How does my White Widow look - DWC

Seeing some cloudy trichs but still lots of clear. The mushroom heads aren't starting to fold over yet and I don't see any ambers. I'd say check her in about another three days and assess again. Should be a wicked haul if you can hold your ground for a little while longer.
I got goosebumps looking at those trichomes. They're beautiful and so dense! Scrogdawg is right about waiting. It's so tempting to chop but even just a few days makes such a difference in yield as new calyxes swell and burst forth new growth, and your trichomes show zero amber. Are you looking for a more cerebral and energetic buzz or a whole body couch-lock buzz?
She's all chopped down a little trimmage before she hits the dry rack



Wow, thats a pile of bud hangin there. Congratulations, very nice job. We'll be waiting for the dry weight and smoke report.
Sorry didn't mean to sound rude. Didn't realise that much time had past since your trichome shot. Was expecting more posts lol hope it hits nice you definitely have plenty good stuff!

Stuff your sorries in a sack homeslice... I didn't take any offense to that.. I wanted to put post a little more but you know how life goes
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