Just Setting Up


New Member
Hey all,
Im just starting this journal prep for a grow in a few months . Ill be up dating this page with grow information as we get closer to soaking thw the seeds .
Thanks to all who deside to come along for the ride
I have a question for all. I have a 3 room setup. Each room is 4x8x6 i would like to use one as a veg/clone/mother room and the other 2 for alternating havests . Do u think i should do a journal for each room or compile them all ob one ?
Thanks for the opinions
Hi BuffaloSOJA,

I'd like to start by welcoming you to the 420 Magazine community! I think you'll find most all of the members to a warm friendly bunch genuinely interested in your success.

Since I've responded to your posts, I'll be subscribed to your journal and able to check in periodically on your progress. I response to your question, I think one journal will work to document both rooms. It might help if as you post pictures and updates you clearly differentiate between the two areas in labeling and explanations. I can easily see followers getting confused if not labeled or indentified.

Are the two flower rooms to be similarly set up? Equipement/grow method wise? I ask because I think it would really fun to run two identicle rooms "against" each other but employ different grow methods or lighting on identicle strains. Most of the comparisons I see made here such as LED vs. HPS/MH, Scrog vs. LST, etc... are so anticdotal "my cousin Jimmy grew...last year and got...." that we don't get the benefit of direct, real time comparison.

Not trying to pry but have you much experience growing? Do you have all your equipement already?

Be well and happy growing!
lots and lots of super cool and heavily seasoned veteran growers here. be a sponge.. absorb it all. if you are willing to learn this community will not allow you to fail! we all here for the same general reasons. knowledge is power and patience and attitude equal success. hope to see ya up and runnin soon! ill be sittin around! best of luck bud. :thumb: :Namaste:
Thanks for the quick response and input.
I am dimmable 600 hps cool tube with 4 hydro farm buckets. I have another 600hps with 4 more DWC buckets. The second ballast is old but still a digital one. For my veg room i have a 3x5 T5 florescent i plan on putting my moms in some dirt but for veg i have some flood trays i was planning on using. Now im located in the northeast so we do get really cold nights -20f and days in the upper 90° during the summer . I was going to run one room during the day and one at night to keep the heat consistent. I have used fox farm in the past but looking for alt options .
I have dabbled in the garden before but this the first time i set up a multi room design in hopes of a good consents supply
Thanks for the feedback BuffaloSOJA,

Sounds like your pretty much ready to go and have thought through your options and challenges. I'm usre others will chime in re: nutrients, but I see a lot of folks enjoying success with Fox Farm. I'm afraid I have no experience with hydro in any form, or Fox Farm nutrients as I prefer organincs in soil, but I wish you nothing but sucess and will continue to check in periodically.

Be well and happy growing! :peace:
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

This is still an active grow... Sorry i tried to upload pics of the room set up but my phone has to low of memory left.. Sorry
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