First Time Indoor Grow Room


New Member
Just starting an indoor grow room for the first time. On here to get some tips and such to get the full potential out of it.

Grow room dimensions- 1.5x1.5x2m
Plants- 5
Strain- Indica sativa hybrid
Light cycle- 3.5 weeks on a 17-7hrs cycle, just recently put on the 12x12hrs.
Nutrients- Nutrifield Root Nectar, Nutrifield Veg Igniter.
Sex of plants- Not sure yet
Lights- 2x 55w fluorescent. Soon to buy 600watt CFL in the next week.

Thanks man! Also looking forward to seeing what happens. The picture taken was actually from a few days ago, here is a new one of the babies.

Hopefully going to repot today some time.
One thing was real curious about though, was a cost friendly drainage system for the plants?


Wow! Those babies look so healthy man!! Those roots, damn son!!

As for drainage, there are so many people hear with so much info, who deffs make me feel under qualified to comment haha but I have a little mini grow going on , I was draining into the bottom of a cloning tray, but I noticed a tiny bit of mould, so my guess was it wasn't getting enough air flow, so my girl suggest using like a cooling rack that you use for cookies, and it solved my problem, just some food for thought! :)

You can also add your pics straight into the thread. If you need any help let me know and I'll link you the page. Sorry if you already know.

Beautiful babies keep me posted ledgend! Would love to see more of your set up to! Always good to see how others do it!

Happy days
So finally got around the repotting the babies. They have just hit their 4th week after germination.
The mix i used was a combination of:

Organic soil- 50%
Perlite- 30%
Peat moss- 10%
and some coconut coir too- 10%

They seem to have dealt with the transplant rather nicely. Although there is a few leave curls going on atm. What might that be because of? Stress?

Also picked myself up a rather nice 600watt globe, and clip on little fan too.

I still have my light cycle set to 12-12 to determine the sex. This has been going on for 3 days now, was it a good time to transplant while they are getting used to the cycle?

So the plants pretty much just hit their 1 month mark,
Its about 5 days into the 12x12 light cycle to determine the sex early, and get rid of males if there are any.
Had a bit of an issue with one of the plants, it starts to get little brown/yellow spots all over some of the leaves.

I have properly inspected the plants and found no mites or bugs of any kind, so its good to rule that out.
But i am still unsure of what the issue is, whether it is a calcium/or magnesium issue, or me misting the plants and then the water droplets burning the plant.

Getting a little worried, gave it a nice big calmax mix 2 days ago to hopefully bring the leaves back to health.
Starting to see a very small improvement on some of the leaves, although the others aren't getting any better.

Here are some pictures.

Also is there any nutrient, possibly organic to make the leaves nice and strong/green again?


Yeah a couple of people have said that. I'll go get some calcium sometime today hopefully and add it in.
Cheers for the feedback
Looking good cpt, sure looks like a calcium issue so hope you manage to add some soon. By the way in a 1.5m space you could use better lights, check the difference in price between a 600w CFL & a 400w HID...might be worth getting the latter, even up to 1000w!! Good luck
Just noticed you already bought the probs, plenty grows to come im sure :thumb:
Haha why thank you SolMJ. Yeah the girls are looking a lot better now. Although I don't know how big they should be after a month. When I was growing outdoors they were a whole lot bigger than they are now when indoors.

Just did a topping today on 3/5 of the plants and on the other two I might experiment with another method of some kind.

The whole indoor growing is still super new to me.
hey cp, growing indoors (if possible) is much more relaxing I find so sit back & enjoy!:allgood:

How about posting some pics so we can check em out? I fimmed my current plants instead of topping, I think it worked on one of them at least, producing 4 shoots. Might supercrop next & see how that goes, all good lol!!
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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