Growing Perpetual With SSgrower

Friday was not a good start to my weekend, City guy comes to help with plumbing trouble, breaks a faucet for hoses out doors? fixes that and a line issue, leaves. I start wash, kitchen sinks flood to floor? Pipes he fixed needs Roto Rooter,Frick! Temporary fix for the night disconnect 1 1/2" line from washing machine and finish wash flooding backyard again????? SSgrower
What's your thing for that SS? Do you walk or have a yoga sesh daily?
Hopefully it's dry enough now to buck down, it was a thick top cola, I was very impressed with Supreme Planet's taste, smell & Structure of plant itself. I didn't top this 1st. run of 2 so the next run I will top or Fim. Cheers SS
I am a medical technician and the dog see's duty in Nursing Homes & Hospitals, He goes almost everywhere with me in work or travel or just fun trips to the bay for swimming exercise. SS
See the "Baby, or Seedling in the A/C Infinity 3 gal bag? Supreme Planet again,Ya, it taste the best of all 3 I have ran so far. SS grower Buckin and hangin again today. I did top the gal next to the seedling emerging,Frosted Skywalker
Haha, yes, fill it, what strain will you choose to grow?
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