MMJ Journal - One Man's Healing With Cannabis Experience

Oh yes that needed some tap dancing. My defence of "we talked about me growing some plants" received a "well I didn't realize you meant now and that you wanted to grow them in the house". They stink ...

I have gone nose blind it seems. What helped was the family members got used to the small too.

My little garden of 4 afghan Kush babies was a problem. Saved by the fact that I could take them outside during the day and the two girls were planted outside before they came back.

I had one Auto Diesel berry you could smell through two doors, and one of them is a metal door! Up to then I was so self-conscious about neighbors knowing I had a grow. Not any more. If they haven't figured it out by now, THEY are well past nose-blind! :laughtwo:

At least I don't have a stream of scary strangers coming to my door at all hours of the night. I only grow for family. This is a family neighborhood.
I had one Auto Diesel berry you could smell through two doors, and one of them is a metal door! Up to then I was so self-conscious about neighbors knowing I had a grow. Not any more. If they haven't figured it out by now, THEY are well past nose-blind! :laughtwo:

At least I don't have a stream of scary strangers coming to my door at all hours of the night. I only grow for family. This is a family neighborhood.

I hear you. My Grow2 bush, while not at a majorPita standard, was about 5 feet tall, vary round and quite fragrant.

Grew it in front of a south facing wall in the middle of suburbia. Neighbours who must have seen didn't say a word.

Note to self: multiple tops/fim prior to moving outside. Bush shape people don't know what it is.
Hi Old bear, I'm jewellkey. I just came across your post and thought I'd let you know what happened to me recently.
nI the spring of this year I had to go to the hospital because my lungs were so sore , I thought I had double phnumonia.
After tons of CT scans ex-rays etc it was determined that I should get on the lung diognostic program at The Juravinski cancer clinic.
My first hospital visit (all day} I was released saying all is good get some rest , the radiologists report said all was good just a lung nodules from past damage.
A week later just going out the door to church I get a cal from the same Doctor at the Emerg says I have to come in now and talk to him. ( he had doubts about the first scan as he had seen it so he sent it out to another college for a second opinion .
So another day at the hospital ,another scan , blood tests etc. and he tells me there was a mistake and the original radiologists mixed up reports and I needed to get to the treatment centre for biopsies. My family Doctor didn't notice my blood count on one test was 1,100 when 500 was the norm !
The doctor advises me that this is serious and get my affairs in order as this could go bad very quick.
Anyway I went on line and researched treatment options.
One was medical cannabis So I able to get some that was 24 THC !0.5 CBD and I used a bong pipe first and went legal through a my Doctor and got a portable Mighty medic .
Anyway by the time I got to the last biopsy , I had another CT scan and the Doctor came out and said I was the luckiest man alive, go buy a lottery ticket ! My lungs had completely cleared up.
5 months later I still vape about 2 grams a day and feel great. All my Doctors were amazed with what happened,
I had a lot of people praying for me and also God created hundreds of different strains of cannabis for us to use medically!
Thank goodness the Canadian Government is on board and we have the option to medicate through herbs not chemicals .
I have bad arthritis in all fingers and 3 discs in my back and I am pill free now managing with a pain level 2 instead of 8-10 so cannabis is helping my whole body .
Keep going on the cannabis path Old Bear , hope the rest of your journal has good and pain free news.!
A key element of my Healing with Cannabis treatment plan is constant movement.

My family thinks I have ticks. Not the deer kind. The body parts moving, flexing, tightening turning, twisting kind of ticks.

I'm working hard at remembering to move the joints. I can do this anywhere and everywhere, so it could be all day long. You know that warm fuzzy tingly you get after a massage? Ive learned that I can 'read' that welcome response that joint / muscle groups give when they are manipulated.

I think it's endorphins and dopamine. Two feel good chemicals that i made myself and they are free. Best meds ever :cheer:

The ability to feel this effect and the strength of it is higher with cannabis compounds in the system.
Is my body as smart as a plant?

A beauty young lady cannabis plant under the care of one of the sites many great gardeners will thrive. All it asks for is good water good food, but the right kind and Changing as she matures, sunlight and some movement. She will take it from there managing its own health and well being. You will be rewarded.

The human body and brain has to be at least as smart as a plant.

Will it take what compounds it needs to grow when it's needs them and in the proper quantity? I think so. It asks for good water good food light and movement. If I do that it will look after itself and I will be rewarded.

Thought of the day: Why don't I look after myself as well as I would a plant?
Answer of the day: duh I dunno. I have no satisfactory response to this question. What an idiot.
Hi Old bear, I'm jewellkey. I just came across your post and thought I'd let you know what happened to me recently.
nI the spring of this year I had to go to the hospital because my lungs were so sore , I thought I had double phnumonia.
After tons of CT scans ex-rays etc it was determined that I should get on the lung diognostic program at The Juravinski cancer clinic.
My first hospital visit (all day} I was released saying all is good get some rest , the radiologists report said all was good just a lung nodules from past damage.
A week later just going out the door to church I get a cal from the same Doctor at the Emerg says I have to come in now and talk to him. ( he had doubts about the first scan as he had seen it so he sent it out to another college for a second opinion .
So another day at the hospital ,another scan , blood tests etc. and he tells me there was a mistake and the original radiologists mixed up reports and I needed to get to the treatment centre for biopsies. My family Doctor didn't notice my blood count on one test was 1,100 when 500 was the norm !
The doctor advises me that this is serious and get my affairs in order as this could go bad very quick.
Anyway I went on line and researched treatment options.
One was medical cannabis So I able to get some that was 24 THC !0.5 CBD and I used a bong pipe first and went legal through a my Doctor and got a portable Mighty medic .
Anyway by the time I got to the last biopsy , I had another CT scan and the Doctor came out and said I was the luckiest man alive, go buy a lottery ticket ! My lungs had completely cleared up.
5 months later I still vape about 2 grams a day and feel great. All my Doctors were amazed with what happened,
I had a lot of people praying for me and also God created hundreds of different strains of cannabis for us to use medically!
Thank goodness the Canadian Government is on board and we have the option to medicate through herbs not chemicals .
I have bad arthritis in all fingers and 3 discs in my back and I am pill free now managing with a pain level 2 instead of 8-10 so cannabis is helping my whole body .
Keep going on the cannabis path Old Bear , hope the rest of your journal has good and pain free news.!

Welcome and thank you for sharing. I was sad at the start and happy clapping by the end. I'm delighted to know about your good results.

I've started a pill reduction component too. A phase down and out? Plan for something called tramadol.

That thc/cbd mix is wow. Do you know the strain?
I'm finally out of the penalty box getting my wish to post some pics of the old bear den. I think..

The mods/admin will be pleased I finally read and understood all the instructions. The tone of the second message was really good and coaching not a ' are you dumber than a fifth grader' which would actually be true when it comes the tablets and such.

In old style presentation, here is a link to:
Oldbears Den in the Woods

It's in an Off Topic forum I've just learned about. Good subject matter that I think is On Topic for people seeking healing with cannabis answers.

You'll never guess who was over there....sweetSue was there.

I'll also fix my signature formats when I have a real mouse to work with.
I'm enjoying the day. Sun reflection off a billion snow flakes and the trees all dressed up for the Christmas picture.

My plan for rest of today is to get a draft of a the contents of a kit of sorts. A list of Materials a person starting a Healing With Cannabis Program might want to have.

A qty of thc/sativa
A qty of thc/indica

A qty of a blended thc / cbd as close to egual volume of each if there is a choice a thc/indica would be my choice.

A qty of. Cbd/thc with highest cbd you can find with a low thc.

I needed to do the math and conversion of i have in it to some unit of measure you can dose with. Drops, tokes, one gummy, one chunk of a 6 chunk chocolate bar. A 60 mg bar so 10 mg each half a chunk gets 5 mg per half chunk. I can track and repeat that.

Calculate for each source what qty you need for about 5 mg dose and keep that info handy.

Now put everything except your thc/cbd mix. Measure out a dose roughly 5 mg total not each. I looked all over for a starter dose. Half a grain of rice is common but the Sheldon in me wants to know the size specs on the rice and the concentration of what's in the dropper. I recall seeing a 10mg starter starter dose somewhere. So in keeping with start low go slow myself and a trusted friend decide its go time with a 5 mg starter.

Big glass of water, flush, and in she goes. Settle into a quiet comfortable place. Wait.

From my e
Nothing absolutely nothing. Quick chat about just what it was we were waiting for exactly. We can only hold out for an hour.

Like two grade 8 kids smoking oregano and asking are you feeling this, or this. Time for some more but what.
Like Sue said on one of her Journals: Keep raising the dose till you are just beyond what you want, then back off one level. You can't overdose, just get high.

No use waiting till the pain returns to up the dose.

Stay away from that G**D***** Tramadol. That will make you sick as a dog. I took one, was comatose for about 15 minutes, then was rudely woken up with having to throw up. I never took another dose!
Something I've learned: my ECS is a real thing. I can communicate with it. I always did have one. I always could communicate with it. I pretty much ignored it and the many messages it is always sending.

Now I'm practicing both listening and responding to it. Like a grower responding to the needs and wants of their cherished cannabis plant.
Thoughts on body buzz ...

I have learned to Consider it as a known and welcome result in an ECS aware system

For me it is well everywhere but felt mostly in joint areas, including shoulder, neck lower back
It's everywhere my system is inflamed, sick, sore whatever.

This tingle, buzz, tickle, warmth sensation is everywhere. All feels good now that I know what it is.

What it seems like is less than before pain sensations mixed with a the good feels.

It's the reaction to being treated with a solution enriched with cannabis compounds, oxygen, some good food and good water.

Some healing is happening.
A theory: My brain is fast. It likes to go fast. It likes having 8 more things to do before end of day in two hours fast. Getting that done fast.

When the present is about to become high activity, aware, stress heightened, action oriented the ECS kicks in with all sorts of beneficial compounds.

When I'm ingesting more thc than I need to, I've overstimulated my system and especially my fast brain. It gets all carried away thinking we need to do ten things at once. ECS fires off those compounds adrenalin for example. Since we are sitting on the couch the muscles don't know what to do with them.

So a body fired up to do battle with a mammoth, or fight off attackers. It is in a resting state on the couch. So yeah I feel funny. Who pulled the alarm? Where's the fire? Let's get going.

My brain is busier than emergency room trauma doctors on those shows.

I'm thinking that every thing we do is like a little project. Getting things home from the grocery is a project with many steps and outcomes.
All day long many little projects are underway at the same time each progressing in their own way.

My brain is managing all these little projects all day long. Plus all the involuntary ones like breathing. It always does this.

The thoughts running by are like a stock market display. By brain is just sharing what it's doing. Click on one to pause and think about that one for a minute. Someone in the baking test said this well.

If it's a bunch of what I need to do thoughts, slow it down by writing them down. There now that's better.

Eventually the action oriented compounds that have me at high alert fade, extra water and flush helps.

There are lots of tips on relaxation and coping with too much thc methods available on 420.
Like Sue said on one of her Journals: Keep raising the dose till you are just beyond what you want, then back off one level. You can't overdose, just get high.

No use waiting till the pain returns to up the dose.

Stay away from that G**D***** Tramadol. That will make you sick as a dog. I took one, was comatose for about 15 minutes, then was rudely woken up with having to throw up. I never took another dose!

Good advice :thumb:
:popcorn:My thanks for this link! I love do it yourself engineering and the thread was full of interesting post! I read on from that thread, to links about black pepper, citrus, calamus and other things with pronounced terpines that are effective (at least for some) in controlling anxiety resulting from over imbibing cannabis. Thanks for the link! I had never thought of aroma therapy for reducing paranoia from cannabis!:thumb:
Dear Oldbear, I'm here and happy to be joining your journey. It's funny how you mention that just getting groceries is a project in itself. One of my cognitive tests coming up is grocery shopping and following a recipe to make a meal. It sounds easy but there are several executive functions that are required to do this. Most people can do this no problemo, but myself, it's a monumental task that requires so much planning. Being prepared to be unprepared is how I view this task. Thank you for sharing your story and opening up the den in the woods.
Your 420 friend, ;)
Dear Oldbear, I'm here and happy to be joining your journey. It's funny how you mention that just getting groceries is a project in itself. One of my cognitive tests coming up is grocery shopping and following a recipe to make a meal. It sounds easy but there are several executive functions that are required to do this. Most people can do this no problemo, but myself, it's a monumental task that requires so much planning. Being prepared to be unprepared is how I view this task. Thank you for sharing your story and opening up the den in the woods.
Your 420 friend, ;)

hi gthm I'm delighted you came by. Im thinking out loud: newborns come with some basic functions built in. eat drink flush sleep make noise basic functions. Other wise we 'learn' to do things. Walk upright is a good example.

You have a need to relearn i think very much so. Good on you for being willing and able to do that. going to the store is an activity we train for for years until it is automatic. its like autopilot on a plane.

Imagine - you are rebuilding and regrowing damaged circuits in your brain. Your ECS must be involved in that.

Best wishes and congratulations for all your re-learning activities.

Bad timing alert: I'm back in town and the stores are all, well, nuts. I don't want to go into to a grocery store. I don't want to be near a grocery store. Or any other type of store. I will though - family adventures to get ready for.

Lesson learned - no plants in the house that stink uo the place.
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