Long time flowering


Well-Known Member
This plant has already been flowering for 8 weeks looks like its not evan half way..


I did have a few problems where i think i had a nute lockout.. then after that the exhaust fan was accidentally unplugged while the 600w hps was on in the tent got up to about 40°C before i relised a couple hours maybe she wasnt looking to good but once i got the fan going and gave her a drink she perked back up. Just wondering with these problems will it just now take longer for the plant to finish flowering. Im growing another plant of the same strain and started flowering at the same time and she is amlost done this photo was taken like 2 weeks ago


I was also thinking it could be because the other plant is much larger and spent longer in veg but i dont know.

Anyone have any input?
Don't forget that the "8-9 week" time is typically the earliest it could be ready. As mentioned, phenos and other things can play a part. Also the estimated time isn't really from your flip to 12/12, it's a week or so after when it actually first starts to flower (give or take.)
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