First week of flowering!

FoolishWise Guy

Well-Known Member

It's the first week of flowering so basically the transition from vegining to flowering .......
I normally use a product called calle Flower Burst by Budda Tree.....
This product simple helps the trasnsisition and produces new flower sights!
I was wondering Is there any other product that does the same ?
No matter how you shave it -it all comes down to different ratios of NPK plus calcium & magnesium.

N is needed more during veg and less during flowering P & K are needed in less ratios during veg but in higher ratios during flower however calcium & magnesium are needed throughout the duration of the grow. There’s all kinds of snake oils... bud candy, bloom booster, bud excelerator, root tonic, magic elf dandruff flakes, plant viagra etc etc.

Go read the labels for all the fancy websites, spiffy marketing and top of the line packaging it’s just NPK set at 0-10-8....

It's the first week of flowering so basically the transition from vegining to flowering .......
I normally use a product called calle Flower Burst by Budda Tree.....
This product simple helps the trasnsisition and produces new flower sights!
I was wondering Is there any other product that does the same ?
I tried a product called bud ignitor by advanced nutrients. If I remember correctly it was an experience product with out a noticeable improvement.
2 cents hope that helps.
No matter how you shave it it comes down to different ratios of NPK plus calcium & magnesium.

N is needed more during veg and less during flowering P & K are needed more during flower but calcium & magnesium are needed throughout the duration of the grow. There’s all kinds of snake oils bud candy, bloom booster, bud excelerator, root tonic, magic elf dandruff flakes etc etc.

Go read the labels for all the fancy websites, spiffy marketing and top of the line packaging it’s just NPK set at 0-10-8....
Good genetics and a good environment are going to get best results. Starting out i did what the salesman told me to do. Never a good idea. If your looking for a magic potion check out NuttyProfessor he has all sorts of brews to help your girls. Other than that I would be very skeptical of any claims on nutrient bottles designed to increase sales.
Kelp meal, malted corn/malted barley ground fine.

What you want is organic plant growth regulators.

There are 5 major ones. These can be found in spades in the above mentioned amendments and what I use.

Edit: be careful what you wish for.
This is apparently organic
Do u guys think this is anygood

What's organic about any of it? These wizards have natural organic nutrient regimens they make themselves in the garage. If it comes out of a bag or a bottle there's very little "organic" about it no matter what it is because it's all organic to start with and paying extra for it is very little above being smarter than a potato lol The only results I've seen pay off were using good lights PH temps and cutting back on the N in late flowering and upping the P K a bit more along with calmag supplement easy on the mag. If you've gotten good results and can post pics please do.
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