How to clean a bowl?

Boiling it will probably be the easiest and most efficient. Just stick it in a boiling pot till its all clean. It stinks to high heaven though. If your one who likes to smoke his resin. You can use a paper clip and try and move all the resin to the stem of the pipe. The cover the actual bowl with your thumb and blow through the carb. Resin should come out the stem, make sure you have something there to catch it.
If you want to save the resin (yuck), then boiling is probably the way to go. If you don't, use alcohol. Get the highest % (usually like 91 or 93%) from the store and soak it.

I do a hot water/alcohol combo. My faucets get really hot, so I heat that up, let the hot water run through it, which pulls out a lot, and then I soak it for 10-15 minutes in alcohol, and then run more water through it. Repeat as necessary. Usually I require a paperclip or something to clean away right under the bowl, where it's real thick & caked on. But my pipes come out really clean doing it that way. Again though, I dont' save the resin.
A buddy of mine just cleaned his glass pipe with rubbing alcohol and made a chunk of resin hash. He poured the alcohol inside, covered the bowl, choke and mouth piece the shook like a mofo. He then poured all the contents onto a plate (it was a thick brown gooey solution) he waited a few days until he was sure all the alcohol had evaporated and he was left with a pretty decent chunk of hash. I didn't smoke any because iv had bronchitis for the last 2 weeks but every one said they were lit as fuck.

:peace: malibu
A buddy of mine just cleaned his glass pipe with rubbing alcohol and made a chunk of resin hash. He poured the alcohol inside, covered the bowl, choke and mouth piece the shook like a mofo. He then poured all the contents onto a plate (it was a thick brown gooey solution) he waited a few days until he was sure all the alcohol had evaporated and he was left with a pretty decent chunk of hash. I didn't smoke any because iv had bronchitis for the last 2 weeks but every one said they were lit as fuck.

:peace: malibu

damn man, i hate to break it to you but theres no such thing as "resin hash" last time i checked hash wasnt made from tar..alot of new smokers are under the impression that resin is full of fact its the total opposite..its full of everything that you deffinately do not want to smoke plus very minute traces of will still get you high but its a hazard to your health that is not worth taking the risk for
hahah owned
A buddy of mine just cleaned his glass pipe with rubbing alcohol and made a chunk of resin hash. He poured the alcohol inside, covered the bowl, choke and mouth piece the shook like a mofo. He then poured all the contents onto a plate (it was a thick brown gooey solution) he waited a few days until he was sure all the alcohol had evaporated and he was left with a pretty decent chunk of hash. I didn't smoke any because iv had bronchitis for the last 2 weeks but every one said they were lit as fuck.

:peace: malibu

HAHA yeah he probably got high ---sillys
If i may say so,

STEP 1: Go to the grocery store and pick up the following items:
  • Table Salt
  • Highest % Rubbing Alcohol
  • Freezer baggies big enough to fit your bowl in
Step 2: Disassemble your bowl as much as possible without breaking it
Step 3: Put your bowl into the freezer baggie or what ever baggie you bought.
Step 4: Pour in some salt. (just some in the bowl head and other parts is needed)
Step 5: Pour in some of the Rubbing Alcohol that you bought. (just enough to completely submerge your bowl)
Step 6: Close baggie (make sure its closed! =X)and let soak for 30 minutes (more if your bowl is really nasty) Note:every 10 minutes shake the bag pretty good for a minute.
Step 7: After the 30 minutes open the baggie and take the bowl parts out and dump the contents(Will note why later) and rinse your bowl out with water well(If your bowl is still dirty continue to step 8)
Step 8: If your bowl is still dirty (don't worry i always have to do step 8 also) Get a little cup or something to pour a little rubbing alcohol in and get cotton swabs (Q-tips) and dip the ends into the rubbing alcohol and get the remaining gunk out and rinse your bowl out again really well with water

:goodjob: your bowl is now clean i hope this was helpful and i may write a complete guide on cleaning bowls and more ie. water bong if i get positive feedback on this post
:peace: and your:welcome:

Oh note: The reason why i don't save my resin is because..well it has everything you don't want to smoke sure it will get you high but later in life you will have health problems
remember "A clean bowl is a healthy bowl"
and "knowing is half the battle!"
Place your glass in a cup of coke and let it sit for a while. A few hours if you can wait that long. Remove glass and run under hot water while shaking bowl and using a tool to help clear the stem and bowl.

You are done. If you want, you can smoke the crap you clean out. Hell people who use rubbing alcohol. It can't be as bad as that shit.
There is a new glass pipe cleaning powder called Pur Sterile. They were
recently at the Cannabis Cup cleaning people's pipes. I picked some up to try
and I'll never use anything else. They also offered everybody at the Cup a 50% coupon by going to so you can check that out. It's dirt cheap anyways.

Hope it helps!
I have always thought that, when smoking the kind bud, it is adventitious for one to only smoke it through a clean pipe/bong/whatever... SOOOOO... I clean my gear often and there is never a build up so it only takes me a few minutes to get everything nice and clean.
I use alcohol, a toothbrush and some pipe cleaners... that pretty much covers any situation that may arise.
Besides... IMHO, it is a crime to smoke the kind ganja through a dirty vessel. I like a clean, tasty hit as I can get, every time yeah!
In fact, all this talk about pipes and stonage makes me want to smoke right now... back in a few :smokin: ... LMAO
damn man, i hate to break it to you but theres no such thing as "resin hash" last time i checked hash wasnt made from tar..alot of new smokers are under the impression that resin is full of fact its the total opposite..its full of everything that you deffinately do not want to smoke plus very minute traces of will still get you high but its a hazard to your health that is not worth taking the risk for

Thank you StonerGrower ! I've been telling friends this for years thats not resin its' TAR!!! Best way to clean a bowl or bong ; put about a tablsp of coarse sea salt in your bong add about 1/2-1 oz 99% iso alcohol (or 91-93 whatever) shake it up swirl it around and rinse - spotless bong !
Alcohol and Salt - let sit for about 20 minutes. Rinse..and you have a crystal clear bowl. Scrap that resin off first to smoke, Resin gives you an unbelievable high.:tokin:
I keep it easy. I soak it in a small Tupperware tub full of rubbing alcohol for a few hours. give it a little shake every now and then. I rinse with hot water. If there is some stubborn gunk I warm it under hot water, pour in salt cover holes ad water ad shake. That will scrub off any stuck on nasties. Rinse with hot water and smoke.
can you still smoke the resin when you use the cleaner? I just scrape mine out and smoke the resin like hash; many times its better than some of the weed strains that I buy!
i just used a freezer bag that will fit your peice in it and i put salt directly in my pipe and the filled the bag with hot water and just swished it around and repeated that a few times. Then used Q-tips to get the extra crap out then just rinsed it and let it dry. That worked perfectly for me my pipe looks brand new!!
A friend just told me a way that I am gonna do for now on. I always boiled mine with salt and E.V.O. (the oil gets that sticky tar out) But it never got 100 % clean. He told me to soak it in purple power cleaner and rinse it really well, and it does the trick.

**That stuff is tar, def not good for you, It is a carcinogenic.
**To get resin, break a leaf. Seriously, resin is produced by an injured plant. Look it up.
this is the easiest n best method ive ever used. I am the kind of snobby smoker that cleans his glass once a week and changes strains like its my job( probably 5 different strains a day) Easy Glass Clean on Facebook

let me know if you like it . Smoking resin from glass is disgusting, the high is caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain. the only resin u need to inhale comes from the glands of your plant of choice. thanks.
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