Has anyone heard of this. Is it true


New Member
At least eight hours of light (for seedlings) a day must be provided. As you increase the light, the plants grow faster and show more females/less males. Sixteen hours of light per day seems to be the best combination, beyond this makes little or no appreciable difference in the plant quality. Another idea is to interrupt the night cycle with about one hour of light. This gives you more females.
Re: Has anyone headr of this?? Is it true??

Hi everyone,
Just a couple of questions that I would like to know people's opinions.
(I). Some one wrote that if you give your crop 24hours of light during, say, the third week of flowering, just once or twice, then the buds grow more buds ........ Is this true?

(ii) would changing the cycle 12/12 to 2/2 have any effect on thc production? Ie lights on and off 12 times a day, but overall still half light half dark (flowering period).
Well the one hour of light in the middle of dark cycle is a GLR (gas light routine) the lights are set 12/12 but in the middle of the dark lights comes on for one hour. This is a way to cut down on electricity but the one hr of light will interrupt the hormones needed for flower and keep them in veg. I've always been told 18 to 24 hours of light a day right from the start. Some say they need dark to rest and some will say more light more growth no need to sleep. Not sure about (I) in last post but the 2/2 sound like a recipe for stress and problems. think of it like this: where on this planet do plants live in a 4 hour day? They are resilient but why test how much when you harvest in on the line?:peace:
Well the one hour of light in the middle of dark cycle is a GLR (gas light routine) the lights are set 12/12 but in the middle of the dark lights comes on for one hour. This is a way to cut down on electricity but the one hr of light will interrupt the hormones needed for flower and keep them in veg. I've always been told 18 to 24 hours of light a day right from the start. Some say they need dark to rest and some will say more light more growth no need to sleep. Not sure about (I) in last post but the 2/2 sound like a recipe for stress and problems. think of it like this: where on this planet do plants live in a 4 hour day? They are resilient but why test how much when you harvest in on the line?:peace:

Hi there Electrichom,

The first one, I think what the guy means is that he changed one of his light periods to be extended from 12 hours to 24 hours. Did this twice with 3 or 4 days in-between.

The second one, I remember seeing a graph of thc production, and I think it showed that the peak of thc production was during the first two hours of darkness.

I just thought that maybe there could be a way of exploiting that fact......

When you say that nowhere on this planet has a cycle like the one I'm suggesting, but think for a second. The length of our day, the moon phases, the seasons, are all that length just by chance. There r planets that have different days and years.

Who is to say that the photo period experienced on our planet is the best suited for plant to grow at their peak rates. That is an assumption.
A lot of recent findings science has found that things behave in a extra-ordinary fashion when exposed to certain un natural conditions. Look up salt water and how it behaves under certain frequencies of radio waves....
I predict that one day growers will not only be using lights to grow their crop but also other things like certain EM frequencies. That would be most unnatural.
well i guess that s why ppl say to give ur girl 24 hrs dark b4 harvest as ur plant will be producing more hormones.. Ive heard ppl altering and adding an xtra hour here or there to confuse the plant into veg longer during flower for more growth. But then ive read of ppl having light /heat stress issues from doing things like that also.. Feel free to experiment a little! Basically a marijuana plant, given little care will grow wildly to around 8 ft tall and 5 ft wide, its this hydroponic style that has made changes as ppl want a faster harvest they need to provide all the right things at the right time, i always grow in soil, potting mix with sand and some pea straw for drainage.. i use organic nutrients and only have had minor issues with nute s, usually a flush will fix it. I picked up a few hints over last grow and am itching to apply it to the nxt. Goodluk and Happy Harvesting;) Heres pic my last.. 420 Magazine
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