Greetings Everyone


New Member
Good day to you all, wanting to introduce myself here. I'm a bald headed gray bearded 250 pound nurse. Been nursing for the past 18 years and will be at it a few more... I'm sure. maybe not as long as my mother who practiced for 52 years and still has a active license.
My wife and I both nurse and are currently continuing our education. I am an advocate of medical marijuana use for the control of symptoms related to disease. I am an advocate of its use for recreation, barring certain activities during its' influence on the individual such as driving, P.I.C.C. line insertion and brain surgery.
Do I use marijuana? No, I do not... it is currently illegal in the State of Illinois. I do administer Marinol as the doctor prescribes for patients with condition that warrant its use. I also administer the other arsenal of drugs per the doctors orders... which have far greater potential side effects, creating additional problems for the patient; whereas, if they'd "burnt one", they'd have been better off. This is my opinion and there is plenty of research to back it up and the barbaric unwillingness of government to allow....
Well, that's government... what else can I say? No need, it's not about the people anymore... it's about profit.
Any way, I'll not be on here much... school calls, priorities you know. But give this older man a holler sometime and hopefully I'll have a bit of time to reply.
High and welcome welcome to the 420 community!

Nurses rule!:cheer:

Peace and happiness:rollit:
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