How I grow in coco Youtube videos and pics

I am doing my first coco grow I have a seedling that just popped up today and looks yellow as heck I am watering with tap water with ppm of 180 and ph of 5.8-5.9 under a 200wstt MH 24inch above solo cup. Anything I'm doing making this happen?

Are you watering daily? How much water are you watering with when you water? How many days old is the seedling?
Oh, I see. It needed nutrients. The reason it started looking better after you placed it under CFL is that it started getting less light. With less light, the plant needs less nutrients. The more light a plant gets, generally, the more nutrients it needs.

I start my seedlings off with 200-300ppm, that is R/O water of zero, so that 200-300ppm is all nutrients added to the water. However, if I did that while it was only under a CFL, those nutrients might burn the seedling.
That makes perfect sense. It's doing a lot better now so I figured I'll keep it under the CFL for a couple days and then I'll move it back under the metal halide with the rest. Do you have any good grow tips for a guy growing in a dusty old basement that I've cleaned up to the best I can
Yup humidity is 55% just gave a watering with a feeding of 140ppm I used General Hydroponics Go Box but only used the bio root , bio weed and diamond black and Cal mag. My tap water is 180ppm so I figured giving about that with them nutes would be better for root growth and just better over all.

Your welcome Stoney and glad it helped ur plants,
Vent in some fresh air and check the humidity, should be at 40-60% :peacetwo:
That's what I did and my coco seems good. But I didn't mix any perlite. 100% coco. My girls are looking so good this morning. All is nice and green at the Stoney Roads Garden. Thanks for all the help.

Hey LEDRF when I asked you earlier when you mix your coco bag and perlite together in the 30 gal containers you drilled holes at the bottom of the containers to prevent mold and let the moisture out. Question is if I drill holes on the bottom of my 30 gal container wouldn't the coco come out the holes?
Here is my little garden. Microsoft services i have one I had to put in soil because no coco at the time, so I will put that one in coco after it is pretty strong. All the rest are 100% coco botanicare. I'm using GH Go Box for Nutes but only have given bio root and bio Marine, and bio weed plus calmag but just a little like 130 ppm maybe 150ppm. With ph of 5.7-5.9, under now 300 watts of MH soon going to 400
Here is my little garden. Microsoft services i have one I had to put in soil because no coco at the time, so I will put that one in coco after it is pretty strong. All the rest are 100% coco botanicare. I'm using GH Go Box for Nutes but only have given bio root and bio Marine, and bio weed plus calmag but just a little like 130 ppm maybe 150ppm. With ph of 5.7-5.9, under now 300 watts of MH soon going to 400

Try 300ppm.

Also, your coco looks really dry. It should remain moist.
So I have searched but can't seem to find if I should give nutes everytime I water or if I should do like every 2 give just ph water? Never mind found it
Feed every time with nutes mate, and everyday once roots established
My roots are not in best shape, so I was a skeptic..
But since I been feeding everyday, keeping medium wet, they never looked so good
Even tho I still think mine are missing something..

Ledrf if you could pop by my thread, in coco thread or journal, would really appreciate
It mate.. Thanks
Feed every time with nutes mate, and everyday once roots established
My roots are not in best shape, so I was a skeptic..
But since I been feeding everyday, keeping medium wet, they never looked so good
Even tho I still think mine are missing something..

Ledrf if you could pop by my thread, in coco thread or journal, would really appreciate
It mate.. Thanks

Thanks. I gave them another watering with ppm of 300. Yesterday I did 250 ppm just to be sure they won't burn. I will say the yellowing has gone away and now they just look so healthy this is my 3rd grow and the first two my seedlings did not look nowhere near as good as these ones in coco. I will usually germ 6 and 3-4 will die off but not this time all are thriving. Thanks everyone expecially LEDRF
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