growing mother plants


New Member
i dont have a whole lot of money so im wanting to grow a couple mothers for clones too get my grow started..ii can use all the help i can get..i want too grow 12 plants so id like to cut 6 clones from each..any dos and donts would be appreciated:thumb::thumb:
Growing mothers is exactly the same as vegging plants to get them ready to bloom. Put them under good light, feed good nutrients and water them well the day before you pull clones. If you need 12 clones, cut 20 so you can afford to lose a couple and not all 12 will be top quality. What defines a "mother plant" is that you took clones off of it and you leave it in 18/6 light cycle longer than normal veg time. I dont keep mothers, i grow several strains and as i top and trim, i use those cuttings to make clones.
I've learned that the age of the mother can impact cloning success. The older the mother the better. My own experiments suggest that 8 weeks old is easier than 4 weeks old. Patience is a virtue for any gardener. Got any pictures of your setup?

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