LMAO Cloning For Dummies

when it comes to chemicals in products like those they do not allow us to use it we have to remain pretty much organic and natural to the best of our ability and as they keep going each year they keep changing our laws even more strict and more stricter each year
What is your feeding schedule how high are your nutrients your pH are you foliage feeding and how far is your light from your plants
What I've found is that Kelp(seaweed extract) works in the same way as what I'm looking for. I haven't read a whole lot about it yet, but it seems it's the same idea it's just organic hormones vs synthetic. Gonna read more into it so I get a better understanding of the 2.
What is your feeding schedule how high are your nutrients your pH are you foliage feeding and how far is your light from your plants

If this was directed at me, I feed every Mon, Wed, Fri, no foliage feeding, light is 40" from plants, feed . Just looking for ways to increase root mass, strength & structure, because in turn I believe it will lead to thicker stalks/stems capable of producing and supporting heavier buds.
What is your feeding schedule how high are your nutrients your pH are you foliage feeding and how far is your light from your plants
I havnt feed the clones in since I transplanted. My light is 18 plus inches away now. It was 18 I was worried it was to hot so I backed off. All I do is water with ph water as they need. And spray well water mostly un Phd sometimes I ph it
First when full inch feeding never pH your water reason for this is water that you are spraying on them at that point is filled with chemicals whether it is acidic or alkaline these can burn the leave s even in small doses
Second when spraying them and foolish feeding them you need to make sure that you do this when the light first comes on and why does it's going off done during the day the water will act like a magnifying glass and can burn your leaves
Third are you using soil? If so what is your NPK?
4 if you have a fan on them it could also be windburn
You are right on this it is always the thicker you are stem the more weight it can hold I don't know if you know this or not but added calcium can also help make your branches and Stems stronger also look into Yucca extract very very diluted but no that was not meant for you I am doing 5 million things at one time sorry about that

Here are the cuttings which I took from my stolen outdoor grow. They are looking great to me after 36 hours. I jury rigged the environment for the, as I've never tried such a big group.
As long as you give them fresh air every once in awhile they will be fine the Clone that I took over a week ago I have not checked on yet but is still green and most likely rooted I will find out later tonight when all that stuff comes on
As long as you give them fresh air every once in awhile they will be fine the Clone that I took over a week ago I have not checked on yet but is still green and most likely rooted I will find out later tonight when all that stuff comes on
I've been opening their tent, and misting them once in the evening. I want to save one in particular. It had hot pink pistules as soon as it showed sex. Super cute.
Ok lil before and after....what would be a good starting height on this ....I'll have it at 50% for now till more plants are in there....the 2 smaller lights were at 16" above the plant
I have it on for 1-2 hrs with the door open and it shows about 78 in there...light is 26" above the top...back of hand test seems ok...I know there's technical measurements to loss of light when their so far away and I read about a tool to measure the light but that's going to come later on when I understand it lol
Well that's the thing the 2 smaller lights had it looking like heat stress or something I'm still not sure what happened there but leaves still look like tacos
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