LMAO Cloning For Dummies

And I've been reading on wet trim and dry trim...says dry trim would be better in low humidity locations like mine...the last harvest dried wayyyy faster than planned even after washing them....so would dry trim be better
Would it be ok to cut what has the nanners and finish the rest or cut whole plant...and seriously how good will the buds be this early
My preference to you would be to let her run a few more days to pull off any of the bananas using a pair of tweezers that you find get her about another week throw her into an area where it will not matter leave her a few days with no water at all at that point and I would just give her water from here out
Not that it will happen but I just want you to know that the reason why it's okay in some areas and the reason why it's not okay and others is sometimes it can cause mold but just check your humidity before doing it and you should be good
I can't tell you how good it will be at this point you will have to look at the crystals or get pictures of the crystals
The only other place I have has the baby clones..I don't really have a place to put the one plant and then figure out how to get light for here and all that
Where are you would put it it would not need light it would not matter about like you were just wanting a little bit of extra time for it to ripen without it being affecting your other crop
How far will the pollen travel like do those things like explode and blow pollen everywhere or what and how do I know if those pollen sacks have already busted open on the other plants
How far will the pollen travel like do those things like explode and blow pollen everywhere or what and how do I know if those pollen sacks have already busted open on the other plants
Water will innoculate pollen. A male plant can pollinate any outdoor crops for a mile. So it travels.... far. And only takes one tiny tiny piece to pollinate the bush
Dammit...so if I take her out and put in a dark room for a week will that hurt her too bad idk I'm just tired of these damn problems...I mean it's a small grow why the hell cant I seem to make it to harvest without a catastrophe
Pollen as far as I'm aware of can travel as far as 4 to 5 miles in open-air outside before it becomes too dry and will not stick to the pistol inside I don't know necessarily how far it can travel but the one thing I have noticed with inside pollen is it it can stick to your clothes follow with you into the room and accidentally pollinate things just by being attached to you this is not a big issue but can happen like I say if it can happen it most likely will happen but I would not worry so much about it pollinating your cross once you remove it from the room
Growing is not as easy as people make it out to be you can get a decent product without knowing much but to get an amazing product you have to get down into all the little fine details which makes this hard difficult and unamusing to most but it can get a lot worse and it can get a lot better I went through quite a few plants
It's going to hurt her put not worse than the issue she's having now she's just not going to like it very much but it will help her get a little more right at the same time show resin up pretty quick due to the stress
Buy as much time as you can if she can stay in there without hurting anything for a couple more days do that before throwing her in the darkness each day you can add on will just make that much more ripe
There's no for sure way to actual now pollen is so tiny you really really have trouble seeing it the parts will start to swell but within the time frame that we are talking she cannot do too much damage we are only talking about a couple of days
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