It's gunna make you cry!


4/20 Queen
Well we opened up one of the bubblegum jars today- and ....

THERE WAS MOLD!!! Endo said if we smoke it we could die- lol he's prob. pulling my arm but- Is it safe to do that? and can we just snip it off and still smoke it??!?!
damn that shit b l o w s!!!!!!!!

too much moisture......

i have seen a little bit of mold on my shit before and i just dried it out hardcore then took off all the moldy shit and smoked it, it was a very tiny amount of mold but it diddnt fuck with me.....corse i dont know how to tie my shoes anymore but hey who needs shoes
I guess you could try to take the mold off and smoke it,if anything the flame would probably burn the mold away so ou wouldn't be inhaling much, that still sucks though
Mold spores in ur lungs don't sound fun. I used to grow fungus /wink for fun and cause there interesting-some of the molds are indeed deadly and range from black to yellow, so hard to tell whats what.
Not cool man. Mold sucks, biiiig time.
I wouldn't smoke that shit... Instead of letting it go to waste, be evil and snip the mold off and sell it. Meh.. At least you'll make some money.

Was it all moldy? Or only parts? You guys didn't notice before today? =(
It seems to me that one of the best reasons to grow your own is so that you can be sure what you're getting. If you smoke the stuff with mold all over it, who knows what you're getting? You can probably scrape it off; but unless I was sure what kind of mold it is I don't think that mess with it.
I think you can still might be able to make bubble hash with it as long as you freeze the stuff to kill the mold for a long time beforehand and remove it as best you can.

And you need the special bags too, so yeah thats a tough one. However, I wouldn't risk it and just smoke it though. Next time I guess it needs a longer drying before it goes into the jars.

On another note, I would check all remaining jars for mold thus opening the lids and venting the gases aquired from curing as well.
DaHui said:
Instead of letting it go to waste, be evil and snip the mold off and sell it. Meh.. At least you'll make some money.

Shitty about the mold though. Did you crack the jars every day? I left mine cracked over night and sealed during the day. When I buy bud that is still moist I cure it this way and you can tell the difference between the exact same stuff because of the curing.
Yeah spores in the lungs is perhaps the worst place for them seeing they would tend to thrive in an area like that (oxygen rich, warm, very damp and dark). Honestly if it were me I would trash it all. Seeing you cannot be absolutly 100% sure that even if you did do an extraction with a solvent of somet type that it would kill all the mold. And it's not only the mold that is the problem. Mold creates toxins as a sort of self defence mechanisim so you cant be absolutly sure if those toxins have transfered over to anything you have made from it. Getting high is not really wroth jepordizing your health.

Also freezing does nothing to mold but put it in a state of suspended animation. Once brought back up to room temperature the mold will be back to it's old self again. One reason why mold and bacteria are some of the most robust organisims on the planet (and off the planet for that matter)
They used to bury weed in a box for months till it got moldy and then smoked it back in the sixties. I guess it was suppose to make it better.
Yeah I heard that too. Some mold is harmless but others can be extremely deadly. Unless your an expert in fungus & mold I would highly suggest not ingesting any type of mold unless you are 110% sure you know what it is. Seeing as I said above some molds produce toxins which could kill you. Also if you get a fungul infection in your sinus cavity then they have to remove your entire sinus cavity and you end up having no face just a hole where one used to be.
I smoked so bud that had mold on it once. I tasted really weird, but I didn't see any ill effects. It was really harsh smoke though.
The mold looked like cob webs- And there was one spot with alittle greenish blue mold. Looked like the mold that is on bread. But anyways we tried to snip alot of it off and then endo let it sit in the oven to let it dry out just a bit. *Didn't bake off the THC don't worry lol*
I dunno I'm nervous about smoking that now.
I'm telling you, I think it would be wise to check any reamining jars.
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