If you could get stoned with 3 people

my head doctor,
my friends who are anti pot.
and all of you.
and ShadyLady for she is m.i.a.
1) Neil Young
2) My friend "The Bob" (yeah, Bob...you know who you are!)
3) ...thinking....thinking...thinking...
definately aldous huxley, my high school pre-calculus teacher mr. real(lol, you'd have to meet him), and bob marely.
lol damn that would be a crazy smoke session:bongrip::peace:
1: Any of you
2: Any of my family (I'm looking at you, Mom)
3: Others: The guys from the Arrogant Worms, any musician I admire, and writers I have enjoyed (because there are too many to list!) A few tasty actors I would like to pull through the television screen... (to do naughty things to after smoking) Ummmm....

Bjork, Willie Nelson and the Supreme Court Justices
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