With lights off, humidity gets up to 60%. Can leaves that ate being consumed by the buds are crispy, but the lower level ones are fine. The bus themselves are not crispy.

I'm so confused. Could it be nute burn or is it really heat stress. It gets to maybe 78 at the leaves.

PPM is usually 700ish and EC is under 1200
I’m confused as well, looks environmental like heat, humidity or wind. I’ll find someone else to take a look. @ilikemsticky what do you think of these leaves.
The upper leaves are dark green, rolling, and crispy. I reduced it to 1 300Watt LED, they're as high as they can go. Temps are never above 8p. I have a thermostat and a hygrometer/thermometer and they are inline with their readings.

I haven't checked for pH EC or PPM from runoff, I'll check tonight. Figured nutes in = nutes out. No salt buildup on smart pot.

This is the first plant without trichs on fanleaves. Should I flush it tonight, start week 8 nutes later this week?
Humidity with lights off was 56%, leaves still crispy.

The plant is not consuming more water than normal either. Usually if it's too hot, the plant sucks water like crazy.

I turned off the heater completely. It won't try to heat if it gets below 76°F. Maybe that dry air was wrecking the canopy.

The buds themselves are full and not crispy. Are the buds sucking all the water from the fan leaves, am I insane? I have no idea. The leaves are green, but crispy AF now. Cir playing fan is pointing in a corner and at a jar full of water.

I'm going nuts, but do the colas look healthy minus the trash fan leaves?
@Preston9mm hey P9 I need opinions on these crispy leaves at the top of this plant.
How close are the lights?

Looks to me like there's too much light or light is too close. I've seen it on a few of my taller plants as they got close to the bulbs.

My temps in the flower room are between 70-73. Just because it isn't ungodly hot, doesn't mean they won't react.

My .02

When it's only affecting the top leaves, you can eliminate a bunch of "what it isn't " Many deficiencies will reflect over the entire plant, or work up from the bottom. Only a few things cause the top to curl.

I thought light stress at first, wind burn was my next thought. When he comes back in I’ll see where his light is set. He moved the fans but it’s pointing at a wall now
I thought light stress at first, wind burn was my next thought. When he comes back in I’ll see where his light is set. He moved the fans but it’s pointing at a wall now
Yup, one or the other. Tops get up above the canopy, those surrounding leaves are a bit unprotected.
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