First outdoor grow

Oh no, I just planted 5 WW in the same pots, and things were going so good.
You can look back in this thread. Mine did fine in those pots. They made it all the way to needing to be up potted with no real problems. I'm sure you will be just fine in them for now.
I think yours are growing tall because the amount of sun their getting. Which is plenty just not full sun. Causes them to reach for it. I have the same situation This is the first year Ive tried stress training and all is well. The cages are nice because I can bend under and open the middle. I pinched and bent branches. This pic here is 2 weeks ago and I will take another soon and post. Their monsters!! First time im using ALL the FF nutes as instructed by their schedule. Again, Im no expert at this but do good.
I was thinking of it, I will have to see how things go for me as I am quite disabled but I can do pics on my phone. Thanks for the info I will be asking many questions as I dont know too much about the growing and terminology, so hope you dont mind.
I was thinking of it, I will have to see how things go for me as I am quite disabled but I can do pics on my phone. Thanks for the info I will be asking many questions as I dont know too much about the growing and terminology, so hope you dont mind.
That's perfectly fine. I'm no pro but I have done a ton of research and have muddled my way through so far. But trust me, if I don't know the answer to a question I will either find it or tell you to go fish.
Could you post a pic of your lighting setup that you used please. Is your grow in full sun newbiegrwer? Thanks.
It is in the garden and gets late morning to late afternoon sun full on and some filtered morning and evening sun. I'll post a pic of my germination lights in a little bit.
Sounds about like mine from about 9 to 6 they get full sun and mine are pretty squat but they are in pots and probably not to worried about building more roots right now. But I'm moving soon and the new place is completely fenced off at the end of a dead end street so they are going in the ground yay.
Sounds about like mine from about 9 to 6 they get full sun and mine are pretty squat but they are in pots and probably not to worried about building more roots right now. But I'm moving soon and the new place is completely fenced off at the end of a dead end street so they are going in the ground yay.
Mine get filtered through the tree tops from early morning till about 10 or so then full from around 11 to 4 or so then filtered through my beans until about 730.
They bounce back with 30 minutes of being shaded. They are very resilient plants as you'll soon find out first hand. As long as you don't drown them, burn them up with nutrients, or starve them for water for too long, they'll survive. The key to getting good smoke is to thrive instead of survive though.
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