Humidity how do you maintain your perfect RH?


Well-Known Member
Recently I've been having problems with little to no humidity in my grow room. Now mind you I live in SoCal so we don't get much humidity here maybe 30%-35% and that's to the extreme. When we get Santa Anna winds 12% humidity so I'm wondering what does everyone else do? What are good humidity levels ? What do you use to achieve proper humidity levels?
I recently bought a little doughnut defuser and it's working great a lot better then I expected!!! Tell me what do you use?
Recently I've been having problems with little to no humidity in my grow room. Now mind you I live in SoCal so we don't get much humidity here maybe 30%-35% and that's to the extreme. When we get Santa Anna winds 12% humidity so I'm wondering what does everyone else do? What are good humidity levels ? What do you use to achieve proper humidity levels?
I recently bought a little doughnut defuser and it's working great a lot better then I expected!!! Tell me what do you use?

get a little humidifier i got 1 off amazon for £15 does the trick
Hang a wet Wet towel near your plants and put a small fan on it. You'll have to wet it once in awhile. Also use a water bottle and mist the room.
get a little humidifier i got 1 off amazon for £15 does the trick

I bought a 30 dollar one and it sucked. I believe a diy one works much better.
Put water and an air stone in this.
just a few
we let mother nature handle that problem as
we grow outdoors. RH next few days will range from 13% to 30%, lots of wind, gusts to 50 mph today and above 30 mph til weekend.

they just do not care, like they are daring the gods to give them shit and welcome the opportunity to show what a tough bunch of bitches they are!
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