MerryAnna's Swazi Adventure

Hello merry Anna how have you been I hope things have been great in your little world I just read the post about the halfway bad news but as good as you are with the plans I'm sure you can save them my wife told me to tell you hi and that she hopes that you are doing better that the plans don't keep you too depressed or the weather weather here is kind of frightening one minute it's blowing dust Another Minute it's raining and then it goes back to Sunshine again and I can see this all probably within an hour we're in monsoon season it sucks I don't know if you got to read my post or not the Black Op seed that I started growing 4 weeks ago I took a clone when it was 3 weeks old I took the top instead of typing it I turn the top into a clone this clone with a little bit of care and a little bit of your thinking made it root in 9 days and I mean route it had a lot of roots in 9 days it would have had to have started producing routes around day four or day five in order to have as many roots as it did

these little emojis are my feelings and expressions throughout the day today since I had to deal with people I don't like being around people that much causes me very bad anxiety and heart repetitions
Hello merry Anna how have you been I hope things have been great in your little world I just read the post about the halfway bad news but as good as you are with the plans I'm sure you can save them my wife told me to tell you hi and that she hopes that you are doing better that the plans don't keep you too depressed or the weather weather here is kind of frightening one minute it's blowing dust Another Minute it's raining and then it goes back to Sunshine again and I can see this all probably within an hour we're in monsoon season it sucks I don't know if you got to read my post or not the Black Op seed that I started growing 4 weeks ago I took a clone when it was 3 weeks old I took the top instead of typing it I turn the top into a clone this clone with a little bit of care and a little bit of your thinking made it root in 9 days and I mean route it had a lot of roots in 9 days it would have had to have started producing routes around day four or day five in order to have as many roots as it did

these little emojis are my feelings and expressions throughout the day today since I had to deal with people I don't like being around people that much causes me very bad anxiety and heart repetitions
Hi, Mr & Mrs high.
All good here, been a little busy the past few weeks. Got headhunted (kinda) by someone who (and whose) company i admire very much , have to decide if i want to keep my business or go work for him , went to do a job in the boonies this week, got hired to do another job consecutively , had one of my older girls die from thirst cause i wasn't here .
How are things there? Are you close enough to Houston to feel any of the effects of Harvey?
Today was officially spring day here.
I bought some nettles from a great nursery today, goimg to plant them tomorrow (i haven't had a proper smoke in 10 days, very much looking forward to rolling a FAT joint & then watching Magnum, PI. until i fall asleep).

I'm not stressing about my journal seedlings, i still expect another cold front before spring really sets in, so i'm just keeping them comfy for now, and i need a few things for my soilbuild for their permanent homes & need to prune away a stray tree branch shading their house.
What have you been up to? I saw the black ops clones. Legendary work .
Have a great day!
Cold front you can gladly send to Cape Town please. We are HUGELY f-d up this side with the water we have. Eish hope they just finish those water expansion plans soon. Something they want to build or such
Right now, cold front up here means dry cold. No rain, no frost that i saw this winter. Hope it rains soon by you and here, too. I feel a lekker migraine coming on, and those only happen when atmospheric pressure changes take place or my mother happens. Here's to hoping for rain.
I say keep your business and if you need a little work on the side do it for your friend but it's always nice to have your own business and Be Your Own Boss trust me I know lots of benefits I had to do the one thing that I hate to do today and that's Drive I do not like driving it pushes my anxiety a little too much now I'm at home stressed and wanting to yell at somebody but I don't want to yell at the misses and I don't want to yell at the babies I do not do so good around people and to make this even funnier all my friends are in other states so I never have to see them perfect kind of friend for me LOL we are getting some of it but not very much of the bad part it can't make it over the mountain that I live on hit let's all of the water out on the other side and it comes over dry how shity for me
10 days I guess I'm going to have to start sitting down and smoking for you what do you think
my three-year-old has got an ear infection that will not go away and all she wants his daddy all daddy wants his to be away from people but I cannot tell her now hope you like my picture
I say keep your business and if you need a little work on the side do it for your friend but it's always nice to have your own business and Be Your Own Boss trust me I know lots of benefits. I had to do the one thing that I hate to do today and that's Drive I do not like driving it pushes my anxiety a little too much now I'm at home stressed and wanting to yell at somebody but I don't want to yell at the misses and I don't want to yell at the babies I do not do so good around people and to make this even funnier all my friends are in other states so I never have to see them perfect kind of friend for me LOL we are getting some of it but not very much of the bad part it can't make it over the mountain that I live on hit let's all of the water out on the other side and it comes over dry how shity for me
10 days I guess I'm going to have to start sitting down and smoking for you what do you think
my three-year-old has got an ear infection that will not go away and all she wants his daddy all daddy wants his to be away from people but I cannot tell her now hope you like my picture

I like your picture! I hope to have a cupboard that looks like that inside it one day .

Hope the stressful events settle down for you and you get some time to yourself.
I could not sleep because of my anxiety last night I got aggravated and left the house about 9:45 and I am still sitting out here by the side of the Rio Grande River smoking and bullshiting and fishing trying to let my stress go somewhere other than my head but I appreciate you asking and each one of those jobs is a different strain there are Supply bounces there in total
I say keep your business and if you need a little work on the side do it for your friend but it's always nice to have your own business and Be Your Own Boss trust me I know lots of benefits I had to do the one thing that I hate to do today and that's Drive I do not like driving it pushes my anxiety a little too much now I'm at home stressed and wanting to yell at somebody but I don't want to yell at the misses and I don't want to yell at the babies I do not do so good around people and to make this even funnier all my friends are in other states so I never have to see them perfect kind of friend for me LOL we are getting some of it but not very much of the bad part it can't make it over the mountain that I live on hit let's all of the water out on the other side and it comes over dry how shity for me
10 days I guess I'm going to have to start sitting down and smoking for you what do you think
my three-year-old has got an ear infection that will not go away and all she wants his daddy all daddy wants his to be away from people but I cannot tell her now hope you like my picture

Yup, it's kinda the same idea i had, keep my business & help him out on the side. I've worked too long & too hard & been broke for too long, and things are finally starting to go well - work is coming to me, i don't have to go look for it as much.
Sorry about the ear infection! Things that could help:
1) vicks vaporub on a piece of cotton wool, stick it in the sore ear
2) ear candle
3) some weed, but she's only 3... maybe not.
Fresh cooked chicken & veg soup with lotsa herbs is very good for the immune system. I put lots of ginger & garlic in there when i'm sick, works better than meds (it bolsters the whole system so that her body will fight the infection off, like feeding soil for bigger buds, ya know?) Also, use whole chicken, the bones etc makes it healthier overall (like whole plant meds iso isolated cbd etc). I'll send you a pm with a recipe. Hate driving in rush hour, i live close to 6 schools, so it's ALWAYS rush hour here. And people drive like asses. Good luck!
Journal update:
I was away for a while on a job, which enabled me to visit a very good plant nursery which stocks all sorts of wonderful herbs. I was happy to find nettles and cancer bush (sutherlandia frutescens), as well as some red clover seeds.
I also bought 2 big bags of organic, vegan worm castings from a great supplier, i can finally finish the permanent veg & mj beds for the summer.
Why did i mention the other plants & seeds? Companion planting. This is a branch of permaculture, and it creates a symbiotic ecosystem where everything thrives, feeds, protects & boosts everything else.
Quick breakdown of what the plants do:
Nettles: what weed doesn't cure, nettles do. I used to have it in the garden, until there was an incident involving my sister, no gloves & some roundup. . I speeds up composting, lots of trace elements which it shares around, and it increases oil production (ie terpenes, esters etc) in nearby plants (weed). It's super medicinal, used topically & ingested.
Red clover:
Excellent source of nitrogen, wonderful green manure, great ground cover(preserves water by preventing evaporation) feeds the soil, does lots of great stuff for weed when planted together.
Cancer bush:
Like mj & nettles, it's a wonderfully beneficial medicine, and it is still used here as a herbal medicine to fight cancer (anecdotal evidence of completely healing cancer). It's a legume, so a nitrogen fixer, nectar rich flowers to feed good insects like bees. Consumed & used as a topical. Not a lot of research that i can find, but i hope that when weed regains legality, more research will be done into traditional herbs like these.
Worm castings:
I've used name brand castings, and the results, though better than any other tyoe of manure i've used, was meh compared to this lady's. I do ammend it with crushed eggshells, because she is fully vegan, and the egg shells add calcium & deters snails. I've grown strawberries with leaves the size my open hand on 1 cup of this stuff in crappy potting soil. Sweetest berries since my grandpa's 27 years ago.
My anaerobic, organic LAB mixes are cooking away nicely, they should be ready next week.
I'm also cooking up a new batch of LAB to replace what i've already used up.
Happy weekend!
Journal day ??? (Somewhere in week 4)
Quick update:
Added a few trowels of my special worm castings to existing beds over the weekend. It's happy smile party time over here. Where my 'patch of kush' (which i'm pretty sure is mostly Durban Poison, yay me!!!) hit me waist high 10 days ago, some of them are now shoulder height. . Most of them have flipped, but there's one or 2 biding their time. They're going to be monstrous in bloom.
The older, flowering beds/ tubs) are fat, and i mean lenght & girth of a porn star, with buds. I'm so happy my jasmine is producing tons of floral scent, because ze buds are very, very stinky.
I'm also building some lasagne/ no till/ layered beds (mostly for veggies, but i use veggies as cover crop), and my LAB (# 2) is getting on nicely. I have some fermented plant juice (1. Papaya (bloom), comfrey & kelp (general potent feed) that should be ready to use by now. Just have to decide which patch to experiment on...
Overall, things are looking happy, smiley, good and satisfactory here. Enjoying my first off day in 2 weeks with a wake'n'bake, so light gardening & a bit of tennis on the wireless. (Go Kevin Anderson! You beautiful ginger, you. )
Happy weekend! Xxx
Ok, a few more notes.
Planted 10+ regular Swazi seeds on 19/07. First one (A) popped on 22/07. Transplanted A on 27/07.
B popped on 23/07, transplanted 31/07. C-F popped between 24 & 27/ 07, transplanted on 02/07.

A is top right corner, B bottom right corner, the rest are C-F.

This is how i grow them for at least 2 weeks - i open the containers between 11am& 2pm. From previous experience, i know they go nuts for their own personal little greenhouses..
Subed to this one. Most of my smoke is swazi!!
Yes I'm sure there is a lot of great educated people on here to help but I'd reach out to sweet sue if your looking for someone with a lot of great educational information on edibles and oils pills search sweet sue . She seems to know her stuff ....
Ahooi Kingjoe!! This is our landrace this swazi. Very good high!!!
Welcome, bud. I couldn't find a lot of info on growing Swazi, so everyone is welcome to chip in with advice & experiences! Thanks!
I have recently watched the swazi expedition by strain hunters on u tube. Have uvseen it Ma??
MerryAnna I have a subject but I wanted to discuss with you and if anybody else has anything to chime in let me know but this is a little bit over the head so here we go I plan it for Christmas cookies there are seven phenotypes that I am aware of I ended up with two number twos phenotype and to number 4 phenotype number for is the Hard One to get ahold of it is a very odd phenotype and as you know I've read my seeds so I don't know whether I should just breed the number fours singling out the number for phenotype like they did Gorilla Glue number 4 or should I just let it go with the and let it continue keeping all the phenotypes I hope you understand what I'm trying to say
MerryAnna I have a subject but I wanted to discuss with you and if anybody else has anything to chime in let me know but this is a little bit over the head so here we go I plan it for Christmas cookies there are seven phenotypes that I am aware of I ended up with two number twos phenotype and to number 4 phenotype number for is the Hard One to get ahold of it is a very odd phenotype and as you know I've read my seeds so I don't know whether I should just breed the number fours singling out the number for phenotype like they did Gorilla Glue number 4 or should I just let it go with the and let it continue keeping all the phenotypes I hope you understand what I'm trying to say
Hiya, High. Hope the lil monkey feels better
Ok. What i would do is grow them both out a bit, and see what they do.
I've been watching Strain Hunters, and the stuff those guys know... basically, i hate killing off genetics & phenos, i love watching them grow and the differences that gets exhibited within a strain. Even 2 exact clones grown in different parts of the garden will grow differently. I know space etc is at a premium for you, and you need to produce for the shop, so i'd watch the grow a bit longer, see which one would produce more, then grow that one for the customers. I would't x the other pheno, keeping the genetics (seeds, clearly marked #2 or whatever). Alternatively, you could grow out 1 of each to see if there's a difference in the smoke itself, and if there is, maybe get your customers to decide. Does that help at all?
Ps the whole strain hunter thing - really enjoying watching those guys. They seem to really care about the different landraces, trekking them down, getting first hand info from locals who've grown for GENERATIONS. I'm hooked. It's about preservation of genetics, and educating people. Respect, you know? I'd love to do that for a living
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