GrowingGirls' Mystery Seed Growing Adventure Journal - 2010

First of all that scrog looks super! Great job on that. But secondly the remaining big girl is looking great! Her buds are nice and frosty! I would harvest her after the pistils turn amber, but that's just me.
First of all that scrog looks super! Great job on that. But secondly the remaining big girl is looking great! Her buds are nice and frosty! I would harvest her after the pistils turn amber, but that's just me.

Thanks,'ve been so helpful and I wish I could share some of my harvest with you!

I am definitely waiting for lots of amber pistils and trichs before I harvest her. She's at almost 10 weeks now and looks like she has plenty of growth potential in her, and she's really healthy.

I have a question about her that I've been saving specifically for you, since we talked about it before. I am going to cut off the tons of tiny bud sites near her bottom, in order to help out the big tops. There are a few dozen of these tiny buds. Two things: 1) Do I cut off just the buds and leave all the leaves intact? 2) Would it stress the plant to cut them all off at the same time? Should I space it out over a few days instead?
I went ahead and removed all the itty bitty lower buds from Rue today. It was impossible to do without taking off some small leaves too. Hopefully this pruning will help the tops get huge...they've already been bulking up a lot over the past couple days. I believe she's on day 70 of flower now. After pics:




The scrog finally popped out its first pistils today after 2 full weeks on 12/12. Hooray!

Actually growing girl if there are not any major bud sites, you could trim off all of what i have circled. Basicaly just leave the top busty, er buddy, but shave her legs, er I mean stem :winkyface: Then you could focus all the light right at the budding area & not have it spread out. Looks like the girl could easily go 12 weeks. What are you supporting her with? If she's just free standing you may want to rig something up so she doesn't bend or even break.

Actually growing girl if there are not any major bud sites, you could trim off all of what i have circled. Basicaly just leave the top busty, er buddy, but shave her legs, er I mean stem :winkyface: Then you could focus all the light right at the budding area & not have it spread out. Looks like the girl could easily go 12 weeks. What are you supporting her with? If she's just free standing you may want to rig something up so she doesn't bend or even break.


Okay, maybe I'll shave her leg. :)

I've got a couple of yo-yos supporting her...will try to take pics showing them later.
Now that everyone has a happy pH and the SCROG has spread out nicely, my whole operation is pretty low-maintenance. I love it.

Vegging mother plant at about 9 weeks since she was cut as a clone. Needs more FIMing.



The experiment at, um...4 weeks flowering, maybe? I can't's documented somewhere.



The last of the golden girls, day 73 of flowering.





The SCROGers on day 18.







The last of the big ladies is starting to wind down...her old fan leaves are just beginning to turn yellow. She'll be at 11 weeks tomorrow. I haven't checked her trichs under the scope yet, but the naked eye tells me they're mostly cloudy. A few of her pistils have turned orangey. Her buds are getting fat.

I gave her a final dose of nutes today and will be going with molasses only from here on out. I will not harvest any sooner than a full 12 weeks, and will wait longer if needed to get the trichs to 50% amber. Harvesting her sisters with only about 10% amber trichs did not turn out how I'd hoped.

I'd like some opinions on whether or not I should trim the small leaves on her buds to try and get better light penetration and help her fatten up some more. Here's a shot of the canopy plus some close-ups to show you what I'd be dealing with in terms of trimming. I think she looks awesome!







That last pic is my favorite. :)

Also, if anyone has tips on the drying process that will help me avoid having her turn out smelling barny and torturing my throat, I'd appreciate it. The other big ladies turned out pretty awful in terms of smell and taste. I dried them by hanging the plants in a cool (70-ish) room with humidity as low as I could get it (60-ish). They had fans and air circulation in there was great. I thought I did it all pretty much correctly based on all my reading and research, so I'm at a loss as to how to improve the process this time around.
The last golden girl looks good. But seriously, she looks like she can go longer than 12 weeks, maybe even up to 14.

This is what my girls looked like at 11 weeks. A lot like yours.

I let them go a full 14, and here's what they looked like.

As you can see, the pistils turned amber, and then a new wave of white pistils formed on top of those. That's when I knew it was ready. Also the trichs were very close to 50/50.

Here's a great article for curing your buds. Trust me, in order for them to taste right they need to be in jars for about 2 weeks at least.
What is the best way to dry and preserve the cure for smooth, sweet buds?
I have to do a very tricky light fixture installation on the scrog this morning...they've been without 5 of the 24 bulbs for 2 days because the plants grew into some non-adjustable lights. If only I had 3 or 4 arms, it'd be a piece of cake.

I'll take some new pics of the scrog today...there's some unevenness that I'm not real happy with, but she's healthy and I have counted about 140 buds.

I spent awhile going through Attitude's site this morning and I've picked out a few seeds I want to buy, but the damn conversion rate is going to kill me...need to wait until payday.
I have to do a very tricky light fixture installation on the scrog this morning...they've been without 5 of the 24 bulbs for 2 days because the plants grew into some non-adjustable lights. If only I had 3 or 4 arms, it'd be a piece of cake.

I'll take some new pics of the scrog today...there's some unevenness that I'm not real happy with, but she's healthy and I have counted about 140 buds.

I spent awhile going through Attitude's site this morning and I've picked out a few seeds I want to buy, but the damn conversion rate is going to kill me...need to wait until payday.

Be careful with attitude, i placed an order july 16th it got to my state a week later an still has not arrived. They did reship but yea i dont have much confidence in ordering from them if i dont get it.
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