LST help - First time grower

It's like trimming......just start with the leaves in the way, and it progresses. Same with the LST. You'll find you start off with maybe 3-4 hooks, and staking down a few branches, all of a sudden your making 4or5 new hooks every time you open your grow area and putting more in lol. I'm still finding hooks under my plant that are not in use LOL. I use electrical wire about six inches long with the tightest little hook I can create on the top. I usually stick it down into my soil and then bend the branch down accordingly to fit underneath it.
LST is just light stem training so that you can train your plant in any direction. The reason that I did it was because I was trying to spread my plant out over large surface area but keep it relatively low.......stealth grow. Original because I was low on space, but then that problem disappeared LOL. The only leaves that I really didn't pin down with you original large fan leaves.. You basically do set it and forget it, but you'll find that you will want to constantly move your hooks that are holding your plant down to encourage the spread. I find that this is a great early stage, it gives you a chance to really see how a plant works, how you can bend it (carefully), get in touch with your plant. Just be careful. They are really pliable, even if kinked, just leave it alone and it will regenerate inside and become stronger.

Hopefully I answered your questions. Feel free to ask if not.

You did! Thanks for the info!
Just wanted to show an update, girls are still in veg and filling out pretty well.
I'm no expert on LST but I believe it can be started as early as you like depending what LST you are going for. I know growers who tie the plants main stem down almost flat from very early to promote the side branches to all grow upwards evenly but I know growers who wait a while until the plant has a good 5 or 6 internodes on the main stem, then they top or FIM them and begin to LST them outwards to promote many top colas and an even canopy. As I say I'm no expert but I believe the LST should be done on newer growth as it's more bendy/flexible and less likely to snap, the woody parts of the stem and branches don't like being bent much and can easily break. There's many much more experienced indoor growers than me on here so hopefully someone with more LST experience will chip in with some info soon. Hope this helps for now.

Best between 14-21 days for topping lst can be done if not mistaken during entire veg stage .
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