Need opinions please


420 Member
Looking for as many opinions as possible!!!
I had a clone go hermie so i got rid of it but now two male sacs have shown up on the mother plant. (see picture)
I just wanted to hear the opinions of others before getting rid of the plant,
Should i cut my losses or just ripped the male sacs off as they appear?
Other pics are just to show the plant


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I dont need to know if its male or female i know its female its in flower my problem is it has nanas on one branch if you look at the 1st picture at the spots where it is magnified you should see the nanas and my question was should i keep the plant and knock and sacks off the plant or just get rid off the whole thing?
Do you have other plants around? If not you can just grow it out and pick them off until the end and pick out the seeds if any flowers get pollinated. Either way you will get opinions all over the place on this subject (like many others), other than not much point in cloning her as they would do the same more than likely (unless it something else like stress that is causing her to turn).
Do you have other plants around? If not you can just grow it out and pick them off until the end and pick out the seeds if any flowers get pollinated. Either way you will get opinions all over the place on this subject (like many others), other than not much point in cloning her as they would do the same more than likely (unless it something else like stress that is causing her to turn).
Thanks for your input. :)
I do have other plants around that are NOT in flower and wont be in flower for a couple of months as spring has just started here, Does it matter if they are not in flower and get pollen on them?
Basically want as many opinions from different growers on wether toss it or knock off the sacks as they appear
Bro get that shit away and start again with stable genetics.
We just had 4 big plants harvested and they full of seeds. no male around and they indoors.
We never saw nanas on it.
Now its starting from scratch.
That cant happen again by accident.!
Thanks for your input. :)
I do have other plants around that are NOT in flower and wont be in flower for a couple of months as spring has just started here, Does it matter if they are not in flower and get pollen on them?

If they preflower then those preflowers would/could get pollinated yes, as most will show sex somewhere around 6 weeks old or so. And hard to tell by those pics but looks like you probably have another 4 weeks to go before it ready. Other plants aren't Clones off same Mother are they? One of those up to you things, but may be better not to mess up the others if they different genetics (if the others off of the same seeds they may be prone to Hermies also) and just cull it. I haven't had them as so far mine have either been all out Female or Males so far, so no experiences to base an opinion on.
If they preflower then those preflowers would/could get pollinated yes, as most will show sex somewhere around 6 weeks old or so. And hard to tell by those pics but looks like you probably have another 4 weeks to go before it ready. Other plants aren't Clones off same Mother are they? One of those up to you things, but may be better not to mess up the others if they different genetics (if the others off of the same seeds they may be prone to Hermies also).
Nope not from the same plant i will be safe and get rid of it just unfortunately that was the only plant i have in flower :( so now another long wait tending to my other babies.
All my seeds are just random bags seeds :,(
Not big on the idea of ordering seeds online as they are not legal here so that makes it difficult for me. I may have to find a way though. Thank you all for your wise words and hopefully the next grow will turn out better than this one!
Yeah genetics is everything or can be a world of difference. Yeah some places even seeds can get you into a world of headaches, I live in a legal State but still against a Federal law to ship thru Postal Service, so one of them kind of things.
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