GrowingGirls' Mystery Seed Growing Adventure Journal - 2010

So, the little girls weren't getting any better. I thought they were improving, I am finally getting better at interpreting this, and they've been diagnosed and fed accordingly. Cal-Mag to the rescue, again! Runoff was right at 6.5.

This morning, Estelle's trichs were about 25% clear, 65% cloudy, and 10% amber. She got her first shot of the molasses flush.

Too lazy for pics today.
I'm looking for opinions on what I should do with the lower buds on my big ladies. I'm not talking about the stuff at the bottom of the canopy...anything within about 18 inches of the HPS is definitely staying. I mean the stuff closer to the bottom on the plant.

These plants are all just under 3' tall from soil to tip. They are pretty much bare in the midsection, with great buds above and a bunch of small groups of these little ones below...




Estelle is being harvested within the next week. My plan for drying was to cut the whole plant and hang it in one piece. But now I have an idea...

I think I'm going to cut her just above where those lower buds are and harvest only the top 2/3 of the plant (the first half of which is naked stalk), and see if the little bits can bulk up some more if given a couple weeks much closer to the light.

Any thoughts on what might be good or bad about this plan?

If I do it and it works well, I'll leave the bottom buds on Bea and Rue and harvest them the same way...but I've been kind of tempted to cut those bottoms buds to help the top ones get fat.

I'm going to try to get them separated for some good photos today.

I'm excited to check on the little girls this morning and see if the damage has finally stopped. Since I'll have no choice but to put them on 12/12 as soon as they're under the screen, I need to have them as close as possible to perfect for going under the screen AND for flowering before I make the move. So, all the FIM cuts I made recently just need to pop up about 2-3 inches, and we'll be ready to go!
Hey GG!

I plan on harvesting my top colas first, and give the bottom ones some additional time under the lights to mature. The only worry I have is that it might stress the plant. So I am curious as to the answers you'll get here too!

What day are the girls in flower?
New growth on the little ones is looking better today, but I think my thermometer (or its placement) might be off and I think it's been getting too hot in there. I've moved the lights up, gave them a better fan, cut a vent hole in the top of the rack, and am going to mist them with a little water to see if I can get the leaves that are curling in to get un-crispy.

I found a used 400w MH fixture (with bulb, reflector, ballast) for $100 on craigslist and I will most likely be buying it...then it'll be another $100 for a conversion bulb. I think $200 is a small price to pay for the upgrade from my 175w MH fixture and 150w conversion bulb under which I currently flower. The new one will go above the SCROG, of course!
Hey quick question, what category do you look under on Craigslist for the lights? I am thinking about doing that as well, but couldn't find anything. It might be that I have to go look in Denver, but it would be nice to find just the light. I can get the bulb somewhere else.
Hey quick question, what category do you look under on Craigslist for the lights? I am thinking about doing that as well, but couldn't find anything. It might be that I have to go look in Denver, but it would be nice to find just the light. I can get the bulb somewhere else.

I searched within all categories and used search terms. For example, HPS equipment in Denver.

Last night's trich check and sample smoke showed that Bea was just as ready as Estelle, so their tops both got chopped this morning.

The girls are under the screen. I think I am going to reorient the HPS against the back wall for the remainder of flowering of Rue, the bottoms of Estelle and Bea, and The Experiment (which finally has trichs!)...this will give me more space to work on the SCROG. Of course that HPS will be moved to above the SCROG when the Golden Girls are done with it.

Lots more work to do today...just wanted to post a quick update while I'm on a little break.
Damn, girl!!! Looking good! So you are going to Scorg this time? I will be right behind you with that as well! I think it would benefit in the long run! Good work GG! Come check mine out! They looking good! Oh and today they smelt the room up with goodness!!! I know I am doing something right! lmao!!!

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