It Looks Like Four Males - Opinions Sought


New Member
Hi Everyone,
I've been in the 12/12 stage for about a week and a half and it looks like I have
four males :.( I have separated them, but before I make mulch of them, I
humbly ask for a second opinion

#1 (One from the AeroGarden)

(It was quite humid in the shed today and the lens got foggy)




I think I have four ladies that I will post later (and two outdoors that haven't
started showing anything yet)

As always, thanks for the input. It looks ike I am going to have to clone
the others like a madman
Smells like a locker room in here.
nah we were just joking
thanks everyone. I figured they were boys, but I just wanted to be sure. They turned on me so quickly I guess I was kind of in shock. A few days ago I was thinking that out of my eight indoor plants that I had six ladies and then yesterday I looked and they developed sacks and I posted to confirm it.

Just a little while ago I cut the plants at the stem near the base and placed them in a garbage bag and closed it tight, so nothing could get out and harm (what I hope) the ladies. I'd like to have done something to let them go to seed, but I am working in a shed and don't want to take the chance of them screwing with the other four.

It's a sad day here, but statistically I am hoping that my 50% male ratio means that someone else has a better lady ratio
I'm not 100% on this, but it's been my experience that males usually show sex first, and then the girls usually show a week or two after the males...just keep an eye out for the white hairs on them...i.e. no white hairs, no girls...good luck bro.
I am a firm believer in Sister Mary Etienne Tibeau, the pdf can be found here, I will see if I can get the article on the site, but for now its a pdf, and I don't have time to get it up. Read it, live by it. Nitrogen in early growth will help your female ratio tremendously.
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