Hello from New England

Hi @Crizz - welcome to the forum
I've grown nothing but autos now for nearly 2 years in the current set-up, and I for one top 'em node 3 every time, as soon as I can get hold of the tip to make a clean cut
TY..was wondering about that!! Ive read after the 3rd or 4th node but its good to hear it from someone who does it!! Do u train them at all or just top?
TY..was wondering about that!! Ive read after the 3rd or 4th node but its good to hear it from someone who does it!! Do u train them at all or just top?
Minimal if any lst, I just pinch out the tip as soon as I can
Usually gives me 6-8 decent colas after cutting off popcorn
Now that doesn't effect taste? I can just rinse it off? Is there anything else u could recommend?
Shouldn't affect taste as you don't use it when you're in flower (unless you're planning on smoking the leaves :laughtwo:) You'd just spray and leave it on. Most growers would add it to an IPM (Integrated Pest Management) approach and spray, say, a couple of times a week, or every three days, something like that.

But there are plenty of other ways to approach it. Several of the sponsors have products to address general pest and environmental issues.

Also depends on your mix. I grow organically so I mix some stuff into my mix that has worked great for me.
Shouldn't affect taste as you don't use it when you're in flower (unless you're planning on smoking the leaves :laughtwo:) You'd just spray and leave it on. Most growers would add it to an IPM (Integrated Pest Management) approach and spray, say, a couple of times a week, or every three days, something like that.

But there are plenty of other ways to approach it. Several of the sponsors have products to address general pest and environmental issues.

Also depends on your mix. I grow organically so I mix some stuff into my mix that has worked great for me.
Well ty!!! Yeah I have read about Aloe and such. I still have so much to learn but I am enquiring. And I appreciate your help. TY. Many years ago I grew 5 plants outdoors and had a caterpillar problem. That scares me.most
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