Is current Super Lemon Haze still really lemony or not?


Active Member
i would like to know if SLH is still ultra lemony like it was when it came out...or have the parents changed etc...??has anyone grown it in the last 6 months or so?

i want pure lemon taste

any info would be appreciated
Re: is current super lemon haze still really lemony or no?

well to be honest there are like two lemons that i know, one i love, and one, I'm not particularly a fan of. The artificial candy lemon taste does not appeal to the palate imo and gives me a headache i feel like. The buds ive had that have had this awkward smell, not all the time, but depending on grow ive seen jack herrer, train wreck, and miss universe have this trait of strong artificial lemon candy, very spot on. and then there's the lemon i find to be the best, like fresh sliced lemon rinds, very tart almost piercing to the nose, touch of pinesol. This distinctive smell i've found on some lemon haze i got a little while back. wasn't SLH, so i cant really say. to be honest the best actual lemon haze taste i got was from a batch of lemon bubble. that was truly great stuff. maybe the truest lemon terps i've tried to date.
Re: is current super lemon haze still really lemony or no?

A batch of Super Lemon Haze from F.C. Colo. stands as the most lemony strain I have run across. Other batches are not as strong but still lemony. It is one of my go to strains if its available. Got some Jack the Ripper going now which is supposed to be a lemon Haze. Tahoe OG has some nice lemon phenoms and is strong as hell
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