Grow Journal: GJCN420M-2023:00 - Feyleaf-2023 - My First Name & Claim


Well-Known Member
Time for my first journal here on 420 Magazine for 2023. And if I am understanding this correctly, this should be my first name and claim, a pure baseline strain, as will be explained soon.

I call this Feyleaf-Generation 00/2022, and I am starting the project initially with 5 subjects.


The one in the tall Not a Pringles cannister is the initial primary for the project, from Seed:04 (00-03 failed due to my carelessness, as did whatever was going to be 05). As you can see, it is already developing nicely, currently one month old; having sprouted on 2022-12-22 (planted in the cannister on 12-24). Although this one is intended to go in the cage out back come June, I am hoping that after it gets upgraded to a larger container (undecided at this point just how large an upgrade), I will be able to get it to where I can at least take a cutting, get it rooted, and then sexed before Summer. I know the sexing objective should be doable, considering I had a couple boys last year that flowered still inside and in Stax cannisters. It's the early cloning I am still struggling with. I don't want to have to make the mother (I hope) plant flower completely, since that would then mean a couple months reveg time before she is ready to go back to normal and continue on.

The two in the little planters up front: 07 and 08; are not going to be in my custody for long. They were both sprouted on the 15th of this month and planted 2 days later, and are ultimately going to be my little brother's birthday present next month (I think the 8th is his birthday). I'll also be giving him a baggie of 20 Feyleaf seeds as well, in case he wants to grow more and help be an extension of this project.

Then we have the 2 in the styro cups, 06 and 09...


06 was in the same germination batch as 07 and 08 (01-15 sprouted and 01-17 planted, while 06 was 01-13/01-16.) These are the secondary subjects, that can serve as emergency replacements should something happen to 06. I'm also hoping one of them ends up being a boy for further breeding. My biggest hope is that 06 is a girl, and then 07 and 08 end up being a brother/sister pair. If that happens, they will get to grow up together in a 5 gallon bucket and breed together the next Feyleaf generation. Plus, the primary will get a few of her flowers hand pollinated by her brother as well.

Anyone have an idea about what is the deepest one ought to go in what I am calling noble breeding (what everyone else calls inbreeding) before weird shit starts manifesting and whatnot? These seeds and seedlings are what I am considering Generation 00, any seeds produced from siblings that come from these would be Generation 01, etc. Would a Generation 02 or 03 be worthwhile, I wonder? Guess that is a future project in the name of mad half assed science. I am thinking that I will wait until G:01 before doing the voodoo botany to make feminized seeds, since I really need both G:00 boys and girls for my experiments anyway. Will likely get another couple pairs going soon, since backups are always useful, perhaps even see if I can do an indoor/outdoor bucket grow and have an early Summer harvest. I certainly have plenty of seeds. I think I would call this an Imperial Buttload of seeds (and more turn up occasionally as I am sifting the bud before loading the pipe.)


So, as for the name and claim I am declaring...

From the way I understand it, traditionally one can declare a strain when they breed 2 sibling seeds together. I am going with the purest, perhaps considered hardcore standard of them being a brother/sister pair off the same plant; though I am thinking a self pollinated plant would qualify as well, which is a topic for another upcoming journal).

These seeds and plants I am calling Feyleaf, were in fact the offspring of what I called my 2019 Wildlings :18 and :19. And those two were genuine brother/sister siblings. Other additional and hopefully useful info is that the Wildling 2019 siblings were the result of 2 opportunity seeds (seeds found in purchased bags of weed back in 2018). The mother plant was Tardis and the Father plant was Sour Banana Sherbet. I am considering the Tardis and the SBS plants to have been half breeds, as they were from opportunity seeds with no way of knowing what pollinated the flowers that made them. So my default stance is that these are 1/4 each Tardis and SBS, and THEN 1/4 each whatever pollinated the Tardis and SBS flowers to make the seeds. So with them that diluted, I declared them as Wildling-2019, instead of declaring a full new name, with that happening once two siblings bred together. Does that make sense, and am I actually understanding the "standards and customs" for name and claim correctly? Or is this not even anything anyone really gives a rip about?
Just located :05. It was nestled among some veggies and other stuff on the kitchen table. Just discovered it there while gathering up the subjects for my Birthday Cake Lite journal that is coming up soon.

And here is a status update on Feyleaf

Currently active are :04 (the big one in the Not a Pringles canister, and still on track to be my primary for planting come June, :05, :06, and :08

Here's some closer detail shots of :04. Going to trim off the dead material (lower leaves) and likely the bits that got too close to the lamp, then get her upgraded to a larger container. I think I will just be going with a cut down V8 jug, like the first Bitter Sweet Pie is in, and then she should be pretty easy to maintain and handle throughout the rest of Winter and Spring. I am still assuming this one is a girl for now. Honestly have no clue at the moment, since apparently preflowers do not seem to be a thing after all? Dunno, I keep getting mixed claims here and elsewhere. Still hoping she can get sexed before planting in June, and have cuttings taken as well in case of female.





Meanwhile, :05 and :06 are struggling, and hopefully can stay alive long enough to be able to take advantage of the grow spaces we are working on. If not, I now have sprouted 6 fresh Feyleaf seeds for my timing study, and those will serve as replacements as needed.

Lastly, :07 is also done. That was going to be one that I gave to my brother for a now belated birthday present (8th was the day, but scheduling and whatnot. Fortunately, :08 is still alive and well, and is going to be taken over to him in just an hour or two, since he does have today off. Also giving him a batch of 20 Feyleaf seeds so he can continue my project as well. :)


That's it for now. Likely a couple days before the timing study seeds start being ready for planting. Thus far on those, 6 seeds plus another 7, it is looking like an average sprouting time of around 2 days and 5 hours (so round down to 2 days average then?) Seeds:00 and 01 were not included in the averaging, as I can't find my record of them properly logged. Seed:03 was tossed out as well, as that was an extreme, an early one that took 2 months to sprout.

Doing a similar timing study with the Wildlings as well as the Bubblegums; and may start a couple for the Birthday Cakes eventually as well, once all the major projects end up back in a long hurry up and wait status again.
And now the 4/20 update for the Feyleaf Project...

There are currently 5 plants active in this project...

Left to right, we have S:04, 09, 13, 16, and 18.

04 is still on track to be my primary for the grow, as the one that gets to go in the cage come June.


Fairly confident that this is a girl now. Here is what should finally be a usable telltale shot of the nodes.


09 and 13 are more or less in a holding pattern until I can give them the attention they need to start thriving. Guess that will likely be after Spring planting (other stuff to go in the ground soon) and indoor planter space is freed up. #16 was the timelapse project. But the camera I was using gave up the ghost, so that project is dead for now, and will be restarted once I no longer have to use my phone's camera. Perhaps one of the as yet unsprouted 420 Challenge seeds will be the new TL subject. We will see.


And finally, we have #18. This one I guess, if it ends up being female, will likely be the project's secondary, and will be the one to get pollinated by a male sibling, when one shows. These are what I am calling Feyleaf Generation 0. When I get two G:0 siblings bred together, then I will declare the offpsring Feyleaf Generation 1. And that is when I will start trying for feminized Feyleaf seeds. Any ideas how many generations deep it is safe to go when breeding pairs together to maintain purity?

I should get a few more going soon just to hedge my bets on getting at least one boy for further breeding, but surely out of 5, there are already good odds of at least one male? Who knows? Will probably get a batch stsrted end of month anyway. I know I can always rehome any that I have no room or time for.
What’s up Raven?

stumbled on to this few weeks ago and have been meaning to pass it your way but yeah life got busy there. Anywho, the fastest way to sex a plant….

as soon as a bean pops above ground run a 12/12 light schedule for first 10 days of its life….. then on day 11 jump up to an 18/6 schedule and hold right there. Around day 33ish the seedling should reveal its gender…. this way the plant doesn’t really go into flower or waste time of doing a reveg.

a few peeps here are testing this in their gardens and I’m a bit behind on catching up in those journals so I can’t quote their final results- but early indications were defs positive.

the fastest way to sex a plant info above was sourced by grower / breeder extraordinaire known as The Rev… Only potential problem I see is low light conditions may delay this 33ish day timeline for a minute but I’m happy if you prove me wrong!!!

later gator!
I've actually never tried planting directly in dirt, mostly because I get everything started indoors well before planting time comes around (often even before the previous harvesting and processing is complete) I have plenty of little spaces all over the house good enough to get them going. I'm actually going to make a little side grow journal for this experiment by direct planting three of my Birthday Cake Lite seeds from Plant:1 in small Jiffypots. Figure no need to worry about any lighting until they break the surface, of course. So, when they do pop, to they immediately go 12/12, or should I at least wait until the sprout's seed shell has been thrown off and its baby leaves are showing?

Also being added to the project will be all the Wildling-2019 sprouts from my 420 Challenge project; 5 that are still part of that project because they actually sprouted on 4/20, and the other three to be assigned elsewhere. That said, those are all actually ready to be planted in J-Pots or styro cups. Should I put them on 12/12 right away, or should they also wait a little bit after planting? I was going to get them planted now, but I see the clock says 4:20, so time to enjoy a bowl on the porch, then back to work.
Small update on this project.

The one out in the cage was a girl and produced plenty of viable bud (still not done processing her yet). She also made a bunch of seeds, pollinated by the Birthday Cake Lite boy that got the other three plants in the cage as well as the pair of potted Bubblegum plants. So the offspring are only half Feyleaf now. I think I was too late trying to collect the pollen off the one Feyleaf boy I had in order to properly breed Feyleaf from Generation:00 to 01, so trying again for the post season project (already have 3 G:00 Feyleafs started. Hopefully one of those will be a boy.)

She had one branch break off around early to mid October. We just let it stay in the cage, hanging by a thread to cure on its own. When we harvested end of October, that branch got processed right away. Sure, the bud is dry and brittle, but it is still perfectly potent, and produced a half ounce of bud and plenty of Feyleaf Lite seeds to get started post season.

In the meantime, I also have a couple Feyleaf Lite:2023 seeds started. Hopefully I can breed the Lites back into a pure this year or next year; though not sure if they will retain the Feyleaf name or not, since even bred back together, they will still only be half breeds. I'll decide on that when the time comes, I guess. Perhaps I'll make a post about that elsewhere on the forums outside this journal. We will see.

And in other news, when I went and had Thanksgiving dinner with my little brother and his family, I was pleased to see that the 2 Feyleafs I gave him for his birthday back in February are still alive, well, and confirmed girls. Their pots got upgraded, and they have been sitting under the blurple lights in the part of the kitchen that is being used for greenhousing. Hopefully they actually got them revegged; and next year they will be able to plant them outside as part of their 2024 grow.

That's all for now. Next Feyleaf update will likely be posted to the main 2023 project once the processing is complete and both the bud and trim (Pixie Dust, I call it) are weighed and stowed.
Finished processing the Feyleaf bud and trim for the year. That bowl trimmer made it go so much faster. Tomorrow I do the Birthday Cake Lite and the Bitter Sweet Pie.

So anyway, not counting the samplers I smoked during the processing period, she gave 5 1/2 ounces of smokable bud, 19 ounces of Pixie Dust, and a buttload of half breed seeds (I know there will likely be plenty more seeds recovered from the bud and dust over time, but got plenty bagged up already for now.

I've been saying this is my first name and claim, but I do want to make sure I am understanding the "protocols" involved. Am I correct in understanding that the big requirement is that the subject is the offspring of 2 sibling seeds, or self pollinated? Anyway, here is a short history of this strain.

Late 2018, I believe it was, I purchased an ounce each of Sour Banana Sherbert and Tardis at my favorite dispensary. Both bags had an opportunity seed, so I germinated them for the 2019 grow. These, I believe should be called Sour Banana Sherbert Lite and Tardis Lite, due to the flowers the seeds came from each being pollinated by an unknown male (not assuming they self pollinated, especially since the SBS Lite was a boy.

So, both grew out, and we hand pollinated the Tardis Lite with the Sour Banana Sherbert Lite pollen, and got a buttload of seeds that qualify for my Wildling designation, since the offspring are now only 1/4 each Tardis and SBS, and the other half split between the two unknown males; so diluted enough that I felt justified in designating them Wildling-00:2019.

Fast Forward 3 years to the 2022 grow. The one Wildling-00:2019 out in the cage that ended up being a girl produced some nice bud, and also got pollinated by the Wildling-00:2019 brother that was out there with her (It also pollinated two of the three Birthday Cakes my neighbor gave me before he moved out), making Birthday Cake Lite seeds; but that is another journal.

So due to the two Wildling siblings doing the dirty, I do believe that meets the inbreeding (or as I prefer to call it, noble breeding) requirement for a new strain, or what I call a name and claim.

And thus, I present Feyleaf Generation:00/2023, first of its name. And the seeds, being only half breed, I am already calling Feyleaf Lite.

So, did I understand the procedures correctly, or am I way off base?
And of course, the shot of the Feyleaf haul...
May as well keep the Feyleaf journal open, since I have plenty more to do with this one. In fact, this journal now covers both Feyleaf and Feyleaf Lite; though when I breed a pair of Lite siblings back into a pure, the seeds from that will start a new journal with a new, but related name; which I have no ideas on just yet.

So that said, Feyleaf Lite-S:00/2023 just came off its 14/10 Dark/Light schedule after 11 days, and is looking pretty promising. The wispy hairs on the crown definitely look different from what is on the crown of the Wildling-01 that also just came off the flowering cycle and looks male). Will revisit in another week when it grows out further.

And although not much to look at, Feyleaf-G:00/2022 - S:20 is going into veg lighting cycle in a couple hours; the usual 22:00 to 12:00 schedule. This is my most developed Feyleaf at the moment.

It did have a couple levels of leaves further down the stem, but they were dead and dried out, so have been removed.
2024-02-10 / 11:00

And now the Feyleaf saga continues...

Alright, the main Feyleaf Journal is now the jump in point for another Noobs Helping Noobs grow. This is going to utilize the Feyleafs and Feyleaf Lites I already have going, plus some fresh ones that will be documented from seed to harvest and beyond, I hope.


So far, I only have 2 each going, but intend to have at least 3 each to work with, if not more during the season.


First is the one I call Feyleaf. This came from a pair of Wildling-00:2019 siblings back in 2022 that did the dirty together (I'm calling it noble breeding, since that sounds nicer than the official term.) And the Wildlings they came from were the result of two opportunity seeds found in bags of Tardis (female) and Sour Banana Sherbert (male). Since both seeds were opportunity seeds, pollinated by unknown males (from henceforth to be known as mutts), I am declaring them half breeds, thus Tardis Lite and Sour Banana Sherbert Lite. And going with my own standards I am working on and refining, basing off already current conventions and traditions, breeding the two Wildling siblings back together makes a "pure" strain, which triggers a name and claim, in this case, Feyleaf-Generation:00/2022. My two surviving FL-G:00 plants were designated S:20 and S:22, and I think I will keep up the sequence, and will likely start doing that eventually with other grows as well. S:20 is currently being sexed, put on a flowering lighting cycle of 14D/10L (14 hours dark and 10 hours light) starting last night at 22:00, so of course, it wakes up properly at noon. S:22 has been struggling a bit in its Jiffy Pot, but does still seem to be alive. It has been moved to the south facing window in my room, and will likely get put on 14/10 after S:20 is done. S:22 is going to need a replant soon too, since the J-Pot is starting to disintegrate at the bottom. Very likely, the Not a Pringles cannister that is its drip catcher will become its actual planter, J-Pot and all.

Name: Feyleaf
Subclass: Sativa Dominant
Mother Plant: Wildling-00:2019
Mother Plant SC: Sativa Dominant
Father Plant: Wildling-00:2019
Father Plant SC: Sativa Dominant

Grandmother Plant: Tardis Lite (Sativa Dominant)
Grandfather Plant: Sour Banana Sherbert Lite (Hybrid - Sativa Dominant)


And then we also have Feyleaf Lite, which is the offspring of a pure Feyleaf and a Birthday Cake Lite. The BC Lite came from a Birthday Cake plant my neighbor gave me before he moved out end of 2022, with two other Birthday Cakes and a Bubblegum. The two biggest Birthday Cakes got pollinated by the same Wildling-00:2019 boy that provided the pollen to make the G:00 Feyleaf plant. The taller of the two has already gone through the forced flowering and is now revegging. Early results show that this one is very likely a girl. We will know for certain as she develops.

The one in the styro cup went through my 33 days in flowering lighting project and will likely show its sex soon.


Name: Feyleaf Lite
Subclass: Sativa Dominant
Mother Plant: Feyleaf-G:00/2022
Mother Plant SC: Sativa Dominant
Father Plant: Birthday Cake Lite:2022
Father Plant SC: Hybrid : Indica/Sativa Balanced

Understand that my stats on these are really my best guesses based on what I could dig up about the original pures and a bit of simple maths (possibly too simple, who knows?) based on what I determined the progenitors were. The above stats can be adjusted as better information comes up.

First objective, of course, is to get one of each grown out, flowered, and harvested. After that, second objective is to get a Feyleaf-Generation:01 and noble breed a pair of Feyleaf Lites back to a pure, which will get a new name, since it will no longer be 100% Feyleaf. And for a third objective, I am hoping to finally try out a colloidal silver solution on at least one Feyleaf G:00 to make her self pollinate and make Feyleaf-G:01 feminized seeds, to be referred to as G:01(f) from here on out. I'm not going to try to self pollinate a Feyleaf Lite, I'll save the feminize a non-pure objective for a Wildling, most likely an original Wildling-00:2019.


I am also starting 3 of each to follow through the season, as the actual Noobs Helping Noobs demonstration subjects, and as backups when casualties happen. Besides, I need at least three of each (2 females and a male) for my base objectives anyway.


And now we begin the first waiting period.
2024-02-12 / 08:00

First two of each have sprouted: Feyleaf on the left and Feyleaf Lite on the right.

TTS (Time to Sprout): 45 hours


Second and third Feyleaf have already sprouted.

TTS: 57 hours

I am fairly certain that Feyleaf Lite-S:00, which is still undergoing reveg. What do you all think?

If so, then this one will remain S:00 as the Feyleaf Lite primary, and will go in a 5 gallon bucket.
It has been confirmed that Feyleaf Lite-S:00 is indeed a girl and will be the primary for Feyleaf Lite, to grow up in a 5 gallon bucket. Got one picked out, mostly full, but needs a bit of a top off first. That will also be opening finally, my main grow journal (which focuses only on the primaries from each project). If I remember, Journal CNX-2024:0 will get started today.

Meanwhile, the second Feyleaf Lite has sprouted this morning.


TTS: 93 hours

Huh. Looks like some of the Dwarf Bolero marigolds have sprouted as well and should get planted soon.
2024-02-16 / 07:00

And the third Feyleaf Lite sprouted this morning.


TTS: 144 hours.

I reckon it is about time to get the first one planted and on the 14/10 flowering cycle, as well as get the three Feyleafs put in dirt too (again, the first on 14/10 and the other two on normal wakey to bedtime cycle.) Will take care of that around noon, when the stuff currently on 14/10 wakes up.

It is finally time to get some planting done. Got all three Feyleafs and the first 2 Feyleaf Lites ready for their cups of dirt.

The Feyleafs are the three up front, and the Lites are the two bringing up the rear.

The first two of each are starting out in the dark then will be on the 14D/10L flowering lighting schedule starting 10:00 tomorrow morning for a period of 10 days (or more, if I forget come the 26th.)


The others get to take spots atop the AC in my room in a south facing window for now, joining the Birthday Cake Lite and Bubblegum Lite that just finished their 10 days of 14/10.

2024-02-19 / 16:00

Third Feyleaf Lite sprout is now planted.
2024-02-23 / 14:00


Finally decided it was time yesterday to get FL Lite-S:00 into her 5 gallon bucket while she continues to reveg.


And she is pretty much set for the season. When the weather is nice enough, she will get plenty of outside time. In fact, she will be going out on the porch in about an hour when I "wake" up the ones that are on the flowering lighting cycle, and they will get porch time as well until sundown or weather starts cooling off. Currently 46 out there and supposed to reach 58 today. Heck, I might be getting a lot of porch time myself today. :)

Then around end of May or beginning of June, she will be permanently outside as if she was one of the mains being planted in the cage. This also finally opens up the main grow journal for the season, RPCNGJ-2024:0 (or it will be opened soon(tm) at least, when I can be arsed to do so. :)
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