First time growing - Searched all over - Need help


New Member
Hello all, first time growing.

I'm growing outdoor, potted, garden soil,
Water every 2 or 3 days depending on heat,
Don't know the strain.

I know I don't have to much info but I put a link in this post.
My issue is that this past week there was at least two days of good rain and a day or so after I started smelling a musty smell. I searched in the internet and only saw some things from like 08, maybe I need better searching skills. Anyway, I don't see any mold or that kinda stuff, the pics in the post I took today, one of the close ups looks like maybe a little black spot on the middle/near the end of the flower but I did not see anything in the middle of the bud. I think maybe 3 weeks left of flowering and I'm freaking! When I touch some parts of the plant.. My fingers smell great.. When I smell the flower.. It's a little musty. Any input would be greatly appreciated..

Thanks guys

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