How I grow in coco Youtube videos and pics

I swear without you and LEDRF this would have been over a few weeks ago haha I am learning as I go with this coco and bag grow. I have grown in soil 2x Before for a ttotal of 12 ladies not including this grow. So thanks so much for all the help. Tomorrow I will go to home depot and get some 2x4s and all will be stable . They look so great the best looking plants I have grown so far. I also took the one I had in soil and soaked it in ph 5.8 water until late all the soil fell off and then put in 100% coco so now all is in coco and doing great .

Hey just passing the love man, I hope things continue to go good for you! And coco is for sure the way to go, congrats brother ;)
so this is what I'm using to keep my girls off the ground so they won't soak the runoff up and have problems later. Total cost $6.48. This will do just fine until February when I get my EBB flood to drain system.
So I have my 2 week old ladies in about 5-6 gallons of soil in walmart bags. I am concerned about the bottom of the bags staying more wet then the top and middle. I feel I should have waited to put in such bigger pots for this reason. Now there will be a lot of salt build up at the bottom because my roots don't reach down that far yet, so when they do reach it they will get locked from the salt or my coco will be bad at the bottom. Can so.eone tell me if this is a legit worry or if I'll be fine.
Question growing in coco was using RO water but having trouble with my ro setup so will be using tab water with a ppm of 170 should I use calmag every time I water or every few watering use calmag? Thanks
Hey LEDRF been watching you vids for a long time now and been on your site. Just wanted to tell you that you are the reason I been growing in coco and love it ty. Didn't even know that you were on this site until now nice seeing your stuff again. Mad love to you and your girl for good job on vids and info you provide. Helped me a ton.:Namaste:
Hey mate.

Nice thread. I was just about to start my own but I have enough going on with journalling.

I grow in coco very differently to you. So how you do it is working for you and thats fantastic. I only watched first few vids as i dont have time to go through 17 pages right now but i will get through it.

So 1 thing i do agree with is the feeding everyday. The only time my plants get water is when i start to flush. I changes nute strengths at diff stages of flower to increase yields but every day nutes.

Where we differ is I never water to run off. The only 2 times during a cycle that my plants get run off is the very first feed after transplanting to their final pots and the first water for the flush. When i do the water run off my ec can be as high as 5.0 but plants are fine.

The 2nd thing I do that is very different is that I do allow my coco to dry out between waterings and i do this for a number of reasons. Firstly keeping the coco wet and always watering to run off can still cause root rot, even with the 30% oxygen. Ive had it happen to me more than once but not for a long time now. 2nd It keeps the humity high in the grow space, not such a bad thing in veg but for sure rh of 70 and above isnt good for flower. Bigger pots and big rooms have a bigger effect on rh ofcourse. My smallest space holds 16 large plants and humidity raises in there everytime i water even with a 2500cfm extraction fan. Its even worse in other rooms where i have 100+ plants. Sealed rooms are different because environment is easier to control but i dont use sealed rooms. 3rd fungus gnats love wet coco so thats another reason i allow it too dry.

When i say dry u dont mean so dry that plants wilt but certainly so pots are light to lift. When i do the grows myself (i also have employees) from start to finish i never get defs.

My last coco grow that i harvested i averaged 1.03gpw of quality.

So i guess what im saying is there is no 1 way to do it. You make some good points about coco being hydro and i often hear people talking of coco as soil like they are the same thing when they are clearly not.

One thing I certainly agree with is that coco is fantastic medium. for me its the best. I like rdwc also for its simplicity and easy maintainence but i still enjoy crawling around on my knees in forests planted in coco. plus the beauty of coco is that when you manually feed you check each plant daily, unlike rdwc when you might only get amongst a larger grow once or twice per grow to prune.

Keep up the good work and just do what works for you.
Not Sure if LEDRD is still working this thread. If so I would like to know what your thoughts on the gravity fed watering system? Do you still use it? Did you like it? Is it worth the money?

I see you have also built a drip system. What do you like better the drip or the gravity bottom fed?

Thank you for the great journal and videos. I have learned a lot and look forward to using your system
So I have my 2 week old ladies in about 5-6 gallons of soil in walmart bags. I am concerned about the bottom of the bags staying more wet then the top and middle. I feel I should have waited to put in such bigger pots for this reason. Now there will be a lot of salt build up at the bottom because my roots don't reach down that far yet, so when they do reach it they will get locked from the salt or my coco will be bad at the bottom. Can so.eone tell me if this is a legit worry or if I'll be fine.

When the plant is small, I only feed enough to keep the rockwool wet and just around the rockwool. Then once the plant is large enough and ready for me to feed with runoff, I give her a really good feeding, to pull any build up of nutrients out of the bag.
Not Sure if LEDRD is still working this thread. If so I would like to know what your thoughts on the gravity fed watering system? Do you still use it? Did you like it? Is it worth the money?

I see you have also built a drip system. What do you like better the drip or the gravity bottom fed?

Thank you for the great journal and videos. I have learned a lot and look forward to using your system

I wasn't happy with how they worked, so I converted mine to a drip system, which waters three times a day. No, they are not worth the money.

However, I do like their swimming pool style res. If I had to start over, I would just buy one of those and their parts to tap off the res. Then I would buy 1/2 inch tubing, pump, etc for a drip system.

I would use normal or even air pots for the pots.

One thing I didn't like about the gravity feeding is you had to be sure that your nutrients stayed PH'd after it left the res and remained in the small res of each plant. There the PH would rise rapidly.

I did find a way to make it work, but I get better results with the drip system.
Cultivator, that's pretty cool. To control fungus gnats, if they become a problem, I use about an inch of sand on top of the pots.

However, my plants get thirsty and end up drink so much water, the pots always have time to become lighter.

I don't keep them soaking wet when the plants are small. When plants are small, I only water with enough water to keep the 4inch rockwool wet and the coco around it.
I find that when I feed every time I water the PPM rises very quickly each time unless I almost flush them with feed.
I have a regime at the moment which advises to give plain water between each feed and I have found that works well in keeping the PPM down to where I want it.
I try to let the top inch of the coco dry before watering/feeding but I'm wondering if you have come across this issue LEDRF?

I use a coco/perlite mix at 75/25 with GH Flora 3-Part Nutes + Silica + CalMag.
This grow using this regime is going really well but I find most people feed every time with coco and often feed a lot more often than I do. You obviously really know you're shit so I thought I'd run it by you
I honestly don't even check my runoff unless my plants start to show an issue. I just stick to my feeding charts.

With my bigger grows, I actually water 3 times a day with drip feeders on a timer. Each time they are watered from the same res.

Right now in my closet grow, I'm feeding daily with EC 2.0.

Maybe I should check the EC/ppm of the runoff just our of curiosity.
I wasn't happy with how they worked, so I converted mine to a drip system, which waters three times a day. No, they are not worth the money.

However, I do like their swimming pool style res. If I had to start over, I would just buy one of those and their parts to tap off the res. Then I would buy 1/2 inch tubing, pump, etc for a drip system.

I would use normal or even air pots for the pots.

One thing I didn't like about the gravity feeding is you had to be sure that your nutrients stayed PH'd after it left the res and remained in the small res of each plant. There the PH would rise rapidly.

I did find a way to make it work, but I get better results with the drip system.

Thank you for the reply

You mention a " a swimming pool style res". I looked on their sit and I see they have something called the flexi tank. Is that what you are speaking of? It looks like it's easy to store when not in use.

Thanks again for the help
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