I need help please

I absolutely appreciate your help my friend, I'm also new to this forum is there a way I can friend request or follow you? .... at da "im just a guy playing another guy pretending to be a guy that can grow" lol you had me rolling. I also truly appreciate the fact that you'll tell me only what you've experienced and not what others have told you

I don't believe there any type of social media type friend requesting but you can follow journals in progress and see them in your subscribed list. If you search High Brix or Doc buds High Brix you'll find out large community and you'll find probably the best cannabis you've ever seen grown in those journal.

Here that link to Doc journal, its huge so don't try and catch up unless you really want to. Read the first few pages to get the idea and then hit the end and ask question. Things have changed a bit so you want to be sure to ask before you do anything if you so choose to do so. Take care and happy growing!!
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