Herm or Auto?


Well-Known Member
Hiyall I have some Bruce Banner 3 freebie seeds from new420guy, 2 of them running in the veg closet (18/6) atm along with various other strains.

I've been seeing male growth on one, but now I'm looking at the other and I'm wondering if I'm seeing female? Why would these be going like this in veg, nobody else is, seed or clone?



Hiyall I have some Bruce Banner 3 freebie seeds from new420guy, 2 of them running in the veg closet (18/6) atm along with various other strains.

I've been seeing male growth on one, but now I'm looking at the other and I'm wondering if I'm seeing female? Why would these be going like this in veg, nobody else is, seed or clone?



I can’t tell there. Need to get the loupe and look for hairs.
If you have any females in the same building, they will soon be pollinated. If they are hermie, aren't the seeds /pollen hermie, and they pass that trait?

Oh I do! Will be interesting to see how the pollen propagates. I've got two hard core herms of a different strain that I've pulled already, cooking in a new space, but not out of the building! They came from bagseed from a herm'd plant, but I've grown them from seed and clone and I have never had a herm yet, only females. I'm pretty sure I know what caused the herms here, I left the door open to the pot condo and they got hours of extra direct light on more than a couple occasions.

I'm not too concerned about output though, weed is like doritos, we'll grow more! Plus I'm fascinated by the process, honestly looking forward to the seeds! I have 2 strains I've crossed myself and will be starting soon!

I'm definately gonna let those banners flesh out. Bruce Banner 3 seeds incoming! CHeers mates, thanks for the input! :yahoo:
that male is pollinating anything nearby as we speak. pods are open and dropping pollen.

right now, in the pic


be aware is all,, cheers

it will soon look like this,,

P1170667 (2).JPG
. cool, if that's what one wants
Exactly what one wants when feeling pot randy! I've had my share of males, just never saw one in the veg closet before.

Thanks everybody for your concern, I understand most everyone tries to avoid this scenario as hard as they can...I'm more of a "if it happens it happens" guy, just means more seeds! If people don't want to pick out a few beans it's no skin off my teeth. Plus they are my babies! They deserve to have a purpose, not just a waste of photons. Also, they look amazing so I'll just let them to their thing! And the Bruce Banners...omg if they are indeed autos, what a score to get beans off my first auto! I wonder how early I can pollinate the other....no time like the present I guess....LET THE LOVE MAKING BEGIN... :yahoo:
Oh I do! Will be interesting to see how the pollen propagates. I've got two hard core herms of a different strain that I've pulled already, cooking in a new space, but not out of the building! They came from bagseed from a herm'd plant, but I've grown them from seed and clone and I have never had a herm yet, only females. I'm pretty sure I know what caused the herms here, I left the door open to the pot condo and they got hours of extra direct light on more than a couple occasions.

I'm not too concerned about output though, weed is like doritos, we'll grow more! Plus I'm fascinated by the process, honestly looking forward to the seeds! I have 2 strains I've crossed myself and will be starting soon!

I'm definately gonna let those banners flesh out. Bruce Banner 3 seeds incoming! CHeers mates, thanks for the input! :yahoo:
I had a male in my basement, and some females upstairs at the opposite end of the house in a closet. I kept one door closed at all times, and 2 doors most of the time between them. The ladies upstairs got pregnant and had babies!
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