Forced to harvest


Active Member
Last week we had five days of rainy damp weather, and even though I’ve been spraying my two plants with organic fungicides, I noticed telltale signs of Botrytis Blight, or Brown Rot. Yes ugh!

It’s about fourteen weeks since I planted three seeds, a Painkiller XL and two Sweet Afghani Delicious. The Painkiller was a big disappointment. It only grew 15” in height, and had three small stems. I kept waiting for it to grow more, but no, it stooped, and flowered. Finally when all the trip homes were amber I harvested it, about a half ounce.

The SAD plants grew fine, as well as they did three years ago when I last grew. These past few weeks the colas were all developing nicely. Every week I used an organic miticide, insecticide, and fungicide. It worked really well. I had hoped to wait at least another week, but with rot destroying my buds, I had to harvest. I’d say most trichomes were milky and some amber). I’d say it was still ten days out from optimal conditions.

Today as I trimmed the buds anything that indicated brown rot was tossed, and the buds immediately next to it were tossed. It wasn’t too bad, I lost only about five percent, if that. Three years ago I was going away for three weeks. Right at optimal harvest. One plant I harvested earlier, earlier than now. It was fine. The second plant had been planted two weeks after the first. It was way to early to harvest before I left. So I saturated it with my organic spray and hoped for the best. But when I arrived home from my trip, I was disheartened to see a major infection of brown rot. I harvested it the night I arrived home. The next day I went through each bud searching for infection. It was prevalent throughout. I tossed everything infected, everything next to the infected buds, and any suspicious buds. I lost 75% of that plant. What was left looked like popcorn buds and filled almost 1.5 mason jars. So I was a bit hesitant in letting this years crop to continue to grow, especially with the cool damp nights we get in the midAtlantic.
I still didn’t get anywhere near what they said I’d get. Still, it’s high quality, outdoor and organically grown, and with all the rain we received, I’m sure both plants were flushed very well.

Everything’s drying now, I had to clip the buds from their stems because they were so wet. This way they’ll dry faster, faster then any mold can take root. I’ll begin the cure process in a few days.

i do want to recommend this strain for people with fibromyalgia. It was the first strain I tried medically, and it helped more than I ever thought it would. That’s why I tried my last two remaining seeds this year. Even though I live in a rural area I don’t want to chance more than three plants hidden amongst my garden and veggie garden. Hey, I spend big money at my medical cannabis dispensaries, probably at least $2K per year. I just want to save some money. A few ounces from two plants isn’t much. I hope there’s a few ounces....

Even though I live in a rural area I don’t want to chance more than three plants hidden amongst my garden and veggie garden.
Hiya Koren55 If it is feasible in your living situation, you should be growing indoors. For a small investment of dollars and space and some good trimming techniques, you should never run out again. How fast do you go through a ounce?
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