Managing humidity


Active Member
Hello everyone !

I just finished the setup for my growing room and I moved in my 2 flowering sativa from outdoor.

I have a fan and the air exchanger for the house is in that room. The room is in the basement. I am using 2 x 600w leds.

So far my humidity level is between 59-66. It seems high...

My questions are :

1. Is this level acceptable ?
2. Should I add a fan or deshumidifier ?
3. Is there a high risk of bud rot ?

Thank you :)


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I think the main concern I would have is the lack of anywhere near enough light to effectively flower those 2 plants. Those lights may say they are "600W" however they are NOT. I would bet they are roughly 200 actual watts each. Your yield will be way down from what it could have been. As far as your humidity goes, I wouldn't sweat it too much. Just be sure to have a good airflow within the plants and you should be fine there. Those plants look like they could have had very nice yields with the right amount of light. That's too bad.
I may consider placing the light on the sides (on the picture, right behind the plants) and turn the plants regularly...
So you think I should lower them ? They are at around 25" of the tips...
It doesn't matter where you place the lights. Both lights together can't provide near enough light to flower one of those two plants anywhere near it's yield potential let alone both plants.
For purple LED for a good yield result you want ACTUAL PULLED FROM THE WALL 45-50 Watts per square foot of floor grow space. And that 45-50 watts per square foot number is for when you have plants in a grow room or tent with highly reflective walls. Without being in a highly reflective room those numbers should even be higher. Without knowing the make and model of your lights so I can look up the exact specs I will guess you are probably somewhere close to 15-20 watts per sqaure foot and no reflective walls on top of it. Sorry for the bad news here but I'm just trying to shoot you straight.
That's ok it's my first time indoor. The lights are new Phlizon 600w.
So to understand... If I add sone reflection on the ground and on the sides (on the shelfs) of the plants, will it helps ? Should I buy more lights and if yes, how many W ?
Thanks a lot :)
Hello Jiggstyle,
I'm afraid fanleaf is correct. Those lights probably draw closer to 200 watts each. Also they are way too high and spread out. If your gonna make your best attempt at flowering with these lights I suggest you move them closer together and lower them.
Unfortunately these plants were meant for outdoors. They have not been trained to have a level canopy in order to make the most use of the available light. Your top buds will do fine but the rest of the plant will suffer from lack of penetration.
Hello Jiggstyle,
I'm afraid fanleaf is correct. Those lights probably draw closer to 200 watts each. Also they are way too high and spread out. If your gonna make your best attempt at flowering with these lights I suggest you move them closer together and lower them.
Unfortunately these plants were meant for outdoors. They have not been trained to have a level canopy in order to make the most use of the available light. Your top buds will do fine but the rest of the plant will suffer from lack of penetration.
Yeah they grew outside. Weather is bad for that time of the year, we already had a freezing night and it's raining a lot. That's wht y I had to find a plan B.
Phlizon 600w
Well, what a rip off!!! Here is the manufacturer specs I copied from their description.....

"can replace traditional 400 watt HPS/MH while consuming only 108 watts! ""

Your lights are only 100 actual watts each. Enough to grow lettuce maybe but nowhere near enough for 2 of them (200 actual watts) to flower 2 good sized cannabis plants.

You would need to add about 6 more of those same lights (8 total) to bring out a good yield potential in your plants. I hate to see two gorgeous big plants like that light neglected.
The best and cheapest thing yu could do at this point would be to get a rush on a 1000W hps setup and get that over them. I don't like hps at all but I sure wouldn't waste those 2 plants either.
Thank you for your advices, I just placed the order. I should get it by friday and install it on the evening or saturday.

I am truly disapointed... How can they advertise xW with leds when it's not even close to that in reality ?
Yes, that would do very well with those 2 plants and bring you a great harvest. Comes with a MH bulb for veg stage too! I agree with @Greenlizard too that without being in a reflective room I would use the 2 LED's for side lighting.
Hang that 1000W light well above the plants not to light burn the tops and then you can slowly work it into the right height for them.
Thank you for your advices, I just placed the order. I should get it by friday and install it on the evening or saturday.

I am truly disapointed... How can they advertise xW with leds when it's not even close to that in reality ?
By getting technical and misleading. You see, your light uses 60 LED's that are all capable of a maximum power consumption of 10 watts each so 60X10=600w. That is how they mislead you. If they drove them each at 10 watts they would burn out in mere minutes because of lack of effective cooling. So they drive each 10 watt LED in this case at 1.8 watts each so they are driven soft and don't burn out from successive heat. Now, 1.8 watts X 60 LED's = 108 true actual watts consumed from the wall. That is how they get you. You ave to read the fine print at actual power consumption.
Yes, that would do very well with those 2 plants and bring you a great harvest. Comes with a MH bulb for veg stage too! I agree with @Greenlizard too that without being in a reflective room I would use the 2 LED's for side lighting.
Hang that 1000W light well above the plants not to light burn the tops and then you can slowly work it into the right height for them.
Thanks ! What would be the appropriate high ?
Thank you for your advices, I just placed the order. I should get it by friday and install it on the evening or saturday.

I am truly disapointed... How can they advertise xW with leds when it's not even close to that in reality ?

I completely agree Jigg. It's so dishonest. I guess from when led lights first started showing up they were trying to compare the light output to the watts used and that was their selling point. Now with most modern day led's for growing cannabis this same principle is being used when it absolutely should not. A watt is a watt.
On a brighter note (no pun intended lol) you just bought yourself a good light with both veg, and bloom bulbs, a vented hood for heat management, a timer, and the hangers for $300!!! Congratulations! You just saved your plants and your gonna get a great yield!
Keep us updated once it arrives and how the performance is.
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