LMAO Cloning For Dummies

15 lines down says ....put them in jars or container do not close it...what is blood-filled?...then says put them in jars while they are in refrigerator ...and close them...sometimes I read things wrong
Yes you would cut them into smaller buds off of the branches putting them into jars do not want to close them until they are almost all the way dry you want to restain a little tiny bit of moisture and this will be redistributed throughout the plant during curing process you would only close the doors once they are pretty much crispy dry on the outside and like I said they will little bit of moisture that is left on the inside will distribute itself around to the rest of the buds and then from there you just open the door for an hour a day or two hours a day at different times throughout the day
So leave the frig doors open? Or jar lids?...the frig thing is new news to me...I just put em in jars and opened lids couple times a day...I did look into a hygrometer to put in the jars
You leave the door open the circulating air inside the refrigerator will dry your cannabis. One day when you get a harvest you should try both and you'll see the taste difference in them not much of a site difference in them what I like about doing it that way in the refrigerator is for 72 hours after you cut it down and put it in the refrigerator it still lives and the crystals continue to mature as the plant loses its strength it's cool and it's dark so the plant starts to resin up even more as it uses the last bit of energy is stored in it to stay alive
Allow me to translate. When your plant is ready to harvest you cut it down and instead of hanging individual branches to dry you cut the buds off the branches. Large buds you cut up into small pieces about the size of a piece of popcorn or large marble. You then take these and fill a quart sized mason jar about 2/3 of the way full. DO NOT PUT THE LID ON. Once a day put the lid on, shake up the buds to redistribute them inside the bottle and then remove the lid again. You will eventually reach a point where the outside of your buds are dry. But the insides of the buds still retain moisture. So you would put the lids on the jar/jars for a few hours. What this will do is draw the moisture from the inside of the buds to the outside. If they feel "wet" leave the lid off for a few hours until they feel dry again on the outside. Then put the lid/lids back on. Early on you'll want to repeat this at least a couple times a day. When you reach a point where the buds are the tiniest bit moist on the outside after having been in the enclosed jar for say 5 or 6 hours you're getting close. Allow them to breath for an hour or so then close them back up. Finally, when you open your jar and they are dry on the outside but not crunchy you can pat yourself on the back because you took the time to dry your buds the correct way. Now just crack the lids for a couple minutes once a week to burp them. Each time you do this you should notice a slightly different fragrance. And if you take your time your cannabis will actually get stronger. If you dry it too fast it can no longer improve it's flavor, get rid of chlorophyll, or strengthen it's effects.
Well I might be over my head with room and lights...need bigger and more...but it's a poor mans grow
You leave the door open the circulating air inside the refrigerator will dry your cannabis. One day when you get a harvest you should try both and you'll see the taste difference in them not much of a site difference in them what I like about doing it that way in the refrigerator is for 72 hours after you cut it down and put it in the refrigerator it still lives and the crystals continue to mature as the plant loses its strength it's cool and it's dark so the plant starts to resin up even more as it uses the last bit of energy is stored in it to stay alive

Damn bro very well explained sir .
Sorry I'm mixing soil and transplanting I will read this better shortly...thanx guys

I just swift coco pebbles out old coco .
Oh and I thought you were going to need a bottle of virgin blood.lolol I have been reading the " slow and low" way of drying. I am definitely going to do a side by side comparison my next round. You should look up the thread. Lots of people testing and tweaking this method. Good info.
I have read his thread but I have been doing this for quite a while I just read this thread for s**** and giggles and a comparison to what I was doing not far off
I have read his thread but I have been doing this for quite a while I just read this thread for s**** and giggles and a comparison to what I was doing not far off
You are a master my friend. There is no doubt of that. Also I know you run a bunch of dispensaries a that is what you do all day so I thought I should ask would it be ok if I asked your advice on strains related to paitent symptoms. I didn't want to put you on the spot by just going ahead with the guestion. I don't want to make you work when you may come here to get away from that side of things. Or even if you could point me to a reliable source that I could turn to for help. Sorry if I am putting you on the spot and I have no problem at all if you just want to say here is not the place.
I can answer strain and patient related questions if I do not know the answer to it I will find it out I like to use multiple sources because using one source is just not that accurate I can also point you to somewhere that you can go to find this stuff out too Leafly the app is great when it comes to stuff like this they can tell you Growers information if you know the strain and patient symptoms what the positives and negatives are and side effects
Well I am licensed to grow for 2 people right now. That may grow in the future if there is a need. the first as you know is my wife, her most important symptoms are, neuropathy in legs, involuntary muscle spasms, anxiety/tachycardia and digestive issues. The second person's symptoms are broken back with sciatic impingement and chronic headakes. Up till now I have been just reading the info from the breeders and growing little amounts of many types. Just searching for what works. It would be great if I could shave some time off this process. So I could help them better faster. I will downloaded the app as well. Thank you. I should add that all my wife's symptoms are related to pharmaceutical companies. It seemed like she was poisoned. That's the only way I can explain it. Again thank you for helping strangers. It is very refreshing.
Okay this one it may take a little longer to answer reason for this is I want to be a little more accurate so I am going to contact are on hand doctor and see what he has to say
I was told to ask you what they are okay with because some people have bad reactions to sativa some people have bad reactions to indicas reason for this is sativas will up your heart rate we're indicas will slow your heart rate indicas will sedate you and sativas will give you more energy we're both of them will keep you relaxed Indica still more with pain where she sativa steel wool more with anxiety this is the reason I ask because your wife has both symptoms on both sides therefore this is going to get a little in depth
Well I am licensed to grow for 2 people right now. That may grow in the future if there is a need. the first as you know is my wife, her most important symptoms are, neuropathy in legs, involuntary muscle spasms, anxiety/tachycardia and digestive issues. The second person's symptoms are broken back with sciatic impingement and chronic headakes. Up till now I have been just reading the info from the breeders and growing little amounts of many types. Just searching for what works. It would be great if I could shave some time off this process. So I could help them better faster. I will downloaded the app as well. Thank you. I should add that all my wife's symptoms are related to pharmaceutical companies. It seemed like she was poisoned. That's the only way I can explain it. Again thank you for helping strangers. It is very refreshing.

I might suggest you check out Sweet Sue's articles relating to Cannabis oil (CBD oil) as they are packed full of information and she is very helpful should you have a question. I believe from everything I read that it is the next wonder drug.
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