds smoke able at this point or should I really put them in mason jars and let them cure for 1-4 weeks?

Any input on the end game would be appreciated. I have read lots and watched several videos, I'm not totally out to lunch but just never done it before and would love to know how you guys finish up your harvest. How long would you wait to smoke it or be an acceptable product.
Re: First Grow 9Lx9Wx6.5H Room

Ok so something pretty substaintial happened today.

I didn't get to go down to my garden for 2 days and when I checked them today the mystery nirvana plant was ready to chop BUT all 3 AK47 for showed signs of hermie.

Is this strange to show hermie at week 8 of flowering? I seen some balls here and there, seen 2 that had opened and found 2 semi-developed seeds. I chopped one AK47 and moved 2 up to the attic to finish under sunlight?? They are week 8 but I feel like they could defintely plump up more and become more crstally like the nirvana.

Dunno how else to handle this situtation, the kush plants don't look affected... They are the only ones left in flower room now...

Very interesting events. Anyone have similar experiences or have useful advice for me?

I know for a fact the person who gave me the ak47 strain also experinced hermie but it happened to himn around week 3-4 of flowering. Should I consider getting rid of this strain?
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