1st Time Grow, Simple Set-Up, Learning Curve


New Member
Hello Everyone.

I was given a seed. I have no idea what it is or where it came from! Ive read a couple grow journals on here and decided to give it a go.

Things I did, and want to do.

So I was able to germinate the seed by putting it in a glass of tab water for two days. Noticed the shell cracked open and transferred to paper towel and plate. After 5 days of keeping it moist not action. I desided to put the plate on my main furnace trunk to warm up the seed. I looked after 48 hours and boom! Tailroot!!


I went to Costco and bought mericle grow soil. A huge bag! And a .50 cent paperish pot from home depot and transplanted. Desided to keep in the same spot on furance line/trunk.

After another 2 days or so I checked back in. I couldn't believe it! Here is what I saw...


That was yesterday. Todays progress..




The above picture is my set up!!.

The plan is to get this thing into a 3 gallon pot outside for the summer.

Ill update as the grow contunues. This is a 100% budget grow/test! Wish me luck!

Thanks for reading!
Good luck! It's always exciting when that little baby pops out of the soil, just a heads up a lot of people say miracle grow just isn't that great for weed plants, i guess it has time release nutrients that tend to nute burn plants, but hopefully it all works out for you! Anyway welcome and read as much as you can, theres a lot of good info on here.
Be very careful not to over water~ biggest newbie mistake I see all over this forum. I mistakenly got soil that has wood chips in it to retain water & it takes forever to dry out.
I've seen many bagseeds here that are female. I don't think there's a really good way of telling until the plant flashes its naughty bits at you... * but I could be wrong. I have 4 bagseeds going but I don't think I'll know for at least another month on my older ones... again, I could be wrong!
If the seed came from bud..am i most likely looking at at male plant??

Not necessarily. If it came from a plant that was pollinated by another plant it could be either male or female. If it came from a plant that hermied it could be more prone to produce a hermie plant, too.

Enjoy the ride.
One of my concerns is the height of the plant...I see pictures of leaves closer to the soil. Mine are like 2 inch high!!! Big stem no?

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