GrowingGirls' Mystery Seed Growing Adventure Journal - 2010

Still not done, but here are a few more pics.



Looking GOOD!!!

Thanks for your tip on Craigslist. I've been checking the ads out. Lots of dispensaries are closing down, and consolidating because of the new licensing fees put on them, so there are quite a few ads for lights. Even saw an ad selling the WHOLE dispensary ready to go.

How long do you plan on drying/curing the golden girls?
Looking GOOD!!!

Thanks for your tip on Craigslist. I've been checking the ads out. Lots of dispensaries are closing down, and consolidating because of the new licensing fees put on them, so there are quite a few ads for lights. Even saw an ad selling the WHOLE dispensary ready to go.

How long do you plan on drying/curing the golden girls?

Yeah I noticed there was a lot of stuff for sale in CO. Man, how sweet would it be to buy a dispensary? :)

I'll dry and cure for as long as it takes...going to be patient.
Yeah I noticed there was a lot of stuff for sale in CO. Man, how sweet would it be to buy a dispensary? :)

I'll dry and cure for as long as it takes...going to be patient.

It would be AWESOME to buy a dispensary, what would suck is the $10,000 licensing fees :thedoubletake: the state is charging. My dispensary is having a hard time raising the money, since I live in a sparsely populated area...

Do you have any recommendations as to what wattage grow lights I should be looking at? I don't have a clue as to what I am looking for.

I can't wait to hear the smoke report on your girls!
Do you have any recommendations as to what wattage grow lights I should be looking at? I don't have a clue as to what I am looking for.

I think the biggest factor in determining how much wattage you want is the size of your grow space...just need to make sure you have enough watts per square foot. I think the absolute minimum is 25W/sq ft but twice is much is way better. I'd love to get a 400W MH/ would be perfect for my SCROG area that is almost 8 square feet with 8 plants and currently has 300w of CFLs on it.

I took some nice pics just when the lights went out last night, but have been unable to find my camera-to-computer cord. It's got to be around here somewhere!
This morning I bought one of those small dehumidifiers (3 or 4 pints) for the drying room because, as I suspected would happen, the fans weren't doing the job and the humidity was around 65. Temps were great, though...low 70s. I figured the little unit would have no problem bringing the humidity down in there, and that it would be a good option because it shouldn't produce as much heat at the big one I use in the other room.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. $50 pretty much down the drain because I gave up and turned it off after a few hours; the reduction in humidity was negligible and it hiked my temp up to 80.

So all I have in there right now are the fans. I still have that AC vent I haven't cracked open in there fact I should probably go do that right instead of bitching about this. :)

I rearranged the old bloomers that aren't part of the SCROG and I like how it turned out, but no time to post pics now.
Good to see the ladies hanging out! now the real wait begins! Scrog is looking great also, seems like they are adjusting now.


Thank you! They seem to like it in there. I threw the small experimental plant that's been flowering for a couple weeks under the screen too, as I couldn't come up with any other good place to put it.

On another note, I realized yesterday that I've been making repeated mistakes regarding the adjustment of their PH...and that of all the options for regulating it, at this point I'm probably best off just getting some PH up solution. Yeah, I've spent all this time PHing water only to realize I've been fucking it all up.

Learning, learning, and more learning!
Thank you! They seem to like it in there. I threw the small experimental plant that's been flowering for a couple weeks under the screen too, as I couldn't come up with any other good place to put it.

On another note, I realized yesterday that I've been making repeated mistakes regarding the adjustment of their PH...and that of all the options for regulating it, at this point I'm probably best off just getting some PH up solution. Yeah, I've spent all this time PHing water only to realize I've been fucking it all up.

Learning, learning, and more learning!

Learning something new everyday is the keyy GG! :)

Rue, all alone:

Rue + bottoms of Estelle and Bea:

Holy motherloving christ, it's bright in here!

I quickly threw together a temporary rack+box+blanket home for the mother plant until the drying room is free again for vegging. I think I'm going to be very happy with my choice of one of Rue's babies as my mother plant. Rue hasn't rushed herself like the others and I'd almost be willing to bet that she might have the potential to yield as much as Estelle and Bea combined. The scrogger pic from my last post is The Bush, daughter of Rue. It's funny that I used to think Rue and her family were the "bad" ones...what I mistook for pathetically slow growth and general runtiness turned out to be a refusal to give in to the urge to stretch...and in turn, close-knit nodes and a fuckton of bud sites. Anyway, here's mom.

For my next grow, I'm going to wait and see how Rue turns out in the end before I decide between cloning the mother or buying some seeds. I already have enough smoke hanging to dry to last me for a looooooong time, plus more than I could smoke if I wanted to growing in the bloom room, so there's no rush to make up my mind.
I'm kind of bummed about what I see in the drying room. I pulled them down for a short while yesterday to trim some more leaves and make sure I didn't have any mold (plants are drying well but I'm watching carefully because my humidity in that room is not as low as I'd like and nothing will get it there), and the buds just seems really unimpressive. No real density at all. I know I've done the best I could and that the plants weren't leaving me much choice but to harvest...I had cloudy and amber trichs, dying old leaves, and calyxes that were swollen and fat and frosty. I'm probably not looking at much more than half an ounce from what's hanging in there now. I know I can't go back and change anything, and that I'll still have delicious weed to smoke, and that I'll get better with every grow...I'm just really not impressed with myself as far as Estelle and Bea are concerned.

I've been saving up glass jars for curing and I can now see that my collection is much larger than it needs to be. Everything from Estelle and Bea's tops is going to fit in ONE of them, easily.




Rue is looking pretty good, though! Any advice on if/when/how I should trim around these buds for better light would be appreciated.






The scrog seems to be going okay. The plants haven't really hit that "oh shit I'm on 12/12 now, time to have a big growth spurt" phase quite yet, and when they do I'll have that screen filled up in no time. I'll probably do a little pruning in there today...I know I'll eventually have to cut off everything below the screen. These pics are from yesterday.



I've decided is that a good PH meter will be the next big thing I buy, although it might be awhile before I can afford one. Testing via runoff with drops in the stupid little vial is such a huge pain in the ass. I am so so SO DAMN TIRED of fighting PH problems...I'm just glad I've learned a lot about PH control so I won't inadvertently set myself up for this fight again.
Damn, girl... Looking good! Love the scrogg... Is that just chicken wire? Where would I get some? I think I am going to do this this coming week. I am in my 5th week after re-potting and they are getting so damn big! If you looked at the first few picture of these plants life, you will understand that they had a ruff time and I loved them so much to bring them back! Anyways, I will be checking in on you and following what your doing... Ttyl!!!

Oh, check out my avatar picture! Its Kaylie!!!

Smoke report on the stuff I'm drying: Not great. Lacking potency, big time. Tastes like ass. Doesn't smell so great either. Barely gets me high. I know a proper cure will help this, and that the next one to be chopped is going to be awesome.

Oh, and it's dry enough that I cut all the buds off last night and weighed them. 19.2 grams and it's not even completely dry yet. Lame.

But now for something scrog pics! The screen is getting full enough that I should be able to stop pushing everything under it soon and let them finally gain some height.

Those rocks I'm using to strategically and temporarily hold the screen down in some places were hand-picked by me from the banks of the mighty Mississippi river, just a mile or so from my house.





Wow, the SCROG is starting to look really good!

Hopefully the golden girls potency will increase in curing!
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