Lexort's Kaneh Bosm CFL Garden

Is it possible that somehow they are still nute locked or am i just not giving enough? See im use to using MG nutes so i was always slowly easing the nutes up little by little. The batch i just gave them was what schedule on the bottle calls "general purpose-mild vegetative". When all three parts are mixed together there would be 2% magnesium and 5% calcium. Floragro is 2-1-6 floramicro is 5-0-1 florabloom is 0-5-4. This batch i just mixed is 1tsp of each per Gallon.
Here's what I been following
Yeah they 'should be' on the mild veg schedule in theory and I haven't had many problems during veg generally- I just throw a little food their way whenever they seem hungry and they aren't so fussy as the flowering ones- where the real trouble begins. It's just the drooping that seems odd as I've generally seen that when a plant was overwatered/under watered, or just dead/dying. But yours have been drooping for weeks apparently! It seems strange to me. Unless it's a function of the revegging leaf pattern. Maybe it means nothing much and I'm just getting distracted, especially since they seem to keep on growing. Hopefully the food will fix them up.
Ya the dropping is weird but i swear i don't water until the pots are light as a feather lol. These clones were off a plant i thought was done revegging but as it was my first time maybe it wasn't fully revegged but taking these clones was a last ditch effort to save the genetics because the donor plant was slowing down a bit when i took them and died a week later. I hope these clones make it but im ready to accept that they may not which will make me sad but if it happens it happens ya know
O ya forgot to add the mild veg strength is what they both just got fed just the other day so im guessing its too soon yet to see if its enough.
This is some good learning for me. I keep thing to myself as I look at your pictures I had a few sour diesels that looked just like your plants. And I could never figure out what I was doing wrong. The whole time all I could figure was that I was over watering. I never did figure it out. I had other healthier plants so I ended up just throwing them out. Not telling you to throw them out. Just that this is good for me in the future for if it happens again. I was down a whole strain out of my collection for that.
Well I am glad you are getting something out of this lol. Im still puzzled by what is going on with my plants and it just got even more interesting cause I just got done checking in on them and they both have a little nute burn on the tips of some of the newer leaves. Man my head is spinning now lol
So quick question, how many of your bulbs are the household LED's? This drooping has had me stumped since day 1. I've tried doing some research for you for days and cant seem to find anything on using them for growing? Does anyone know if this could be a problem? Its driving me nuts! Hope your well lexort. And I hope collectively we can help!
Ya know I was wondering if it wasn't the leds as well but anyways i have 4 leds 3cfls and 1 fluro. The leds are Phillips 10.5w 800 lumens 3000k the cfls are 2x26w 1600 lumens each and one 42w 2800 lumen cfl and a 17w fluro with like 1100 lumens roughly. Think i should swap the leds out? And sorry for stumping ya wrecked but thanks for taking it upon yourself to research my problem.
The leds were more of a experiment but i think that maybe is my problem as i had beefy plants when I ran all cfls
Hmmmm I read somewhere just before that the household bulbs give 2\3 of the watts they say, I don't know if its your problem, but from that pic that one at the back seemed to be doing a little better under the cfl than the droopy ones under the led, I hope some experience people can chime in, its hard to find info on, cuz when you search led and growing or anything to that nature you of course get led grow light info, I hope this sparks a bit of a discussion on the topic, cuz your giving your girls so much love!

Let's talk about it!

Anyone else tryed growing with these type of lights?? Or know where to source some info?
I never did find info either for growing with those leds i just figured they were like cfls but use less electricity and produce less heat. I just swapped out the leds for cfls which I know work 100% doesn't mean we shouldn't discuss them tho as i would like more input lol.
Now they are sitting under 215w of CFL lights plus one fluro which come out to 13,500 lumens phew just got done with the math lol
The new growth looks great. I'd expect a little nute burn with a sudden jump to 800 ppm, but a little burn is ok as long as it doesn't get compounded next week. :thumb:
Think it would be a bad idea to top or lst at this point? I was gonna til all these issues happened cause in my experience key to growing with cfls is keep the plant short. Just not so sure now
Hey lex. I've been lurking here for quite some time and i thought it would be high time for me to add some of my thoughts :)

On your LST/Topping question, I would definitely try out some LST rather than topping. Your plants have been looking a lot better since you swapped out for the pure cfls, but I wouldn't advise topping them just yet. You would want to keep the stress on an already stressed plant as low as possible.

On the other hand I want to thank you for keeping up with this journal, Imma stick around till harvest day!
I was going to say the same - maybe best- though not critical- to not give them one more excuse to slow down/confuse us at this point. At this point the main thing feeding your plant and it's roots will be the new growth, as the older growth is a bit compromised. So first I'd give those new leaves a chance to unfurl and bring in some energy to give the whole plant a boost. Topping isn't major stress but it does seem to slow them for a couple days as they reorient themselves. And the plants do need topping at some point. But you could maybe get a similar effect by bending them sideways.

Oh yeah- re the idea that your chemical nutes have sterilized your roots zone. I'm pretty sure that you actually will have micro-critters and beneficial bacteria, and possibly fungi, in your root zone. Medium levels of nutes can kill off the mycorhizal fungi apparently. But from what I read- it would be difficult if not impossible to have a sterile root system. Plenty of people dangling their plant's roots in very hostile environments for the microherd- and they do beneficial teas and drenches with great results.
Welcome to the party thaMfB and thanks for sharing some advice i will probably lst them as i want them to grow bushy and not the Christmas tree shape. To weasel ya i kinda thought topping would be a bit much at this point but in prior grows i always topped then lst so what with having some rough looking plants i wasnt so sure about following my usual routine. See i always read chem ferts kill off the microbe thingy's making using blackstrap molasses kinda pointless. So from what your saying i was misinformed lol. So i shouldnt even give the lower leaves that look roigh a second thought then since you say they are compromised? Never had this much trouble before everything always went smooth on my prior grows i guess it was beginners luck and now its wore off lol
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