Leaning and stretching


Active Member
Okay the title says stretch but I’m not so sure that what it is. I’ve been keeping my light a safe 20 inches away from the leaves of my seedlings and they are not burnt in any way. After searching the internet, I was told the light should be 18-30 “ away during seedling stage. And if the seedlings stretches to bring it closer. The plant isn’t stretching. It has a stem of 2 inches max. The problem is the two leaves seem too heavy even for the short stem. Question one is, is this much lean an issue or will it fix itself, or should I prop it. My main question is reguarding my light. Is it to close at 20 inches. Is this why the leaves are growing and not the stem? I’m propping it up for now

As you can see the left two plants have smaller leaves and stand relatively straight. But the right one is leaning and has huge leaves. Planted the same day. All in soil. Both solo cups are the same strain. The far left one is just a random seed I had from a bag
Hiya Austinpalm,
It's a bit difficult to see in the grow light, some white light pictures would help.
Do you have any air movement fans in the grow room (oscillating /desk fans),a little gentle breeze can strengthen the stem.
Hiya Austinpalm,
It's a bit difficult to see in the grow light, some white light pictures would help. Do you have any air movement fans in the grow room (oscillating /desk fans),a little gentle breeze can strengthen the stem.
Yes I have a small fan. Doesn’t oscillate though. Also have a filter and inline fan hooked up I Just can’t turn in on yet. When I do it brings the humidity down to 40% and lower even when it’s all the way on slow. I do have the tent sealed though. Like all the openings are closed so the air is moving inside but it isn’t new air until I open the tent
Honestly, 40% humidity isn’t that bad. Mine stays pretty much consistently at that. I second that you should get pictures in better light. They don’t look bad though.
Yea I heard 40% isn’t bad twice on here. I just keep seeing people on YouTube or google give the guide: seedling: 65%-80% veg: 55%-70% and flower: 30%-50%. These particular numbers are in an article from Canna Connection and I have no clue who they are so idk if it’s accurate or not but that’s why I mentioned 40% being bad. This makes me worry a lot less about the humidity though
When they say 55% to 70% they're talking ideal to perfect conditions. Not many of us get perfect conditions.
My humidity is mainly around 40 % alot of the time.I'd rather have the extractor on and add a little humidifier of it dropped to low.40% is ok.
Need to know what light and the wattage it pulls from the wall. A fan will help but honestly 2 inches tall at that size and having to prop it up yes it is stretching.

The distance from seedling to light is specific to the model of light.

I would add soil until there's 1 inch of plant showing and lower the light some.

Generally running a 150w wall pull good quality LED I run it at 30 inches and the stems get about 1 inch tall with two sets of leaves. At two sets I lower to 24 inch and drop to 18 for Veg.

We'll know more when we get white light pics and know the model of light.
Need to know what light and the wattage it pulls from the wall. A fan will help but honestly 2 inches tall at that size and having to prop it up yes it is stretching.

The distance from seedling to light is specific to the model of light.

I would add soil until there's 1 inch of plant showing and lower the light some.

Generally running a 150w wall pull good quality LED I run it at 30 inches and the stems get about 1 inch tall with two sets of leaves. At two sets I lower to 24 inch and drop to 18 for Veg.

We'll know more when we get white light pics and know the model of light.
Yes but my light was about 2 inches closer and they were burning. Bumped up an inch. Still burnt. Bumped up another inch. They got better
That's why I mentioned that we'd need to know the model of light. Even a cheap eBay ripoff light can burn a plant. You end up spending months on a junk grow but hey it looks like you got it under control.

That's why I mentioned that we'd need to know the model of light. Even a cheap eBay ripoff light can burn a plant. You end up spending months on a junk grow but hey it looks like you got it under control.



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What size tent? That light is going to be a waste of your time and money for more than a 1x1 area.

Those look light deprived to me. The light itself probably didn't hurt the plant, but the heat from it most likely was the culprit.
My tent is a 3x2x5. Can anyone give me a good LED light for this size tent. Everything on amazon says this was 600w which I was told should be plenty for 3 plants. I previously bought a 600w light that said 600w but the description said it was actually 150. This one says it supposed to be 600w though. Not sure. Any light ideas?
My tent is a 3x2x5. Can anyone give me a good LED light for this size tent. Everything on amazon says this was 600w which I was told should be plenty for 3 plants. I previously bought a 600w light that said 600w but the description said it was actually 150. This one says it supposed to be 600w though. Not sure. Any light ideas?
I bought the Yehsense 1500w. I love it. So much I bought another one. (If you’re staying cheap)
I bought the Yehsense 1500w. I love it. So much I bought another one. (If you’re staying cheap)

I have one of those as a backup light. In case something breaks I'm not completely ass out while getting fixed proper. It's ok, and I had it running in a 3x3 for veg and start of flower. However, I find that to get it covering, it needed to be pretty high. Thus less light, blah blah. If there were 2 in there, that might have worked. I just grabbed one of the Budget panels out of one of my 4x4's for flower, and it's significantly better now.

For 2 of those lights, that's almost $300. Might as well go for quality at that point and pay another $30-$40 to get a 250w Budget LED.

If money’s not an issue, check out @Budget LED or @SmokeSara with Mars.

If money is an issue, save a little longer. It's well worth the initial cost. That 250w light draws a little less from the wall, but it will absolutely outperform in every aspect.
I have one of those as a backup light. In case something breaks I'm not completely ass out while getting fixed proper. It's ok, and I had it running in a 3x3 for veg and start of flower. However, I find that to get it covering, it needed to be pretty high. Thus less light, blah blah. If there were 2 in there, that might have worked. I just grabbed one of the Budget panels out of one of my 4x4's for flower, and it's significantly better now.

For 2 of those lights, that's almost $300. Might as well go for quality at that point and pay another $30-$40 to get a 250w Budget LED.

If money is an issue, save a little longer. It's well worth the initial cost. That 250w light draws a little less from the wall, but it will absolutely outperform in every aspect.
Yeah unfortunately I had no clue when I got it, hence getting the second one, then 2 more 4’ 8 strip to pick up the edges. Lol.
I wasn’t a part of 420 back then.
I wish I would have researched a bit more before I bought them. I have $800 in lights now, and still want more juice. Budget QB for the next grow for sure.


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