Mickey's Grow Journal


New Member
I guess im pretty well into to it at this point to be starting a journal, but better late than never. Anyway, Im 28 days from seed, with 400watt MH for veg, been using a series of different nutes, they've responded well. I've got 13 little ones, with 4-5 nodes on each plant. I "topped" the plants about 5 days ago. So here's my situation: (i really need some input/advice)


Im in a bit of a time crunch, as I only have about 6 weeks until I have to have this whole thing finished. I didnt put much thought into the time factor when I started, and this is my first grow, so if I can get any sort of yield off this first time i'll be happy.

I'm thinking of (in about 4-5 days) to do an initial 36 hour blackout (i read this drops the "Pfr" and changes to "Pr" thus speeding up the initial flowering/quickly tells the plant to flower), then go 12/12 with my 400W HPS. I will go with a "P-K" concentrated 6.3 PH'ed water during this 5 week flowering period. (i only have 5 weeks to flower)

My question is, will this work?? Will I get a yield? (SEE PHOTOS BELOW)

Also, I still have to sex the plants as I dont know the sexes yet, waiting a week after starting 12/12 is this ok??

Please let me know..... Many Many Thanks,





subscribed. what strain are you growing, this is what determines how long of flowering cycle they require? you will probably have to either find another location for your grow now or later during flowering.
Hi Mickey.

You could give them 13 hrs of night and only 11 hrs of day time,

that would allow more time each night for the flowering hormone to build up.

Reduce the time each week, so they think it's getting to the end of autumn.

That would speed them up, but finding a place where they can finish properly would be better.

They usually need a minimum of 8 weeks and the last 2 weeks are when they swell up and give you yield.

Good luck and good weed to you :xmas:
things are going ok, I inserted a link to another forum, you can have a read and a look, i think my current grow might just have to chalk it up to "learning experience" not sure if i'll be able to finish or get a yield, so im a bit discouraged, but i havent given up.

Look forward to hearing back from ya! Thanks and Peace

(Link to other post)
" Please Help! Male or Female? I cant tell the sex "

Alright- heres the deal, Im on day 7 of flowering and about three days ago I started to get this "creepy curl" on a few of my plants "top node" leaves, my plants were topped about 2 weeks ago. Can anyone tell me what this curl is and how do i address the issue. I may have over watered a the past couple days, also im on 12/12 and my temp goes way down when the lights off, like 55-58 degrees, but my temps with light on are about 75-80. Is this too big of a temp flux?? Also, I am giving organic phosphorus and calcium nutes, along with an organic general "seaweed" nute mix. Im not sure if its a stress problem? nute problem? over watering? temp problem?? Im really kinda stumped here guys...

Any advice would be greatful, thanks~ Peace!! Mikey



Re: Mickey's Grow Journal - Is this a MALE???

hey everyone,

day 10 of flowering, 12/12, found a couple round bumps on plant 004, tried to get some clear shots, anyway can anyone please tell me if this is a male. I have too many plants for my little space and I need to clear some out so I can have room.

much appreciated! -Mikey





To me they seem to look like new nodes being pushed out, not a definition of sex. But I am still new and could be wrong, how old are these girls? They seem like they may be too young still to show sex, give them a few days and keep an eye on those spots you have pictures above, time will tell :Namaste:
I hear ya, my first indoor grow I couldn't keep my hands off of them, seemed like they took forever to grow because I was non stop watching them LOL.. 2nd grow is flying by! I try to check on them once maybe twice a day briefly, one a week I get in there and inspect everything with precision, and these babies just roll on through their life cycle :blunt:
But of course in your case determining sex keep an extra close eye on these plants :thumb:

:peace: CA215
It is too early to sex your plants until they are either sexually mature or are in flowering. the areas that you have highlighted in your photographs are just of the nodes on the stem where the branches come off.

the male and female cannabis plant


the female cannabis pre flower

Thanks KJC- ill just kick back and wait a while longer then... also thanks a ton for the great info pic about sexes.

Peace- Mikey
Please Help! Sausage Party- Male Plants??!!

Okie Dokie-
13 beauties, tonight I took 'em out for some inspection, I found four shady fellas lurking among them. I attached a pic of four plants which I believe to be male plants, can someone (as many people as possible) please confirm for me that they are indeed male plants.

Thanks, Mikey

Big Sexy Buds, is it safe to say she's a SHE??

Hey Everyone, thanks for the feedback yesterday about the four males I had, I did get rid of them today and they are resting nicely in a trash bin somewhere :high-five: Now, attached here is a pic of plant #001, just to confirm, is it safe to say its a BIG SEXY FEMALE?? Thanks again ya'll

Mikey :peace:


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