hello from dallas, texas


New Member
hey folks, was surfing the www. looking for some awnsers to a few questions and google sent me to this wonderful website.

a little about myself? well i've been smoking since the early 70's and growing for the last 5 years in a 4x4 closet with 1000hps, a/c,heat and co2. always a dirt farmer until a month ago. trying some canna coco, i love it so far.

i'm not an expert grower but i've gained plenty of knowledge thru mistakes made.
Re: hello from dallas,texas

Welcome! I found this site recently myself, and it has already proven to be an invaluable resource, as well a great place to connect with others who share my love of smoking and passion for growing. Lots of friendly and helpful growers here! :ganjamon:
Re: hello from dallas,texas


Thanks for signing up and welcome to 420 Magazine :welcome:

We've got a great Grow Room here; lots of people with all experience levels
Re: hello from dallas,texas

Nice to have you. The advantage of medical MJ is it has been shown and published that THC is the best treatment to prevent mental degeneration in older adults. Better than any other prescription drug in preventing neurological degeneration. It is really a crime that Texas does not offer its citizens the same opportunity to save our society from the overwhelming cost of supporting its aging population.

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