Mickey's Grow Journal

Appears to be female to me, Good job Micky! :thumb:

I think I may have a couple "hermies" on my hands. There are a couple plants with the same look but a "ball" type thing on each side. I'm going to wait a couple more days to see, I will try to get some pics. One quick question: will the hermies just have one or two "balls" or will it also appear as a "grape cluster" like the males?

Thanks, Mike
Hermies, in my experience with them I have noticed they will produce the one or two balls with the fem pistils, very odd. I have noticed "Bananas" or "Nanners" one some of my buds whilst they were in flower.. this will resemble a lime green banana being pushed from the inner/outer bud. In my experience I have never seen the "clusters" on my buds, ( I think those that produce small buds with the same amount of seeds are true hermies) I had just gotten the smaller white/tanish suckers that piss you off when you dump your bud out of the grinder, so im sure I stressed my female plants into hermie :bong:
so are the hermies even worth keeping? should I throw out the hermies when I determine they truly are hermies? Will they pollinate my other females and f*ck them up too? Or can I just leave them and flower them out?
Personally, IMO.

I would not risk having any hermies next to your females, they will release pollen and in return give you a full crop of herms.
I have grown out hermies after already going for 50 days flowering.. IN this case I would grow them out, but if they are still little babies I would definitely kill them off to avoid further headache.
alright- that's kinda what I figured. I'm only 14 days into flowering, so I will watch them closely the next few days and try to get some good pics so that I can get everyone's opinion as to whether or not they really are or aren't hermies, if they definitely are hermies I will "ditch" them ASAP, I don't want to leave anything that might effect the "girls"/ my yield.

I'll keep ya'll posted! Peace!! -Mickster
Oh no, him/her... SheMale... Hermies!!

Alright, as an update, when my lights went on tonight for my light cycle i pulled the girls out to inspect and again found another two "Males" that just started showing signs (grape clusters) over night. SO I got rid of them. But today the newest situation is "HERMIES"! I know what they are and theoretically what they should look like, but Im struggling because tonight I found two for certain what seem to have male and female attributes, something that looks like a flower but then a couple (two maximum) round little balls near the node. If they are Hermies I wanna get 'em out of the room ASAP, but im not sure if thats what they really are.
Im most skeptical of #003# & #005#, to be honest im just guessing when it comes to #012# but i do know that it had a couple spots that made we think twice, so, better safe than sorry...

Please take a look and let me know, Im getting so excited as the girls are starting to flower. Im down from 13 to 7 plants now, and if I have 3 hermies then I'll be down to 4, which is ok i guess, I can put everything I have into these four and also maybe get a couple clones for the next grow.

Peace and look forward to hearing from you, Mike



Two Sexxy Girls...

just an update, no questions today. Day 16 of flowering, was 12/12 up until now, I am going to reduce my lights by 30 minutes tomorrow and go with 12.5/11.5 for two weeks then reduce again 13/11 for the rest of the time. Below are a couple of my girls, they finally decided to pull up their skirts and show us the sh*t! :bravo: Some have said in reply to some recent pictures that its too soon to even tell the sex, but i think it was a problem with the area i was showing in the picture which made you think this. Anyway, getting real excited as things are progressing nicely. As im wiritng this a few questions come to mind - .....

1. Flush nutes with pure water a week before harvest??
2. Give 1 (one) or 3 (three) days of dark at the very end?? (i've heard alot of different stuff)
(this is my first grow, so I have alot of uncertains, things will be different next time as I will be clear on
certain things and I will also know what things are a MUST and what things can be experimented with.)
3.If i drop the temps at night it will bring out the "purple/blue-ish" in my plants, this just looks cool yeah? it
does nothing for THC or CBD levels??
4. How much benifit does one actually get from feeding Molasses?? (does any speak against it?)

Alright already, im sure thats enough to keep us busy for a while. Have a great day all and look forward to feedback.

Thanks- Mikey :peace:

Re: Oh no, him/her... SheMale... Hermies!!

If they are Hermies I wanna get 'em out of the room ASAP, but im not sure if thats what they really are.
Im most skeptical of #003# & #005#, to be honest im just guessing when it comes to #012# but i do know that it had a couple spots that made we think twice, so, better safe than sorry...

Please take a look and let me know, Im getting so excited as the girls are starting to flower. Im down from 13 to 7 plants now, and if I have 3 hermies then I'll be down to 4, which is ok i guess, I can put everything I have into these four and also maybe get a couple clones for the next grow.

Peace and look forward to hearing from you, Mike




Good weed to you, Mick :)

I think you should keep a beady eye on these ones.

They do look suspect.

Keep us posted :thumb:
This picture was taken at day 1 of the budding cycle. Currently on day 4 or 5.

Looks good, nice up-skirt photo there :) what strain is it? Mine is just ditchw--d bagseed I got from a guy alongside the street. I just wanted to get some experience and figure how all this shit works before I start spending cash on expensive seeds. Keep up the good work mate!

You grow indoor/outdoor? I'm indoors and I've started purposely dropping my temps to imitate the "fall season". I'm 17 days into flowering and I was on 12/12 lights, but now I just went 12.5/11.5, in about a week or 10 days I will drop to 13/11, I'm hoping this will provide an even more "natural" fall season effect. Currently I've got 75 degrees lights on and about 65 degrees lights off, with humidity between 45 and 60.

I pretty confident about the "environment/timing" aspect of the whole process. I'm still struggling with the "nutes" and "watering" aspect of everything, like (which nutes, ratios, how much water and how often) but like I've heard from the beginning "less is more".

I'm buying a pocket microscope so I can keep an eye on the "trichomes" that way I know when to harvest. I'm gonna take 'me when their cloudy before they turn amber as sativa effect is preferred. I'm still trying to figure out if I should give 1-2 days of dark before chopping down. also, I'm not so sure about "harvest, trimming, curing" but the forums are good and YouTube has alot of good stuff, so I'm not too worried.

Look forward to hearing back from you mate!

Peace- Mikey
Of and From the grown room...

****Hey All, not much new since last post, just thought i'd share some pics and some thoughts and ask a couple questions. The hamster in my head is training for a marathon or something cause my brain wont stop turning, that or there's a serious butter shortage, ha ha. Anyway, here are a couple pics of the grow setup, very small space 1 meterX1meterX60cm deep. Have a small A/C unit blowing in, 400W HPS with a digital ballast (also changeable from 100%-75%-50%) I have 3 small 4" fans above, blowing down and across. I also have a small de-humidifier, which is hooked to a "set meter" hygrometer, when the humidity gets above a certain point it turns on and sends power to the electrical outlet the dehumidifier is plugged into.

---------I'M 18 DAYS INTO 12/12 FLOWER----------

Anyway, there's always the issue of fan leaves and or the plant being bushy/small spaces pose a problem for light getting to the middle and lower areas of the plant. So I have added three CFL's (two 65W and one 23W) {dont ask why two the same and one different, long story}
Anyway, are these CLF's doing me any good??? or is it pointless?
(i figured more light the better....)

Another thing Im curious about is turning down my HPS a little from 100% to 75% going to benefit me at all?(to imitate autumn conditions) or will it just fuck up the grow?
(just thinking weaker light (imitating autumn) / also brings my temp down a few degrees Celsius.)
OR-- do i want as much intense light as possible for the 12 hours that they're on???

One last question: I fooled around with DWC a while ago and ended up buying small disposable CO2 cylinders to supplement CO2 cause my temps were so high and it was hard for my plants to take in the nutes.
Anyway, now im in soil, and I was wondering, if I open the CO2 can and just spray a little CO2 over and around my plants and close the room door, will this do anything to my plants? good or bad??

So my three questions:
1: added CFL's doing me any good??
2: is turning down my HPS having any positive effect???
3: is spraying CO2 on my plants doing any good??

Thanks everyone and cheers!! Mikey






answer to question 1 and 2: i would provide as much light to your plants as possible as you can cool, I would say add a 1000 watt light bulb and ballast if you could cool the grow area. providing as much light as possible ensures the largest harvest and providing less equals less harvest.

question 3: i doubt that a small C02 canister is providing as much C02 as a small home made sugar and yeast generator. use the search function and search for C02 generator.
Looks good, nice up-skirt photo there :) what strain is it? Mine is just ditchw--d bagseed I got from a guy alongside the street. I just wanted to get some experience and figure how all this shit works before I start spending cash on expensive seeds. Keep up the good work mate!

Mine is random bag seed as well, but it was from pretty decent stuff. Oh and I'm outdoors, no nutes. Letting nature do it's thing. :) I made a grow journal if you'd like the check it out "Sucasa1212"
Holy Sh*t! Look at that thing...!

alright, about a week ago got rid of a bunch of males, (five to be exact) then there were three other plants that I just couldnt tell what sex they were. Well, two of them I now know are female, and I think i got a hermie, I've got hairs and balls on a couple different nodes, but not on all the buds/nodes. (See Pic...) anyway, can i keep this in a seperate room and continue to grow and just pick off with a tweezers any (male genitalia)as it appears? Will the yield be usable? bad quality? would love some feedback on this.

Thanks Ya'll, peace! Mike



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