do po's have typical techniques when searching cars?


New Member
I was just curious... I don't usually carry alot of weed with me or anything, USUALLY just a half at a time. I have a bob marley sticker on my windshield (didn't wanna put it on the back because of the po-pos). And I wanted to get a peace sign for my rear window, and maybe another bob marley thing.. but I just don't want to get pulled over for suspision of being a hippie and having them find a bag. In a typical search does anyone know what the po's look through, other then the obvious places, center council, ect? Do all cops just search on their own descretion or are they trained or what? On my jetta I had it easy because I could pull out alot off my dash and dispose of it and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be able to find it...but with my new car I couldn't find any good places to shove shit at the last second.

What if I pulled the cover off my speakers and placed the smoke there? Maybe I should put it under the hood? I could just get out and act like I'm fucking with something under the hood (I usually pick up my smoke after dark anyway). Any info? Couldn't find the right stuff on the internet. Thanks!

:peace: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace:
Hey there mate. A lot of your answers will be found on The dude who runs the site used to be a narc, but saw the light. His video covers everything from profiling to how to beat sniffer dogs. Hightimes mag used a PI to check out this dude, and he came up as legit. I had a look at his site, and a lot of the stuff covered was new to me, and I have been around a while. If I was in the US, I would follow his tips.
With regard to stickers on your car, I would err on the side of caution and not put them on. Why give the cops even the slimmest reason to pull you over.
And remember what Forrest Gump said.."Stupid is as stupid does". Conversely, "Smart is as smart does".
exactly why I'm trying to figure out how to hide my weed so I cant get in trouble ;) and I wont put up anything else untill I get the info I need and make sure I'm good, ya know?

THANKS for the help!!!! Will check out the site
That is a very good video if you want to check it out, I highly recommend it.

I've had my car searched once, and very recently, and the guy did a pretty basic search. Glove box, center console, under seats, back seat, etc. He didn't do the trunk, but I would still expect the next guy to. I imagine it's up to the cop how intensely they search. I really can't say about a PO, but I would guess that if he is suspicious enough he could take it pretty far. I don't think a couple of stickers would be reason enough to go tearing your shit apart, but I would assume anyplace easily accessible is going to get looked in. The speaker sounds like a real good idea, actually. Under the hood would work too, but isn't part of your worry if you have it on you and suddenly get pulled over? Kind of hard to get out and put your bad under the hood with a cop parked behind you.

Anyways man, good luck. Just be creative. As the dude in that video says, "If it takes you 15 minutes to hide your stash, it will take a cop at least an hour to find it."
anyplace that has a lock and key can't be searched with out a search warrant. thats why its best to always place stuff in the trunk.

No shit! I had nooooo idea. So how's that work, like if you consent to search they can't look in the trunk? What about if a dog sniffs something in there, can't they go in then?
beware my friends. this is a pretty sketchy issue. i mean you can go to jail for this shit. if you smoke in your car, don't get caught with seeds or anything like that. they can and will search your trunk and shit "probable cause" is very gray in my life. i would say don't do it. if you speed alot and smoke while you drive you will get busted......i have, and two of my friends the same way.
No shit! I had nooooo idea. So how's that work, like if you consent to search they can't look in the trunk? What about if a dog sniffs something in there, can't they go in then?

Nevergetbusted says a cop with a K9 can get the dog to false alert. If the cop is at all suspicious and intends to search, despite lack of consent or reasonable cause, he can and will get the dog to false alert. Hence, your trunk will get searched. You have to assume that any cop is going to use any means to bust you.
Check out It has previews covering most situations you may face.
I'v had cops not want to search my car cause it was dirty ha its not full proof but I guess I got lucky he said I we looked like drug dealers young in a caddillac lol then he went to go serch and was like uhhhh no offense but I dont want to search your car lol I thought it was funny shit
cops do what cops wanna. they are notorious liars. if they wanna search they will search. i have a great spot for an oz or less with a small pipe but i ain't tellin'. its not part of the car and its not on my person. you gotta be disabled to use it, not really, but it helps. i think disabled plates help too. if they pull over a disabled person they don't know what to expect. will they be drooled on? is the person wearing a diaper? cops are also lazy for the most part and if it looks like too much trouble they might avoid it.

i've smoked while driving for decades and never been busted. but you need to use your brain. choose your spots. air it out really well. don't smoke too much and become a menace/asshole.

screw bumper stickers. i love um' but why ask for trouble. my hair, beard, clothing draws enough attention as it is.

number one i think is don't be paranoid. its my belief that some cops can pick up on the vibe. even from a distance if they are tuned in enough and the vibe your putting out is strong enough.

don't carry more than nessesary.
almost everytime they want to look in the trunk and glovebox and interior under seats n stuff.

never had one pop the hood to check the engine compartment, or underneath the chassis.
Damn look at the replys already.. thanks alot guys..I mean I know no one was replying just for me but, you know..

I look at it this way, denying a search is only going to make things worse, however anytime I dont have any smoke on me, I will deny the search just to make him go through more work for nothing. Otherwise it looks as if I'm going to have to start pullin apart the interior to find a nice spot. I think that they will search the trunk if they want too..doesn't seem passing over the truck makes much sence during most searches.
anyplace that has a lock and key can't be searched with out a search warrant. thats why its best to always place stuff in the trunk.

Totaly and udderly false my friend. Out of all the people who ive been with whove had their cars searched not once did a cop need a warrent to enter. In fact thats usualy the first place they will look is right in your glove compartment. Not to mention not many cars have locks on them either. Plus if they find weed anywhere else in the car they can go straight through everydamn thing warrant or no warrant.
Why? Remember that failure to object timely is fatal. Cops expect people to do as they are told. And while you may get pulled over once in a blue moon cops do dozens a day and have heard it all and seen it all. And when they ask, "Why? Do you have something to hide?" Just reply that you are extremely bothered to have someone in your stuff. To the point where you it makes you physically agitated as well as mentally. BECAUSE if you say yes, then you let them have an open gate to everything. But if you say no your attorney will have something to work with later. Like illegal search and seizure.
Totaly and udderly false my friend. Out of all the people who ive been with whove had their cars searched not once did a cop need a warrent to enter. In fact thats usualy the first place they will look is right in your glove compartment. Not to mention not many cars have locks on them either. Plus if they find weed anywhere else in the car they can go straight through everydamn thing warrant or no warrant.

although it may not be true for cars it is true for you house.. at least where I live, and they only need a warrent for a safe IF they dont find ANYTHING in the house.. anyway i am trying to get the never get busted again vids onto my youtube to share here.. taking me longer then i expected but i am getting there :) **puff puff pass**
When traveling in a veichle a cop needs reasonable cause to pull you over and then probable cause to search/arrest. One of the best places to keep your shit is surprisingly on your person or in a girlfriends purse. A cop needs permission to search both your person or a purse unless they already have reason to arrest you. If all your shit is in your pockets and your car doesn't smell, the officer should have no reason to search you. I know this since I'm dealing with a DUI for marijuana right now. Unfortunately as others have said, cops will do whatever they want. I got pulled over because the cop knew my friend and his house where we were and pulled me over after we left. We weren;t smokin but had just hotboxed a blunt and still smelled. The cop had me get out of the car, illegally searched me without arrest, and found my bowl and a gram. The only reason he got away with this is his probable cause was that we smelled like marijuana. As long as you don't smell and you don't give any other reason (blood-shot eyes, etc.) you should be ok. I'm thinkin about gettin a magnetic box to keep my shit in and the put it on the underside/inside panel of my car. need a strong ass magnet.
My knowledge will probably pale in comparison to the law students, but here we go. Seemingly many of you are confused and have probably gone on what an unqualified person had told you.

A) Yeah, some(many?) cops tend to do as they please, but when they act out of line E.G. Illegal search/seizure then that evidence can be suppressed, illegal arrest is just to much hassle and can be to costly for the arresting officer.

B) Once you have given consent to search, locked or not, it is in the pigs power to go through it.

C) You won't get pulled over for being a hippie or having stickers on your car. Drive the limit, between the lines, and a few of those other rules of the road.

D) When a cop asks for a reason why you do not consent it would probably be the most believable to say "I do not consent to a search because once I do you would be able to tear my seats up, take the radio out, open the spare tire, etc and that is something I can not risk to afford." or something similar. Because once you do give consent they can go to the extremes. Sometimes the cop is trying to bust the traffiker and others to bust the stoner.

NEVER fall victim to the mentality of "well if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about," it is a deadly thought that aims to destroy what the founding fathers established for us. Don't mess it up for the rest of us because you're a dumbass and didn't listen to your Civics/Gov't teacher. Honestly, they teach you this stuff in school, now apply it.
I really think that the never get busted again video was a good idea for people to watch and get some basic stupidity help but in this case it really wont help other than he says if it takes you over 15 minutes to hide the stash a basic search will not return any results normally but if you do it all ghetto and shit and its obvious when doing a basic search that you messed with your interior they may call a k9 unit or start to tear at your car. and if they tear your car when you have shit...sue the fuck out of them for every little damage
Your lawyer can do nothing for you while the cops are violating your rights. You can follow everything in that video and still get arrested. And here goes the honest truth: If you are smoking weed and driving then you deserve the DUI. If we are ever going to have a legitimate chance at legalization then marijuana needs to be treated just like alcohol. Don't smoke and drive. Simple enough. Its the same as drinking and driving. If I have a 6pack or a joint I'm honestly not supposed to be driving. Like my father says: If the government wants you they'll get you. Don't do anything illegal and you're good. Dont get fucked up and drive.
Under the influence of cannabis and under the influence of alcohol are not the same thing. Give me the field sobriety tests used for alcohol after I've consumed the herbal medicine and I'll pass them every time...probably better than when I'm "straight".
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