Fox News Reefer Madness Scare Tactics


Well-Known Member

They use the phrase "deadly and dangerous marijuana grown in houses boobytrapped and set to explode" LMFAO. I found two videos on this subject and watched them both. I believe I posted the right one about the 'deadly marijuana'

The news should not say 'facts', which are far from the truth in their newscasts. It just fools the people and creates more damage. Yet another reason on why not to watch FoxNews. Boycott them :smokin:
Ahhhhhh!!! We're all gonna die!!!

Cool clip! It's amazing how uneducated and naive people are. My theory is not to say anything at all if you haven't done any research.
Wow what an idiot. The plants get light 24 hours a day so their 200% stronger....What will they think of next? "Today we found a patch of marijuana grow in complete darkness...If you smoke it youll go blind!"
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