Hi everyone


New Member
Hi all, I'm new to the site and have never grown cannabis.I'm in the UK. i tried some in the seventies in the form of a joint, went fast asleep and missed the rest of the evening so thought it was a waste of money and never tried it again LOL. Always loved the smell of it though and used to look wistfully at those who could enjoy it without conking out. i used to be a nurse, now I'm an artist. I've been researching medical cannabis and cannabis oil in particular as my husband has advanced prostate cancer with metastasis. It's not responding very well to treatment so far so I was very interested in Dennis Hill's information about how he treated his prostate cancer with the oil. I have been trying to find oil locally but am a bit worried about all the scams going on. So the only thing to do is to grow the buds myself and make the oil. Sounds pretty straightforward but I'm very nervous. Will I be able to grow it successfully? Will I be able to make oil without blowing myself up? Will I be able to make enough, effective oil in time to help my husband? Will I end up in Jail? Still I have courage and nothing else on the horizon looks positive so I'm getting on with it. I've ordered some seeds from Spain from the original sensible seeds place and now I'm trying to work out which grow tent to get. I have a shed in the garden to make into a growing area. We live in a secluded place but do have neighbours. I'm not telling anyone what I'm doing but the police round here busted someone locally who had rented two houses and had a big growing operation going on. Mine will only be tiny so hope not detectable by helicopters they used. Also went to a cannabis community meet up the other day and someone told me about the super flower tower they heard of for making oil. Has anyone any experience of that bit of kit? Is it worth the investment I wonder? I'm a bit scared of managing to grow the bud only to ruin it by cooking it wrong ( or blowing myself up LOL) I wish they prescribed the bloody stuff. They would give my husband morphine for pain but not something that makes the cancer kill itself? Madness! Anyway all advice on grow tents, stealth, oil production appreciated. Cheers Annie x
:welcome: to :420:

This community has the best people and information out there for MJ. As for cooking, there are various threads on edibles and whatnot provided here as well as very easy recipes. Heres a link Cannabis Edibles

As for growing I was able to have success from the help here with a very limited budget. The people here will answer any questions they can and are very very helpful. :):) Glad to have you onboard!
Hi Annie!

Welcome to the site and the community. I'm so sorry to hear of your husbands illness, but as Spimp mentioned there is an amazing amount of information on this site, augmented by an incredible willingness to help and support the efforts of others.

Similar to Spimp, I too have been successful with a limited capital outlay and information gathered from this site.

Given your concerns on time, I wonder if you met anyone at cannabis community meeting might be able to point toward a safe source for your needs.If that is out of the question or something of which your uneasy, then I believe with the help of the community we can help you find the information you need to successfully grow and harvest in a safe, undetected manner.

I'm afraid I have no knowledge of the super flower tower, but did a quick search, found and reviewed it and think overall it looks pretty safe and easy to use.

Let us know how we can help as specifically as possible and I'm sure you'll overwelmed by the response. In the mean time, know that there are thoughts and prayers that go out to, and up for, you and your husband in this most trying time!
Thanks for your replies. I'm finding lots of great info here already. I really appreciate your support. I did ask about sources of oil at the meeting but was told I have to grow my own. I guess there are so many in need. Anyway fingers crossed I can do it and it helps. x
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