
I have some but read mixed reviews on it
If you are looking for a consensus of agreement on any single issue in the cannabis world, you will be waiting a long time. There are always going to be those that love something and then those who will tell you that you are crazy for even thinking of such a thing.

Same with flushing at the end. Most of us in the modern growing world know that this is totally not necessary if you are doing it to better the smoke at the end, and then there are those of us who believe it is very necessary at week 6 to do a proper flush... and then of course, there are those of us in the modern world that don't even know what the word flush really means. Asking for opinions on flushing can get you a lot of very interesting replies.
Go a head and hit me with it... OMG we STILL on the flushing thing in soil??

It doesn't do anything ... maybe kills the microherd for a few days. True story.

Flush then total darkness for 48 hrs.... its not science or horticulture. Just sayin.
Go a head and hit me with it... OMG we STILL on the flushing thing in soil??

It doesn't do anything ... maybe kills the microherd for a few days. True story.

Flush then total darkness for 48 hrs.... its not science or horticulture. Just sayin.
Here comes Bob again. No, it does not kill the microherd or the fungi to flush. Not true Bob, not even close. If this is the final flush at the end, why are you even worrying about the microbes anyway?

And Bob claims a flush doesn't do anything. I beg to differ with the good gentleman, a flush can be highly effective. The proper time to do a flush in a synthetic grow where salt has been allowed to build up in the soil all during the grow because that is the byproduct of synthetic nutes, is definitely at week 6, before you go into the last two weeks of the grow. A 3x flush or a good flush with sledgehammer will clear out those salts that are drastically restricting the uptake of water as well as the nutes needed to finish out the buds. Doing this flush at the right time gives the plant a supercharge right at the end, when it needs it most. Those who don't flush oftentimes get a very ugly die off in the leaves near the end, as the plant desperately tries to get the nutrition it needs, but can't, because salt is blocking the ability of the soil to hold nutes and it is restricting the roots ability to even suck in the water it needs.

Bob and those like him like to be naysayers. They have no patience with anyone who tries new things or gardens in a way not to their liking. Fox Farm recommends a flush about 4 times during a grow. Bob doesn't agree with them... says its not science. I can only imagine what the good scientists at Fox Farms think of Bob and those like him. Bob also can't explain why there are those of us who claim that there is a benefit from keeping the plants in the dark for 36 hours immediately prior to the chop. He claims it is not science. Funny thing, even without Bob's endorsement, the technique works and has been well documented in a very scientific manner. Bob and those like him refuse to look at the science... their opinions are made up.

Don't be like these naysayers... but also be aware of them... Bob is not the only one out here. I am picking on him here because he invited me to do it with his last statement, but if it was anyone else giving the same bad advice I would say the same things in response to them. Lastly, my biggest point about someone who asked me to "hit me with it" and who is likely to immediately complain about my response here, is that in order to protect yourself from misinformation, compare the number of followers that your various advice givers have... that should tell you all you need to know about who is consistently reliable with their information and able to be trusted with giving solid advice.
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