Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Thank you flyboy you just saved me some cash, and time researching. :goodjob::circle-of-love:

You mean flyboy saved you some CASH?? Cool, I need some cash, I am broke now just trying to get my "Silver Man Cave Grow Room" going... Whew!!
I like 5 or 7 gallon smarties indoors(wide based, saves on vertical growth space). Out, I go straight into the ground with wide holes dug each year. I would go BIG smart pots outside if I didn't go into the ground, say 15-20 gallon, minimum depending on how big you can grow in your spot. In my case, I can't go over 6 ft outside so I prefer to grow 5x5 bushes, this year, the holy grail got away from me and hit almost 6 foot. She did yield a little over 15 zips though and pretty much topped my vertical limit and she didn't sprout until June 1st. I couldn't imagine if I would of planted earlier. I'm babbling, I love this hobby so much, I can talk to myself about it. :) :peace:

Edit: I usually post photos so cheers to my 420 family. :grinjoint:


You can look right here in the grow journals, two very good growers JohnnieJC3- Kosher Kush Sharksbreath Feminized Manifold Project and Supergroomer- Supergroomer's Revenge of the clones
Much love 420 brother! :high-five:
Thank you flyboy you just saved me some cash, and time researching. :goodjob::circle-of-love:

Don't underestimate the usefulness of the Method 7 LED glasses. I own two Mars Hydro lights, and the Method 7 LED glasses in my opinion are essential. I also have a pair for my HPS.

Having used regular sunglasses, I can tell you that they come nowhere near close to the amount of clarity and colour differentiation you will get with the Method 7's.

I have not used welding glasses so I can't comment on them, but the Method 7's have been specially designed to take away all the different colours under the LED light and leave you thinking you are looking at a plant outside in daylight. I haven't been this impressed by any one product for a long time. Was blown away by them the first time I put them on.

And, mine were the very cheapest model (synthetic lenses as opposed to crystal).
Don't underestimate the usefulness of the Method 7 LED glasses. I own two Mars Hydro lights, and the Method 7 LED glasses in my opinion are essential. I also have a pair for my HPS.

Having used regular sunglasses, I can tell you that they come nowhere near close to the amount of clarity and colour differentiation you will get with the Method 7's.

I have not used welding glasses so I can't comment on them, but the Method 7's have been specially designed to take away all the different colours under the LED light and leave you thinking you are looking at a plant outside in daylight. I haven't been this impressed by any one product for a long time. Was blown away by them the first time I put them on.

And, mine were the very cheapest model (synthetic lenses as opposed to crystal).

Nobody is under estimating the usefulness of Method 7's. Flyboy is just showing you that it is not necessary to spend $50-$100 on some "led specific" sunglasses. There is nothing new under the sun. Most of the products sold in the cannabis industry were already being sold under a different title and for cheaper before this big cannabis industry boom.

I also know that for $5 dollars at WM, they have yellow driving glasses in the Optometry section. You will be able to see your plants as if it were regular daylight.
:party: I can see that more flower is coming.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Bigger plants need bigger pots. 10 gallon for the win. Getting ready to flip 12/12 here in a week.

Hey Catfish,

you may be broke but when your done with your silver man cave you will be set. I am hoping to move within the next 7 years to the country, preferably 5 to 10 acres so I can not justify building a big ole fancy man cave till after I get where I plan on dig my heels in. Till then I just have to be satisfied with what I got, I am envious of you though.
:thanks:thanks for sharing, Klovneposen:hug: your grow boosts a lot my confidence in our smallest light. Small as it is, it will also make good result.:cheer::cheer:
i use only a 12w led in my motherplant room :) it supply's me plenty with weedlings every other month even so many i make seedlings for my friends as well. So if you need a motherlight that will not react to the remote maybe the 48x5 reflector i use for my flowering would do well for you motherplant? im very satisfied with my results in the bloomroom with those small panels. it uses only about 60w in veg mode. just instead of those big bawler lights you got yourself you lucky man. :D

the left one have only grown under 12w from i took that cutting from the plant i grew from seed. i have removed about 12 seedlings from the bottom before i moved it from the 12w to the mars lighting.

the left bottom room
:)haha, no objection from me. I have told them about this :kiss:
Gnarl to Martian Engineers: add Dipswitches to remote transmitters and receivers! Resistance is Futile!
Hey Sara (or any other member who has done this before) , i have 2 x 300W old models and i wanted to know if i could take them with me on a plane in the carry on luggage so i can handle them with caution . I dont want to put the lights in the hold luggage because the people that work at the airports throw the suits and don't handle them carefully . Thanks in advance
:circle-of-love: thank you, randy. I have tried to understand this and conveyed it to them. :Namaste:
I seem to recall the remotes being in question before the lights were even made available as for dip switches that's too easy and old school for modern engineers addressable frequency scanning 2.4 G receivers anything else is just to simple(even though they worked for the last 50 years)
Myself a central control panel hardwired (old school) to a Master light then daisy chain to all other lights in series for larger grows. Then just a simple control panel with necessary light functions built into the light as other manufactures have done for the smaller grows.
On a serious note can't a switch be added to the antenna feed on the light and once set turn off the input feed so other lights can be set differently and not effect it ?
:thanks: thank you for the advice. Not crazy at all. You guys are my back-up and think tank and let me have a say in front of the engineers. Feeling so good, haha.:yahoo:
Morning Sara

Your engineers, like many, have forgot the first rule of engineering: KISS...Keep It Simple Stupid. One of my engineering professors, many years ago told the class that and it has always stuck in my mind.

The simplest way to solve the "remote issue" is to put a flash memory onboard the light that holds the programmed settings and a on/off switch for the receiver to communicate with the remote.

Turn the receiver switch on, program the settings for the light, turn the switch off so the remote no longer communicates with the light. Now you have the settings for the light stored ON the light and the remote no longer needs to communicate with the light until such time as you want to change settings. And you can still use one remote to program multiple lights, not to mention that if the batteries die in the remote, it won't affect the settings for your lights.

Just a thought from a crazy celt :)
What do you think of the new business cards


Cool er I mean Hot! I have need for consultation... How do I calculate btu output for these mH lights? I want to put 25 lights, MH2/1200's in a well insulated 600(20x30ft) square foot floor x 7 foot ceiling building. Prototype for small commercial grow in Alaska (legal). Under design construction lol( more detail at my Mars-dirt thread). Mars Hydro all the way. Prolly should just go over to the Mars web page and look it up ?
oh... this is so sweet...CatfishKinight:hug: Your wife is great! If I was a man, I wished I had a wife like her.:dreamy:
Yes I am a lucky man with a builder of a wife. She really is a Beautician. 1/2 of our garage is her Beauty Shop. She works from home. Was very nice when the kids were growing up.

And both of us were sitting in the room last night in chairs facing each other. Lol.

If it was all my ideas it would have been a shitty looking room with everything hanging all over the place.
But my wife likes a very clean house and a clean, organized, grow room for me.
I really can't complain... :)
:thanks: thanks for the tips, Kriaze. Eye protection is very important.
Hey Catfishknight that room is coming on amazingly. One thing that you may have forgotten though is your protection. If you will be in there a lot I would seriously consider getting yourself some LED glasses, not only will you be able to see your plants clearly without having to drag them in and out of the room (or switching LED's off and white lights on) when checking for deficiencies/pests etc, but they will also protect your eyesight too. I've written a review of the Method Seven glasses on my Plushberry thread but I'm sure there will be other reviews out there. I'm not too sure whether the lights will affect your skin if you are under them too long but they definitely will affect your eyesight. There's no harm in staying safe while enjoying the comfort of your room, and yeah the music is a must :)

All the best and I'm looking forward to seeing the completed room full of nice big fat juicy buds on your plants :thumb:
:party:thank you, Johnnie, I love 420 because you guys here have passion for grow, which stimulates me a lot. :party:
I like 5 or 7 gallon smarties indoors(wide based, saves on vertical growth space). Out, I go straight into the ground with wide holes dug each year. I would go BIG smart pots outside if I didn't go into the ground, say 15-20 gallon, minimum depending on how big you can grow in your spot. In my case, I can't go over 6 ft outside so I prefer to grow 5x5 bushes, this year, the holy grail got away from me and hit almost 6 foot. She did yield a little over 15 zips though and pretty much topped my vertical limit and she didn't sprout until June 1st. I couldn't imagine if I would of planted earlier. I'm babbling, I love this hobby so much, I can talk to myself about it. :) :peace:

Edit: I usually post photos so cheers to my 420 family. :grinjoint:


Much love 420 brother! :high-five:
Cool er I mean Hot! I have need for consultation... How do I calculate btu output for these mH lights? I want to put 25 lights, MH2/1200's in a well insulated 600(20x30ft) square foot floor x 7 foot ceiling building. Prototype for small commercial grow in Alaska (legal). Under design construction lol( more detail at my Mars-dirt thread). Mars Hydro all the way. Prolly should just go over to the Mars web page and look it up ?

According to MarsHydro those 1200w put out 1883 btu each , so I calculate that 25 would be around 47,000 btu , anything more could be discussed in a pm :)
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